Cronus Zen / Steam - Cheat to win

  • Hi all, of course I will be submitting reports of players involved in my crews latest experience but my point in posting this is how many of you know about Cronus Zen Software? Also what is rares plan to stop people exploiting the game??

    People are using the steam platform on xbox live to exploit getting into xbox only servers. This has been an issue I have brought up personally in messages to mods on here and nothing gets done about it.

    We are east coast players and every night around 10 or so as people log off these toxic players get in and you know they are cheating because they are just GOD LIKE. And yes people cheat the game because rare has an entire report a player system acknowledging this happens. BUT WHEN will we get some information as to how they plan to combat it??

    Think I just make it up? Go to youtube and type in Sea of Thieves Underground (Sea's Aint Safe) Specific members will be submitted in a report but the community should know that xbox only servers is completely broken. (AND RARE KNOWS IT) Also as players come across these toxic individuals, its easy to look at their friends list and know they are all friends with each other.

    As a day one player we've put in our share of time so we see this stuff instantly... but MODS and DEVS need to start doing their job and ACT on the reports regarding these people. I wish some REAL mods would step up, message me, and work 1 on 1 in getting these gamertags banned.

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  • @vapor1080

    1- Cronus Zen is used by console players to cheat against other console players. It emulates a controller signal while using a mouse/keyboard, among other functions that are much more cheat-oriented. You still need Xbox hardware to get on an Xbox with controller server. (Now what they could be doing is using Xbox cloud gaming which utilizes a cloud Xbox series S or X coupled with a Cronus Zen, doubtful given the expense for such little advantage, but it's not through steam so not sure what your steam rant is about)

    2- The community you are talking about are mostly posting old arena footage with the 120FOV exploit clearly evident. You need to point to live actions of cheating and not video from months ago recorded with accounts that are most likely already banned.

  • @kommodoreyenser yea understood and my crew has the clips of it. Hopefully Rare does something. The one SS is from one guy asking why he got a yellowbeard

  • And before this it was a Xim. You still need to play on a console.

  • Rare don't care... just like they don't care the game is riddled with double gunners. So much for fixing the problem all those years ago..

  • @vapor1080 Ahoy matey!

    If you want to work on getting Gamertags banned, you should report any player you see in game or on online videos to our dedicated Player Support team using the online support tool.

    You can find out more bout how to do this using the link below:

    Dropping anchor here, as this only goes to promote the hacks and name call outs only go to cause a witch hunt.

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