More cosmetics, buyable with gold

  • I just think the selection is small, that is all.

    I know there are battlepasses and whatnot, but i also run out of reason to farm gold in an instant, if you exclude those 1-3M ship decorations.

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  • There also needs to be generally more things to spend gold on (including cosmetics). Hoping Captaincy brings that to the table.

    Loot has become so easy to come by and so quick to rack up, but the things to spend it on have not kept up.

  • More do trickle in from time to time, but it has been a bit slow. And they are not always the preference of every player out there when they do, so your milage may vary on that unless your the type that just buys anything and everything (though even then they don't drop at a rate that will keep up with the earning power of many).

  • Yes please! For a game whose only form of progression is cosmetics this game seriously lacks cosmetics. 2 partial sets a season of 8 a year is honesty not enough. Other MMOs pumps out so much more cosmetic choices per patch (looking at WoW mainly) resulting in now with thousands of pieces of cosmetics to choose from on top of having other forms of progression. SoT should be at least rivaling other MMOs on the amount of cosmetics per major patch (aka Seasons) if not beating them!

  • @nitroxien It's not the quantity of cosmetics, it's their quality that counts. You can have more without using anything or have the ability to mix and match like in SOT.

    Yet I agree with OP, we need more items to use gold. Hopefully the new season will offer such opportunity.

  • They should invest more in customization, as this is the only reward it should be better.

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