Strange new Galleon table spotted?

  • SoT posted this on Twitter earlier, but suspiciously enough, the tweet has now been deleted.
    Looks like a table with a drape over it, similar to the Emissary tables. Intriguing.

    alt text

    If my post is deleted and you never hear from me again, send help!

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  • @maidenofarkham probably something to do with captaincy update. They have been doing little leaks here and there on social media.

  • We don't talk about Bruno...

  • Maybe a table for playing Gin Rummy or setting up Costco samples upon?

  • @maidenofarkham It looks like an emmisary table. Perhaps it will allow captains and their crews to track how many other fellow emmisary ships are on a server?

  • @hijack-hayes I am all for the costco samples as long as people don't leave their dang carts in the middle of the walkway.

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