Infinite Pirate Generator improvements

  • It's very difficult getting a character you're happy with, as many players know all too well. But reading up on how the Infinite Pirate Generator works, it seems to be that there are ways you could make the process easier for people.

    Simply allow us to limit the parameters of what gets generated. Say I want a female character, let me check a box to filter it so only female characters get generated. Or if I only want characters of the rogue personality type, allow me to check a box for that. This way, you'll still have to generate a random character but at least all 8 characters generated will be of the general type you're looking for.

    I just made my character yesterday and I am not joking when I say I probably spent 4+ hours clicking page down to generate new ones. I just made some coffee, put some documentaries on my second screen, and watched in the background while mindlessly clicking. Not the greatest experience ever, for sure, but I ended up with something I at least didn't hate. But it wasn't really what I wanted. I wanted a fatter character, something more like the pirate lord and his jolly rotundness, but ended up with what I can only describe as a shaved gorilla.

    I understand that the developers don't want a regular character creator because we'll end up with a lot of samey-looking characters, but even if you don't let people filter for different aspects of what gets generated you can still get what you're looking for with enough time and mindless clicking, so why not make it easier for people? Even with filters for the general type you still randomise everyting else, so I don't think it'll affect the diversity of character appearances in the game too much anyway.

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  • am not joking when I say I probably spent 4+ hours clicking page down to generate new ones.

    And that be a Y.O.U problem for spending such a long time when 3 hours and 55min easier you could be sailing.

    But I will only agree to maybe the gender Selection.

  • I still don't understand how this is a bad thing for some people, facilitating the customization process in a game with cosmetic rewards should be mandatory.

  • I can agree that gender selection should be a thing - but in terms of narrowing things down, that's about it.

    I think the ability to rotate, zoom in, change pose, or even see your pirate sans clothing/vanity items should be a thing to allow us to better see and choose the pirate we want. As is now, seeing where certain tattoos/scars are can be quite difficult.

    I also think a notification for new pirates informing them of what can be changed/not changed after selection would be a nice courtesy. For example, a new pirate to the Sea may not realize that they won't be able to remove certain scars, or might initially believe that they'll be stuck with that particular hair-style and color.

  • @burnbacon said in Infinite Pirate Generator improvements:

    am not joking when I say I probably spent 4+ hours clicking page down to generate new ones.

    And that be a Y.O.U problem for spending such a long time when 3 hours and 55min easier you could be sailing.

    But I will only agree to maybe the gender Selection.

    No that is a G.A.M.E problem because of an artificial RNG gambling time sink preventing people from getting the look they want (in a cosmetics based game) when it could be 1 button press away.

    Stop gatekeeping improvements to a bad system just because you dont personally care about it.

    Forum user: "we want this bad mechanic in PVP improved please"
    BurnBacon: "thats a YOU problem because I dont even PVP in this game"

  • @burnbacon there should be a gender selection at the very least. but at the same time saying its a you problem is counter productive, and could be used in the context of other improved aspects of the game, then nothing would get better.

  • Ive always thought that if you favorite a pirate, any new pirates you roll should be weighted towards that pirate's features. So if I have three slim old guys, the IPG should start giving me predominately skinny old dudes in the remaining three slots. Favoriting multiple pirates is counter productive because you just lessen the pool & increase the needle in the haystack experience of finding a character you really vibe with.

  • @r0guesquirrel said in Infinite Pirate Generator improvements:

    Ive always thought that if you favorite a pirate, any new pirates you roll should be weighted towards that pirate's features. So if I have three slim old guys, the IPG should start giving me predominately skinny old dudes in the remaining three slots. Favoriting multiple pirates is counter productive because you just lessen the pool & increase the needle in the haystack experience of finding a character you really vibe with.

    Favoriting pirates allows you to compare what you think you like with others.

    A long time ago, my brother took me to get new glasses. I had trouble finding what I wanted, so my brother asked me what I was looking for.

    "Thin/narrow glasses," I replied.

    "Which of these do you like better?" He asked as he held up 2 glasses.

    "That 1," I said pointing to the smaller of the 2. He discarded the other 1 and then grabbed another. We continued this compare/contrast process of elimination for about 10 minutes until I found something that I was happy with.

    The IPG works in much the same way. It doesn't limit the pool of choices, because that's infinite. It only limits how much you can see from the pool at any given time as you favorite certain pirates - but that's only if you don't find something better and continue discarding those you favorite.

    Ideally, you want to get to a point where either A] you have favorited all of them, and you then choose between those, or B] you have only 1 favorite, but it's a culmination of everything else you've been comparing/contrasting, until you find something resembling what you're looking for.

    And for the record, your pirate is never going to be perfect, because that defeats the purpose of being a pirate. They will all have flaws - the only question is whether or not they're flaws that you will be able to live with.

  • @galactic-geek {mod edit}

  • @r0guesquirrel your post was edited for going against our forum rules.

    As a reminder, please keep conversations courteous. Don’t insult players you don’t know. If humour is the intent, remember that this can be lost or misinterpreted online, and words can very easily offend. Be mindful of what you’re saying and if someone asks a question, see if you can help them out as you’d appreciate being helped out yourself if the roles were reversed.

  • I understand why Rare wanted to have a unique character creation system, but character creation is such a major part of a lot of games. I've come back and fourth to this game since it released and every time I'm surprised they haven't added more options for character creation.

    Personally I'd like to see the added option of being able to fine tune your character to your liking, but you still have the option to use the IPG if you want to. Or even some way to pay to fine tune your character, as much as I'd hate to see it be monetized, I'd at least like to see the option. At the very least, add a gender filter.

  • @cptnthreepwood I’m happy that posts like these are gaining momentum, I’m seeing this exact post a lot now

  • @cptnthreepwood Ahoy matey!

    Just going to hop in here to say, we have an active thread on this below.
    If you have more to add please do so to the following thread.

    Dropping anchor here to keep discussions in one place.

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