Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships

  • This is my first time posting here so hopefully this goes well.

    I have been playing SoT for a few months now and I have been loving the game and it’s quickly turning into one of my favorites. Last night however, I was playing SoT (date is 6/23/22 started around 10:30 PM) with one of my friends our intention was to unwind after a long day and have a good time. It was just us two so we were using a sloop and one thing we have been wanting to do for the longest time was the Fort of the Damned. Our biggest hurdle was trying to get all 6 lantern colors, but last night we finally got them. Long story short, we got the colors and started the fort and we actually beat it with just us two and we were so excited. Unfortunately, one thing I noticed once we got close to finishing was that there were two different ships in the distance anchored and just watching us (they were reapers of course). We finished it and started moving the loot and of course as soon we finish, the two ships closed in on us and stared fighting each other and sunk us to get our loot. Me and my friend were incredibly frustrated, we played for hours and tried so hard to get this loot and it got ripped from us by bigger ships that knew they could get away with it simply because they had a bigger ship and more players. We rage quit after that and we are both hesitant to play again because we have no other people to join us so it will always just be us two and as a result we will always be bullied by bigger ships.

    My suggestion would be, make people who compete the Fort of the Damned or anything like it immune or just give some kind of protection so that they can’t be bullied by bigger ships and have all of your time and effort go to waste.

  • 73
    feedbackgeneralxbox onecommunitywindows 10
  • @mistermeowza As frustrating as it seems what you require here goes against the rules of piracy.

    Next time use LFG and consider hiring a bigger crew. Keep always an eye on those ships in the distance, they are there to do exactly what you think they will.

  • It only goes to waste if the outcome isn't used as a resource to improve strategy for goals within the environment.

    Currently FotD is not efficient for a majority of players within the game. Extremely high risk for a reward that is not balanced for the risk/time now that other content has been released that is a more efficient option.

    You get to choose your risk comfort zone, there is enough content now to allow that.

    We are not entitled to loot or success we are just given opportunity to achieve it.

    Every pver that is organically succeeding in this game right now is doing so because they adapted and learned and implemented from the lessons of defeat. Set realistic goals based on your abilities and achieve them then set more. Be honest with yourself about what you can do right now and you will be consistent. It's not what we think we should be able to do it's what we can consistently do right now to move forward.

    You may not ever become great at fighting off pirates that attack, you never need that for success, it's all in efficiency, consistency, and strategy. Those are your tools, they can always be sharpened. Play, sharpen, play, sharpen.

  • Not everyone is allowed to have fun, especially if they have a better crew on their server!

  • @mistermeowza

    One option is to lock your loot inside the FOTD by triggering a second FOTD. If you move all your loot to one spot and start up the fort again. At least then the loot will be saved

  • @mistermeowza I’ve been playing since 2018 when SoT was first released, and the same type of thing happened to me and my sloop partner a couple of times. We both quit playing adventure and went straight to arena to sharpen our pvp and naval skills. Now, the 2 of us sink bigger crews that come after us all the time.

    What sucks for you, is arena is no longer an option to play…but I would recommend to go pvp as much as possible to defend your treasure!

    Cheers and good luck!

  • You weren't bullied, you started a server wide event which was brought in to encourage pvp interaction. I understand the frustration but fotd is still relatively rare so ships will contest it.

    I don't mean disrespect but if you're relatively new, the size of the ship attacking wouldn't have made much difference, experienced pvp'ers jump servers specifically looking for this kind of action

  • @mistermeowza

    Unfortunately, one thing I noticed once we got close to finishing was that there were two different ships in the distance anchored and just watching us (they were reapers of course). We finished it and started moving the loot and of course as soon we finish, the two ships closed in on us and stared fighting each other and sunk us to get our loot.

    So you were smart enough to be vigilant during the Fort, but didn't do anything with that information ?

  • FoTD is PvP. If you want PvE, go to the Sea Forts.

  • @mrat13 said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    FoTD is PvP. If you want PvE, go to the Sea Forts.

    "But they don't have the good loot or as much!"

  • @kommodoreyenser If thinking in the narrow mindset of 1 for 1, sure. But Sea Forts are stacked much easier, and draw no attention if you don't have an emissary, plus can be completed quicker.

    Really, you should compare like 6 Sea Forts to FoTD, maybe more if you struggle with FoTD.

  • So.... The most fun part of your adventure was going to be the bit where you shuttle loot across a dock and hand it to reps?

    It's only a waste if you didn't have fun.

    The thing I try to tell newer players is that they need to not get so attached to loot. Handing in loot is easily the most boring part of the game...make sure everything before that part was fun...and if you wind up not having to do that part, you didn't miss much.

  • Wait, wait, wait. You knew there was, not one, but two Reaper’s, both bigger ships, and you opened the vault anyway?!?!?

    I mean, who’s fault is that? Like, really?

  • @mrat13 said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @kommodoreyenser If thinking in the narrow mindset of 1 for 1, sure. But Sea Forts are stacked much easier, and draw no attention if you don't have an emissary, plus can be completed quicker.

    Really, you should compare like 6 Sea Forts to FoTD, maybe more if you struggle with FoTD.

    Yeah i was being super sarcastic. Likely the players who complain want the commendations and cosmetics for doing the “cool thing”. However they miss the point that if it were easy or never contested, then it all becomes the “boring thing that anyone can do given enough time”.

    No one goes “ohh wow look there’s a kraken/crab/parrot ship set crew” for a reason.

    Rarity or difficulty due to other crews contesting is literally what creates any kind of specialty to every single thing you earn in this game. We know that as well as any other experienced member of the community.

  • The issue here is not the size of the ships, I believe that if it were a Sloop with two more experienced players, your frustration would be the same.

    It's a piracy game, robberies must happen, they were just smart to wait for someone to do the event before stealing.

  • As Ramsey said to the Gold Hoarder “(you were) Wrong to believe that all that matters on a voyage is the reward at the end of it"

  • the size of the ship sounds like a cope. if you got caught off guard by not 1 but 2 ships at obvious time to check horizons, then you were most definitely sinking either way.

  • @mistermeowza
    You get, like, five kegs from that thing. The fog makes it hard to see into the water. The music muffles the sound of a boarder or of a fuse.
    Who needs cannons anyways?

  • @mistermeowza No. I main sloop and I disagree. You're just not skilled enough yet. Practice combat and you will be able to complete and defeat larger crews.

  • @like-500-ninjas, Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships içinde yazdı:

    @mistermeowza said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    This is my first time posting here so hopefully this goes well.

    I have been playing SoT for a few months now and I have been loving the game and it’s quickly turning into one of my favorites. Last night however, I was playing SoT (date is 6/23/22 started around 10:30 PM) with one of my friends our intention was to unwind after a long day and have a good time. It was just us two so we were using a sloop and one thing we have been wanting to do for the longest time was the Fort of the Damned. Our biggest hurdle was trying to get all 6 lantern colors, but last night we finally got them. Long story short, we got the colors and started the fort and we actually beat it with just us two and we were so excited. Unfortunately, one thing I noticed once we got close to finishing was that there were two different ships in the distance anchored and just watching us (they were reapers of course). We finished it and started moving the loot and of course as soon we finish, the two ships closed in on us and stared fighting each other and sunk us to get our loot. Me and my friend were incredibly frustrated, we played for hours and tried so hard to get this loot and it got ripped from us by bigger ships that knew they could get away with it simply because they had a bigger ship and more players. We rage quit after that and we are both hesitant to play again because we have no other people to join us so it will always just be us two and as a result we will always be bullied by bigger ships.

    My suggestion would be, make people who compete the Fort of the Damned or anything like it immune or just give some kind of protection so that they can’t be bullied by bigger ships and have all of your time and effort go to waste.

    Firstly, I agree with you.
    Secondly, never gonna happen.

    Griefing......"piracy".......comes first in this game, at all costs. Rare has made their stance clear: No changes will be made to anything, and if you don't like it leave...we won't miss you.

    Sucks but it's their game to ruin.

    So stealing a fort that was clearly meant to be fought over by design (AKA THE GIANT SKULL IN THE SKY) is griefing? Maybe you bought the wrong game perhaps?

  • @like-500-ninjas said:

    Griefing......"piracy".......comes first in this game, at all costs. Rare has made their stance clear: No changes will be made to anything, and if you don't like it leave...we won't miss you.

    Sucks but it's their game to ruin.


    That is NOT griefing in SoT. It's intended by design because of #BeMorePirate. You don't have to attack, kill, sink, and steal from other crews, but you do have to be vigilant and defend your loot at all times. Not doing so is foolhardy (and a learning experience we all go through).

    The ONLY ways to be griefed upon this Sea is through cheating, verbal abuse, or from your own crew; that's it - all of which is reportable through SoT's support site (be sure to provide proof!).

    Finally, this game set sail over 4 years ago, and the community has stradily grown ever since - so, yeah, not it's not "being ruined" as some mistakenly believe. In fact, they must be doing something right. 😉

    Happy sailing, @mistermeowza - don't ask the game to change because of your mistakes. I sincerely hope that you have learned from them.

  • @galactic-geek, Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships içinde yazdı:

    @like-500-ninjas said:

    Griefing......"piracy".......comes first in this game, at all costs. Rare has made their stance clear: No changes will be made to anything, and if you don't like it leave...we won't miss you.

    Sucks but it's their game to ruin.


    That is NOT griefing in SoT. It's intended by design because of #BeMorePirate. You don't have to attack, kill, sink, and steal from other crews, but you do have to be vigilant and defend your loot at all times. Not doing so is foolhardy (and a learning experience we all go through).

    The ONLY ways to be griefed upon this Sea is through cheating, verbal abuse, or from your own crew; that's it - all of which is reportable through SoT's support site (be sure to provide proof!).

    Finally, this game set sail over 4 years ago, and the community has stradily grown ever since - so, yeah, not it's not "being ruined" as some mistakenly believe. In fact, they must be doing something right. 😉

    Happy sailing, @mistermeowza - don't ask the game to change because of your mistakes. I sincerely hope that you have learned from them.

    This guy is on some other posts too. They managed to turn a passive tactic chat to a literal chair fight and anchor it. They are like that one employee who never-

    You get the point XD

  • You do realize that the fotd is the pvp event. The fort gives the second highest loot in the game and is player activated meaning players are usually at it doing it. It's whole pirpose was to be high risk high reward

  • @like-500-ninjas, Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships içinde yazdı:

    @thorumsu said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @like-500-ninjas, Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships içinde yazdı:

    @mistermeowza said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    This is my first time posting here so hopefully this goes well.

    I have been playing SoT for a few months now and I have been loving the game and it’s quickly turning into one of my favorites. Last night however, I was playing SoT (date is 6/23/22 started around 10:30 PM) with one of my friends our intention was to unwind after a long day and have a good time. It was just us two so we were using a sloop and one thing we have been wanting to do for the longest time was the Fort of the Damned. Our biggest hurdle was trying to get all 6 lantern colors, but last night we finally got them. Long story short, we got the colors and started the fort and we actually beat it with just us two and we were so excited. Unfortunately, one thing I noticed once we got close to finishing was that there were two different ships in the distance anchored and just watching us (they were reapers of course). We finished it and started moving the loot and of course as soon we finish, the two ships closed in on us and stared fighting each other and sunk us to get our loot. Me and my friend were incredibly frustrated, we played for hours and tried so hard to get this loot and it got ripped from us by bigger ships that knew they could get away with it simply because they had a bigger ship and more players. We rage quit after that and we are both hesitant to play again because we have no other people to join us so it will always just be us two and as a result we will always be bullied by bigger ships.

    My suggestion would be, make people who compete the Fort of the Damned or anything like it immune or just give some kind of protection so that they can’t be bullied by bigger ships and have all of your time and effort go to waste.

    Firstly, I agree with you.
    Secondly, never gonna happen.

    Griefing......"piracy".......comes first in this game, at all costs. Rare has made their stance clear: No changes will be made to anything, and if you don't like it leave...we won't miss you.

    Sucks but it's their game to ruin.

    So stealing a fort that was clearly meant to be fought over by design (AKA THE GIANT SKULL IN THE SKY) is griefing? Maybe you bought the wrong game perhaps?

    People don't fight over the forts. They wait like cowards, then when the fight is done they move in. And you defend that cowardice as a "tactic" which is sad in and of itself.

    If we attacked before you finished it, That would ruin the whole point of stealing. Also... You can just try to protect your loot.

    If you consider that cowardience, What do you recommend me to do when I see a FOTD? Just let them be?

  • @like-500-ninjas said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @galactic-geek said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @like-500-ninjas said:

    Griefing......"piracy".......comes first in this game, at all costs. Rare has made their stance clear: No changes will be made to anything, and if you don't like it leave...we won't miss you.

    Sucks but it's their game to ruin.


    That is NOT griefing in SoT. It's intended by design because of #BeMorePirate. You don't have to attack, kill, sink, and steal from other crews, but you do have to be vigilant and defend your loot at all times. Not doing so is foolhardy (and a learning experience we all go through).

    The ONLY ways to be griefed upon this Sea is through cheating, verbal abuse, or from your own crew; that's it - all of which is reportable through SoT's support site (be sure to provide proof!).

    Finally, this game set sail over 4 years ago, and the community has stradily grown ever since - so, yeah, not it's not "being ruined" as some mistakenly believe. In fact, they must be doing something right. 😉

    Happy sailing, @mistermeowza - don't ask the game to change because of your mistakes. I sincerely hope that you have learned from them.

    Not sure where you get your numbers from, but the concurrent live player counts have dropped steadily since launch. I'll say it again: 30 million unique players have played the game. Right now on Steam, 14k people are online. Add Xbox, only 220k. And it's a weekend.

    You're not being truthful.

    Also, I said it wasn't considered griefing in the game. I said Rare made that clear, and either go with it or leave is their attitude about it.

    This community is truly circling the drain.

    Concurrent players (players currently online at any given time) for ANY game ALWAYS drops over time, as the novelty wears off and as new games come out. That, however, is not a sign of a game dying, or even its loss of population; only its popularity. As long as numbers remain steady by having an influx of new pirates, the game can continue to do well and thrive. Besides you can't expect all 300 million pirates that have ever set sail to be sailing 24/7 - they have lives outside the Sea too, ya know. Also don't forget that the ONLY people with accurate numbers is Rare themselves (and they have said as much) - because they know exactly how many pirates are setting sail at any given time from Xbox Live, Steam, Windows PC, and even from mobile. Everything else is simply just conjecture.

  • @like-500-ninjas said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @thorumsu said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @like-500-ninjas, Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships içinde yazdı:

    @mistermeowza said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    This is my first time posting here so hopefully this goes well.

    I have been playing SoT for a few months now and I have been loving the game and it’s quickly turning into one of my favorites. Last night however, I was playing SoT (date is 6/23/22 started around 10:30 PM) with one of my friends our intention was to unwind after a long day and have a good time. It was just us two so we were using a sloop and one thing we have been wanting to do for the longest time was the Fort of the Damned. Our biggest hurdle was trying to get all 6 lantern colors, but last night we finally got them. Long story short, we got the colors and started the fort and we actually beat it with just us two and we were so excited. Unfortunately, one thing I noticed once we got close to finishing was that there were two different ships in the distance anchored and just watching us (they were reapers of course). We finished it and started moving the loot and of course as soon we finish, the two ships closed in on us and stared fighting each other and sunk us to get our loot. Me and my friend were incredibly frustrated, we played for hours and tried so hard to get this loot and it got ripped from us by bigger ships that knew they could get away with it simply because they had a bigger ship and more players. We rage quit after that and we are both hesitant to play again because we have no other people to join us so it will always just be us two and as a result we will always be bullied by bigger ships.

    My suggestion would be, make people who compete the Fort of the Damned or anything like it immune or just give some kind of protection so that they can’t be bullied by bigger ships and have all of your time and effort go to waste.

    Firstly, I agree with you.
    Secondly, never gonna happen.

    Griefing......"piracy".......comes first in this game, at all costs. Rare has made their stance clear: No changes will be made to anything, and if you don't like it leave...we won't miss you.

    Sucks but it's their game to ruin.

    So stealing a fort that was clearly meant to be fought over by design (AKA THE GIANT SKULL IN THE SKY) is griefing? Maybe you bought the wrong game perhaps?

    People don't fight over the forts. They wait like cowards, then when the fight is done they move in. And you defend that cowardice as a "tactic" which is sad in and of itself.

    You take this game far too seriously tbh

  • @like-500-ninjas said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    People don't fight over the forts. They wait like cowards, then when the fight is done they move in. And you defend that cowardice as a "tactic" which is sad in and of itself.

    The point of a free environment is that people get to play how they wish. They get to play to the strengths they have, they get to feed through the opportunity that arises.

    Attempts to shame personal choice with attacks on character goes against the foundation that supports your freedom to play how you want to play and how you want to strategize.

    If it is within the rules it is valid. It's not an indicator of character or a stain on personality.

  • @like-500-ninjas

    This is a shared world sandbox. Freedom is what we like. I am a reaper. I dont believe in honour. So what? You cant shame me for that. No loot is yours until you turn it in.

  • @mistermeowza said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    This is my first time posting here so hopefully this goes well.

    I have been playing SoT for a few months now and I have been loving the game and it’s quickly turning into one of my favorites. Last night however, I was playing SoT (date is 6/23/22 started around 10:30 PM) with one of my friends our intention was to unwind after a long day and have a good time. It was just us two so we were using a sloop and one thing we have been wanting to do for the longest time was the Fort of the Damned. Our biggest hurdle was trying to get all 6 lantern colors, but last night we finally got them. Long story short, we got the colors and started the fort and we actually beat it with just us two and we were so excited. Unfortunately, one thing I noticed once we got close to finishing was that there were two different ships in the distance anchored and just watching us (they were reapers of course). We finished it and started moving the loot and of course as soon we finish, the two ships closed in on us and stared fighting each other and sunk us to get our loot. Me and my friend were incredibly frustrated, we played for hours and tried so hard to get this loot and it got ripped from us by bigger ships that knew they could get away with it simply because they had a bigger ship and more players. We rage quit after that and we are both hesitant to play again because we have no other people to join us so it will always just be us two and as a result we will always be bullied by bigger ships.

    My suggestion would be, make people who compete the Fort of the Damned or anything like it immune or just give some kind of protection so that they can’t be bullied by bigger ships and have all of your time and effort go to waste.

    So you saw two ships, belonging to the faction based on stealing loot from other players no less, watching you do a high value event and you thought... what... they'd let you load up and shove off uncontested??

    In that situation, what you should have done was raised sails and anchor so you could get moving fast, finished the fort, grabbed the Chest of Legends and booked it, leaving the two Reapers to fight each other over the rest of the loot.

    If I do a Skelly Fort, or a FoF or anything like that, I do so in the full kmowledge that I'm broadcasting the existence of a sizeable haul to the entire lobby and I expect to fight for it. Last time I ran a FoF we had to fight off 2 ships and pull a bamboozle on a 3rd.

  • @like-500-ninjas said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @wolfmanbush said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @like-500-ninjas said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    People don't fight over the forts. They wait like cowards, then when the fight is done they move in. And you defend that cowardice as a "tactic" which is sad in and of itself.

    The point of a free environment is that people get to play how they wish. They get to play to the strengths they have, they get to feed through the opportunity that arises.

    Attempts to shame personal choice with attacks on character goes against the foundation that supports your freedom to play how you want to play and how you want to strategize.

    If it is within the rules it is valid. It's not an indicator of character or a stain on personality.

    I disagree.

    In addition, and by default, not everyone is allowed to play how they wish. PVP being forced means those that do not wish to fight can not play how they want and MUST fight.

    This means the game is not a true sandbox where everyone can play as they wish.

    I've been in thousands of fights that I didn't start and nobody ever made me do anything in this game.

    I made every choice, every decision. I chose to adapt. I chose to fight some choose to run some leave the server and start over. It's always a choice and it's always valid. There are no cowards in gameplay there are just pirates making decisions that they feel is right for them in an environment where that is built into the spirit of the game.

    Fighting isn't forced, winning just isn't guaranteed in this environment.

    Character isn't defined by the gameplay within this game.
    Nobody is forced to do anything.
    People aren't bad for exercising the freedoms they possess in a game.

  • @like-500-ninjas said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    I'm just going to have to respectfully agree to disagree with you on this.

    Thank you for the conversation though.

    Do you enjoy attacks on your character for making choices within the game that are right for you? Do you find negative views on your character over gameplay accurate?

    Your opinions are yours to hold but attacks on character contribute to the dismantling of community. One that you are a part of. One where you should be able to play this game without shame or being labeled.

    This leads to people not being able to enjoy an experience how they wish because of pressure and attacks against something that is nothing more than gameplay. Nothing is more important in adventure than a person being able to be themselves along the way into the unpredictable unknown.

    This applies to everything from cosmetic choices/styling, to running, to strategy and everything in between. People have the freedom to be themselves here and the only way to maintain that freedom is to not shovel shame and pressure into the environment.

  • @like-500-ninjas said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @wolfmanbush said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @like-500-ninjas said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    People don't fight over the forts. They wait like cowards, then when the fight is done they move in. And you defend that cowardice as a "tactic" which is sad in and of itself.

    The point of a free environment is that people get to play how they wish. They get to play to the strengths they have, they get to feed through the opportunity that arises.

    Attempts to shame personal choice with attacks on character goes against the foundation that supports your freedom to play how you want to play and how you want to strategize.

    If it is within the rules it is valid. It's not an indicator of character or a stain on personality.

    I disagree.

    In addition, and by default, not everyone is allowed to play how they wish. PVP being forced means those that do not wish to fight can not play how they want and MUST fight.

    No one is forced to fight other players in this game. Drive-by sell, rowboat play sell, scuttle, log out. All are valid options and involve zero fighting other players. If you CHOOSE to fight back to protect the loot on your ship, it is because you believe it to be valuable.

    Being "Forced" to fight is something that happens because players have terrible situational awareness and let other ships run right up to their side before reacting, trust a looking for alliance flag while the ship is approaching at a sketchy angle outside of cannon angle, or in general just naively approach other ships in an aggressive manner without realizing they are doing it.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    The point of a free environment is that people get to play how they wish.

    *Unless you are a PvE player.
    Because the ones who get to play how they wish are only PvP players, who dictate their playstyle to everyone around them on their server.

    @thorumsu said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    This is a shared world sandbox. Freedom is what we like. I am a reaper. I dont believe in honour. So what? You cant shame me for that. No loot is yours until you turn it in.

    Imagine proudly announcing that you do not believe in honour :P Well that's an achievement for sure.

  • @rustyaldrich said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    *Unless you are a PvE player.
    Because the ones who get to play how they wish are only PvP players, who dictate their playstyle to everyone around them on their server.

    I've pve'd literally every day that I have played and I've played consistently for years

    I've lost a tremendous amount of loot and been sank a very significant amount of times. I've also successfully completed a large majority of things within the game. Nobody ever stopped me from pveing.

    It's a shared environment and the servers are random.

    I don't always win but I always have the freedom to pve.

    What have I done that others can't do? absolutely nothing. Might not make as much as I have, might not kill or be killed as much as I have, might take longer to do some things but none of that matters because every pirate that plays this game can do what I have done as someone that pve's.

    We all knew the risk when we started. It's not unclear. The environment is dangerous and free.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    I've lost a tremendous amount of loot and been sank a very significant amount of times. I've also successfully completed a large majority of things within the game. Nobody ever stopped me from pveing.

    You're trying to say that during your playtime you've never had to stop doing PvE activity due to someone attacking your ship? That is literally impossible, unless you're lying of course.

    I'm not saying there's always someone who's stopping you from doing PvE. I'm saying that if PvP player choses to fight you, you have to stop doing everything you enjoy and engage in PvP with that player against your will, unless you just want to lose your loot. You don't have a choice of not fighting that person. You won't be able peacefully continue doing your votage, you won't be able to peacefully sell your loot.

    Of course the environment is dangerous and free. However it is quite dishonest to say that everyone in this game is able to do whatever they want. That's not the case for someone who enjoys only doing PvE content.

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