ICE ZONE + Tortuga kind of Outpost

  • Firstly, the Ice Zone, there are few concepts made from players and I'd love to see this one day. I think we need some kind of snowy map. Or even seasons as in weather seasons, so make it happen.

    Secondly, I'd like a outpost, that acts like a Tortuga or any similar "safe zone" for pirates. Not with a real safezone, but strict rules instead and if someone breaks these rules, he gets marked on the map for everyone till he sinks or there are damned npc's pirates with their ships coming for him. This kind of theme.
    And on the island, there should be no places to sell your loot, but social interactions instead, like a small arena, where it's legit to fight, with bets maybe. And some other things that fit these themes. There could be voyages started, who all can work together and stuff like that. Like a social hub of some sort. Maybe let us upgrade this place with community events, so this place can get bigger and more fortified, so we can fight of the pirates who don't listen to the pirate codex of this place.

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    feedbackgeneralcommunitystory & loreevents
  • Firstly, the Ice Zone, there are few concepts made from players and I'd love to see this one day. I think we need some kind of snowy map.

    Doesn't fit into the Lore and Ideal of SoT background. And we dont "need" it, people want it but we dont need it.
    I can say tho, maybe add an underground Ice Cavern area/Zone.

    I'd like a outpost, that acts like a Tortuga or any similar "safe zone" for pirates.

    Why, and No.

    no places to sell your loot, but social interactions instead, like a small arena

    So like the Ferry of the Damned?

  • Doesn't fit into the Lore and Ideal of SoT background. And we dont "need" it, people want it but we dont need it.
    I can say tho, maybe add an underground Ice Cavern area/Zone.

    I don't agree on that, lore can change with time, they could find a way to fit that into the lore, it wouldn't be that hard to do either.
    Some say we need it, cause we lack diversity and i agree on that, we lack diversity when it comes to the map.

    Why, and No.

    Cause it would fit the pirate theme overall. I like the game to be more immersive.

  • The ice region gets suggested from time to time, because it's quite an easy thing to think about. The consensus tends to be that it doesn't fit the Caribbean, which is true.

    If something like that were to be, it'd make more sense in the Sea of the Damned or some kind of alternate dimension like that. So I'd say it's not entirely out of the question lore wise.

    @sgt-i-nohand said in ICE ZONE + Tortuga kind of Outpost:

    Secondly, I'd like a outpost, that acts like a Tortuga or any similar "safe zone" for pirates. Not with a real safezone, but strict rules instead and if someone breaks these rules, he gets marked on the map for everyone till he sinks or there are damned npc's pirates with their ships coming for him. This kind of theme.

    I'm personally not opposed to this idea, which people bring up from time to time too, but I suppose it's quite hard to figure out in a way that doesn't allow for ways players could abuse it. Even with that approach you mention, I bet there'd be tons of people breaking the rules on purpose just for the challenge of being a marked person or to see how long they can last against the NPCs. Then again, variations of that could be fun.

  • @sgt-i-nohand I would love to see a new ice region make into the game. You could also make it a seasonal change. Story wise, you could have a cold front blow in during the winter. You could have parts of the sea frozen over and snow covered islands. It would be awesome to have to watch for icebergs and blizzards that cause you to slip and slide around your ship.

  • The ice region gets suggested from time to time, because it's quite an easy thing to think about. The consensus tends to be that it doesn't fit the Caribbean, which is true.

    If something like that were to be, it'd make more sense in the Sea of the Damned or some kind of alternate dimension like that. So I'd say it's not entirely out of the question lore wise.

    for me, the Devil's Roar doesnt make a lot of sense either, if we have a realistic look over it, so when this can exist, a ICE-Region can exist, too.
    Could create a new kind of "frozen" enemy, that invaded the seas or just a cold wind, that's happened to haunt the place due to whatever reason. Plenty of ways to make it fit.

  • Would like to see frozen biom but not safe zones, your idea is a safe zone.

    An outpost outside of Adventure mode though like in Arena lobby could be great!

  • @sgt-i-nohand sounds fun but I would love a entire map too do quest in the ice zone I love where it's going.

  • An ice zone just feels very out of place in the tropics, maby with the magic and curses, a single cursed frozen island could work, but i dont think a whole zone.

    A tortuga style port would be great, but i would personally have different interpretations for it, but rare did say that the reason there are only outposts and not ports, is because they want to have a future for the world to change with, so its possible a larger island might turn into something big in the future, maby thieves haven in the future, theres a lot of change going on there after all, or one of the massive islands people dont like currently.

  • Ahoy!

    The team have no current plans to implement a feature such as this and it has been requested many times. That being said, I will be passing the request on to the Team.

    Dropping anchor on this now though before it turns into PvE vs PvP, a topic on which we have given our thoughts many times with regards to safe zones etc.

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