Punishments for toxic players

  • We seriously need some kind of punishment for toxic behavior in this game. the whole excuse of "its a pirate game" doesn't cut it. it doesn't excuse players kegging their own ships or setting it on fire the second the vault opens.

    it doesn't cover sinking players with 0 treasure just doing tall tails saying they can have what ever they want on their ship. sinking them and the hunting them down on the island and killing them before they can even find and read the journal they're looking for.

    It doesn't cover players who sink you and don't even collect your treasure so it despawns and you have no chance of even getting it back. people play this game like its just death match. Also every game has hackers. In this game they're especially focused on these behaviors.

    It doesn't cover players who die on purpose and use a controller to spin in a circle in the death boat so they get free treasure....

    It doesn't cover 4 people teaming up on a solo slooper and not even sinking his ship. just have all 4 on the ship spawn killing them over and over while all screaming in there mics forcing you to mute them but only after they've already hurt you're ears. making you scuttle the ship because they wont leave or damage it....

    These people don't know how to play. By that I don't mean this game. I mean Play in general with other people.... they don't know how to have fun and games with people. There's a million games from video to board where the goal IS to screw over the person next to you. But it's done in a friendly manner. The kids on these ships DO NOT have a healthy mind set and are 100% doing everything for pure malicious purposes to try and hurt the PEOPLE playing. because the fun isn't in them winning but the suffering they inflict on others.

    I got put into a Chinese server once and it made my head tilt.... They board each others ship and talk first. see if they want to engage or not and regardless of the outcome the person who boarded then loads them self into a cannon and goes back to there ship and they go forward with what ever they planned. EVEN THE REAPERS DO THIS. you often have 2-3 ships at port together... when we showed up and there was two other ships my chinese crew mate was unfazed and told me not to load the cannons. when i got shot by a player's sniper rifle he yelled at him and asked him "what do you think you're doing?!" the player apologized and dropped 2 chests of the damned on the dock said that was for us and sailed off. this all happened before i could pull out my own sniper rifle and return fire. Another time a reaper boarded us and my crew mate told them we were just doing tall tails and didn't have treasure. the reaper then asked if I wanted the party sword and helped me get it. This was such a shock to me because the north american servers are toxic by AVERAGE. not by exception....

    If someone is ACTUALLY bad at the game they probably will lose interest. for the average player tho its gonna be win some lose some, but if every time you lose it's that much a toxic experience that will push players out of the community. more so if you're "losing" to your own crew mate who wants to sink the ship. it will ultimately kill the game.

    My best suggestion. because it's is mostly kid's and teens acting like this. have a "report to parent" feature. have a ticket go to xbox first and its not false the kid is saying hateful things and acting toxic in general to then forward those messages and voice chats to the parents. Irregardless of the motivations of the game that behavior is completely unacceptable. It might even have a great benefit of parents getting a sneak peak in their childs behavior when they're not around.... Because I think we have ALL played with that one 8 year old kid who's parent should really be supervising him better based on how they talk and act. Remember if we don't fix childrens behavior now. they grow up with it and then we're stuck with them like that as adults. Best case scenario they go to jail because its so unacceptable. worst case they plague humanity with their behavior for the next 60-70 years....

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  • @ska9735 said in Punishments for toxic players:

    Best case scenario they go to jail because its so unacceptable. worst case they plague humanity with their behavior for the next 60-70 years....

    alt text

  • @ska9735 so much of this is covered by very simply pointing out that every time you hit Set Sail, you immediately agree to the risks that come with this game - you may run in to other players, their goal may not align with yours. Point is, players are quite welcome to attack you whether you like it or not. They're not obliged to leave you alone just because you're doing a Tall Tale.

    There is however plenty of toxic behaviour described here. For that I simply say, take note of gamertags, record the behaviour, report it to Rare.

    Then just move on. It's really not worth stressing over.

  • @ska9735 I agree that crewmates setting your own ship on fire or kegging it wrong and you should report those players but as for sailing around and being sunk by crews even tho you say your doing a tall tale there’s little proof that you are plus if they are running Reapers you get emissary lvls from sinking ship not just stealing loot and the TTs have check points now if the server your on is to aggressive swish servers

  • @ska9735 said in Punishments for toxic players:

    it doesn't cover sinking players with 0 treasure just doing tall tails saying they can have what ever they want on their ship. sinking them and the hunting them down on the island and killing them before they can even find and read the journal they're looking for.

    There are checkpoints for that.

    It doesn't cover players who sink you and don't even collect your treasure so it despawns and you have no chance of even getting it back. people play this game like its just death match. Also every game has hackers. In this game they're especially focused on these behaviors.

    Most of the time it's not hacks, just skills. And even hacked players can be sunk easily with strategy and skill.

    It doesn't cover players who die on purpose and use a controller to spin in a circle in the death boat so they get free treasure....

    Just stop playing with these people, you are not obliged to stay on the same ship, just leave, enter another and block the person.

    It doesn't cover 4 people teaming up on a solo slooper and not even sinking his ship. just have all 4 on the ship spawn killing them over and over while all screaming in there mics forcing you to mute them but only after they've already hurt you're ears. making you scuttle the ship because they wont leave or damage it....


    These people don't know how to play. By that I don't mean this game. I mean Play in general with other people.... they don't know how to have fun and games with people. There's a million games from video to board where the goal IS to screw over the person next to you. But it's done in a friendly manner. The kids on these ships DO NOT have a healthy mind set and are 100% doing everything for pure malicious purposes to try and hurt the PEOPLE playing. because the fun isn't in them winning but the suffering they inflict on others.

    Fun is relative, just as you enjoy being friendly in a pirate game, people enjoy being pirates in a pirate game, and that's okay. There are several games where you can be a friendly pirate without other players attacking you.

    I got put into a Chinese server once and it made my head tilt.... They board each others ship and talk first. see if they want to engage or not and regardless of the outcome the person who boarded then loads them self into a cannon and goes back to there ship and they go forward with what ever they planned. EVEN THE REAPERS DO THIS. you often have 2-3 ships at port together... when we showed up and there was two other ships my chinese crew mate was unfazed and told me not to load the cannons. when i got shot by a player's sniper rifle he yelled at him and asked him "what do you think you're doing?!" the player apologized and dropped 2 chests of the damned on the dock said that was for us and sailed off. this all happened before i could pull out my own sniper rifle and return fire. Another time a reaper boarded us and my crew mate told them we were just doing tall tails and didn't have treasure. the reaper then asked if I wanted the party sword and helped me get it. This was such a shock to me because the north american servers are toxic by AVERAGE. not by exception....

    Toxicity is not acting like a pirate in a pirate game, you need to learn to differentiate first.

    If someone is ACTUALLY bad at the game they probably will lose interest. for the average player tho its gonna be win some lose some, but if every time you lose it's that much a toxic experience that will push players out of the community. more so if you're "losing" to your own crew mate who wants to sink the ship. it will ultimately kill the game.

    Or the person may simply improve their skills and become even more interested in the game. What kills the game is not the PvP, but the lack of understanding of how it works.

    My best suggestion. because it's is mostly kid's and teens acting like this. have a "report to parent" feature. have a ticket go to xbox first and its not false the kid is saying hateful things and acting toxic in general to then forward those messages and voice chats to the parents. Irregardless of the motivations of the game that behavior is completely unacceptable. It might even have a great benefit of parents getting a sneak peak in their childs behavior when they're not around.... Because I think we have ALL played with that one 8 year old kid who's parent should really be supervising him better based on how they talk and act. Remember if we don't fix childrens behavior now. they grow up with it and then we're stuck with them like that as adults. Best case scenario they go to jail because its so unacceptable. worst case they plague humanity with their behavior for the next 60-70 years....

    You can already report players being toxic, the game team analyzes each report and gives the appropriate punishment. The problem here is that you clearly don't know what it's like to be toxic in the game.

  • @luciansanchez82 Fair that was mostly geared to the phrase "its a pirate game" like the point is to STEAL something. The focus was mostly on showing how it really is about being malicious and not playing a pirate game. If their goal is not to attack ships but destroy the games community you gotta deal with those people... Reporting things to rare does nothing. I can simply attach my steam account to another xbox account. it also changes the gamer tag. I've yet to find a way to find a persons steam account attached to the game and I'm not sure if you even can.... I think they have to willingly give you their friend code. Good luck with that.

    And you're advice of "do whats already been being done since season 1" and for all of online gaming to date for that matter, and is doing nothing to curb that behavior at all, is bad advice.... it's not working. If it worked it wouldn't be this bad. If it wasn't hurting the community the servers wouldn't have to run 5 ships instead of 6 because of low player counts as they are now.. but it is doing these things. when i play for 3 hours and i get changed servers twice that tells me something. If we don't want to address the problem then expect the problems to grow and get worst.

  • @ska9735 said in Punishments for toxic players:

    And you're advice of "do whats already been being done since season 1" and for all of online gaming to date for that matter, and is doing nothing to curb that behavior at all, is bad advice.... it's not working. If it worked it wouldn't be this bad. If it wasn't hurting the community the servers wouldn't have to run 5 ships instead of 6 because of low player counts as they are now.. but it is doing these things. when i play for 3 hours and i get changed servers twice that tells me something. If we don't want to address the problem then expect the problems to grow and get worst.

    First bold is entirely subjective

    Second bold is related to performance of the servers and not poor behavior

  • I've already stated reporting does little for pc users. also the problem isn't we didn't punish the person for the specific act but the whole of gaming community pushing further towards that kind of behavior. the point isn't a person "forced to skuttle" its the fact the people boarded PLANNED on being cancerous with screaming into the mic trying to hurt peoples ears in REALITY because they wore a headset and dont have it cranked all the way down just in case some sshle has a air horn IRL. most of the cases im stating its not the sinking of the ship thats the problem but the mind set behind that behavior. i have had guys totally be like "You know what time it is...." and just take me out while im on an island and then say GG. they dont say your trash and kill them selves so they can yell at you on the ferry, because they know thats the way the game goes. some times you just dont have a chance and its just not fair and you can deal with it. it is what it is and it is Good game, Well played. I've been playing the game nethack for over a decade. i've never beaten it. that game can be so unfair its ridiculous but THATS THE GAME. i had no problems with that. some times life is unfair. some times in tetris you built your self into a corner and it just wont give you the pieces to get your self out. but people who learn the mechanics for the sole purpose of trying to extract as much misery out of people is a classification of exploits in my opinion and should be fixed... and in reality you dont want you public getting their satisfaction from the physical suffering of others. like trying to blow a person ear drums out playing a video game.... If that's there definition of fun I think its pretty safe to say that's unacceptable by the standards of the rest of humanity.

  • @ska9735 said in Punishments for toxic players:

    And you're advice of "do whats already been being done since season 1" and for all of online gaming to date for that matter, and is doing nothing to curb that behavior at all, is bad advice.... it's not working. If it worked it wouldn't be this bad. If it wasn't hurting the community the servers wouldn't have to run 5 ships instead of 6 because of low player counts as they are now.. but it is doing these things. when i play for 3 hours and i get changed servers twice that tells me something. If we don't want to address the problem then expect the problems to grow and get worst.

    Except that has nothing to do with the reason servers were lowered from 6 ships to 5. They were lowered in an effort to help server stability. Sadly it hasn't helped but that is the reason. Has nothing to do with a lower player count.

  • @ska9735 said in Punishments for toxic players:

    I've already stated reporting does little for pc users. also the problem isn't we didn't punish the person for the specific act but the whole of gaming community pushing further towards that kind of behavior. the point isn't a person "forced to skuttle" its the fact the people boarded PLANNED on being cancerous with screaming into the mic trying to hurt peoples ears in REALITY because they wore a headset and dont have it cranked all the way down just in case some sshle has a air horn IRL. most of the cases im stating its not the sinking of the ship thats the problem but the mind set behind that behavior. i have had guys totally be like "You know what time it is...." and just take me out while im on an island and then say GG. they dont say your trash and kill them selves so they can yell at you on the ferry, because they know thats the way the game goes. some times you just dont have a chance and its just not fair and you can deal with it. it is what it is and it is Good game, Well played. I've been playing the game nethack for over a decade. i've never beaten it. that game can be so unfair its ridiculous but THATS THE GAME. i had no problems with that. some times life is unfair. some times in tetris you built your self into a corner and it just wont give you the pieces to get your self out. but people who learn the mechanics for the sole purpose of trying to extract as much misery out of people is a classification of exploits in my opinion and should be fixed... and in reality you dont want you public getting their satisfaction from the physical suffering of others. like trying to blow a person ear drums out playing a video game.... If that's there definition of fun I think its pretty safe to say that's unacceptable by the standards of the rest of humanity.

    You're lumping in many for the actions of a few in a random scenario full of random outcomes and interactions.

    I think your posts contain valid preferences but imo it comes across as an attempt to control and punish based on preferences rather than a pursuit of accountability for rule breaking.

    Freedom of the environment still contains rules and enforcement but those rules are based on holding personal targeting and harm accountable, not enforcing based on personality preferences and differences.

    You are free to adapt and adjust your own access and time but your personal preferences should hold no power over the access of others nor used as justification for strict and restricting punishment for others.

  • @wolfmanbush wolf…this is just the thing…its not just a few people that act that way.

    it happens all the time everyday to many players. what he is describing is toxic behavior period. its not subjective its fact.

    he was being harassed and they broke the rules period. hopefully he reported them.

  • @madfrito99 said in Punishments for toxic players:

    @wolfmanbush wolf…this is just the thing…its not just a few people that act that way.

    it happens all the time everyday to many players. what he is describing is toxic behavior period. its not subjective its fact.

    he was being harassed and they broke the rules period. hopefully he reported them.

    Except most of the stuff he is complaining about is people playing the game as designed and is not toxic. Like you, he has a basic misunderstanding as to what actually constitutes a toxic player - and attacking others with no treasure or being on a Tall Tale is most definitely not toxic and allowed. You signed on for any combat once you hit the Start Game option as it is a PvPvE game based on piracy and everything that goes along with it (which includes sinking ships for no good reason...or at least one's you may not be privy to).

    One example he gave that could be close to "toxic' is the one where players are attacking their own boat/crew, but I wouldn't go that far in labeling it as that - definitely griefing and immature, but not necessarily "toxic" (but could be). I'd still report it though, but under poor sportsmanship and not toxicity (unless the situation warranted it). The only definite example given is the spawn camping while keeping the boat afloat while verbally abusing them. That was the ONLY example of toxicity given. Everything else was just whining.

  • @madfrito99 said in Punishments for toxic players:

    @wolfmanbush wolf…this is just the thing…its not just a few people that act that way.

    it happens all the time everyday to many players. what he is describing is toxic behavior period. its not subjective its fact.

    he was being harassed and they broke the rules period. hopefully he reported them.

    A majority of people on a majority of servers avoid conflict entirely or fight when they deem it necessary but are not actively looking for conflict.

    If the above statement was not true the organic experience would look very different. There would not be the common sessions where people go hours without conflict or even interaction.

    An individual's journey is complex. Randomness/luck and reactions contribute heavily to how sessions go and that creates unique experiences for the individual. Essentially it means that a person can have a really tough time with luck and randomness but with adapting and effort they can change their stars to a reasonable degree.

    We will use me as an example.

    I have over 10k hours. I've had thousands of encounters and thousands and thousands of fights with crews that were hostile towards me.
    I play solo and open crew organically. Very small amount of contrived situations, random encounters with random people nearly all of the time.

    This is a pretty deep sample pool to work with.

    I have seen just about everything that ends up in threads like these. I've seen objective toxic behavior and by objective I mean clear violations of the rules.
    I've seen a significant amount of escalation by two or more parties with a large variety of results.

    Cringe is common, people escalating is common, accusations are common, people wanting to control others through verbal/text interaction is common. Relatively minor issues/beefs that are not objective toxicity but can lead to it if someone doesn't abandon the escalation.

    My approach to all of it from minor beef to random objective toxicity has been to strive to remove myself from the scenario when things show signs of being something that bothers me personally or something is escalating in a way where I cannot be a useful resource in deescalating the situation. I focus on my strategy, on my knowledge of the environment, on how to achieve my goals as a pirate and a person playing as a pirate.

    This doesn't mean it's always easy. I get frustrated, I get tempted to engage in a way that I would not agree with upon reflection later on. It's a choice every time and a dedication to piratical well being.

    The effects of effort, dedication, and focus on moving forward in a positive direction minimizes the effects of negative happenstance. A pirate cannot control the harshness they randomly run into but they control how they react to it, how they respond to it, how they distance themselves from it, how they move forward.

    None of us are perfect, we make mistakes, we lose our consistency, that happens. I make mistakes every day, I don't always communicate how I wish I did or approach a situation how I wish I had, Get up, dust off, move forward away from the negative thoughts about self and others. It creates a manageable pirate life, one filled with many different valuable experiences.

  • Toxic behavior in this type of game. Where the player acts like a pirate is very difficult for some people to tell the difference.

    Sinking players, without knowing!!!, if the other ship even has treasure. It not like people listen to people when they text or mic

    Only reasonable toxic behavior is when they chat or text something nasty that goes against the code of online gaming among those who actually care.

  • Again fellow buccaneers I suggest you to read and uphold the Code of Conduct. It is important to understand what is toxic behavior and what is just getting frustrated while playing a game about piracy.

    Rule of the thumb, when in doubt just report and move on!

  • @wolfmanbush yeah why I'm bringing it on the forums. of course i have my own grievances. Also im human and every example i put might not be the best examples but they're my personal examples. ive read countless others griping about the same thing. i'm not trying to be a dictator telling you people how it needs to be for me to be here... i put a suggestion. the focus seems heavily focused on what i got wrong then what i got right and the little focused on what i got right is "do something that has no effect what so ever"....

  • @ska9735 said in Punishments for toxic players:

    @wolfmanbush yeah why I'm bringing it on the forums. of course i have my own grievances. Also im human and every example i put might not be the best examples but they're my personal examples. ive read countless others griping about the same thing. i'm not trying to be a dictator telling you people how it needs to be for me to be here... i put a suggestion. the focus seems heavily focused on what i got wrong then what i got right and the little focused on what i got right is "do something that has no effect what so ever"....

    There are many pirates in this game that do not have social connections surrounding the game. They play and they are subjected to frustrations and sometimes malicious treatment.

    The reason I talk like I do and write novels about these topics like I do is because nobody is going to be there for them a large majority of the time. They don't have devs or mods on standby, they aren't creating content, they have to face these random difficult scenarios by themselves.

    Rules get enforced after the harm is done. Enforcement is a tool for accountability but the individual has to be there for themselves to handle these situations in a way that allows them to manage their experience in a positive way.

    The only power most people in the game have is their power to stand up for themselves out there. That doesn't mean fight, that doesn't mean escalate, it means taking the steps necessary to get themselves out of negative situations and on a path of opportunity to find positive ones.

    If people want to report and go that route that is their choice to do. I'm interested in seeing the individual getting themselves through it. No one else is going to get them through it. People are capable and deserving of reaching their full piratical potential. It cannot be done with more rules and more control of how others play and engage, it can only be done with dedication to approaching difficulty and unpleasantness in a random environment with an openness to adapting and implementing positive changes to an individual's journey.

  • @wolfmanbush talking about reporting. do you know how many steam users i personally have had to tell to hit the windows key + G then open the social tab and at that point they go "I GOT SO MANY MESSAGES IS THIS WHAT THAT NOISE WAS?!".... so the majority don't even know how to report people. and the game doesn't exactly tell you who killed you or give you an idea of who to ACTUALLY report... when im in a fog so thick i can't even see the ship. and i dive under water and im getting sniper shot from an enemy i can't even see and i find that suspicious enough i want to report them. who do i report?? if theres 4 on a ship and only one is hacking do i simple report all 4 people?? how can anyone expect that to be a reasonable approach. for every hacker they have to skim through 2-4 players to find out which one actually was if anyone of them were at all.

  • Iiiiim gonna leave this one alone

  • @lackbarwastaken
    Unnecessary Mate... This is indeed a toxic comment... I could say that it isn't called sea of psychotic murderers either... Instead i agree with Most ppl here that the only toxic behaviour stated is spawncamping while verbally abusing you... Please don't Leave such Posts Mate... We are better then that.. :)

  • @pabio-escobar
    You too Mate... Pls don't Leave such Posts.... It was Just an experience He told about and it is in my oppinion indeed a cool gesture... Remember that we shall Sail together... :)

  • @luciansanchez82 said in Punishments for toxic players:

    There is however plenty of toxic behaviour described here. For that I simply say, take note of gamertags, record the behaviour, report it to Rare.

    The issue is, we shouldn't have to add a part-time administration job of filing paperwork just to enjoy Sea of Thieves.

  • I don’t think community is toxic on this game. If it was to be described as a thing it would more likely be woke than toxic.
    Seems to me like there are altogether to many gamers on this game that are offended by quite literally everything.
    That’s my 10c anyway

  • @pabio-escobar said in Punishments for toxic players:

    I don’t think community is toxic on this game. If it was to be described as a thing it would more likely be woke than toxic.
    Seems to me like there are altogether to many gamers on this game that are offended by quite literally everything.
    That’s my 10c anyway

    I disagree with the "woke" labeling and "offended by everything" is dismissive and fairly irrelevant a lot of the time to issues imo.

    The main issues imo stem from escalation, socializing/judging within bubbles, building social status upon a tattle tale approach to interactions (reporting is within the freedom of an individual but the "got 'em/ get 'em" approach is damaging and flawed imo), unnecessary piratical power flexes within a shared environment (this includes a significant amount of passive aggressive and condescending treatment) .

    This leads to a significant amount of hypocrisy, negativity, enabling each other's negative behavior, and a lack of individual accountability and accountability within the bubble.

    The community is diverse as individuals and within their beliefs but that doesn't make it "woke". There are individuals that attempt to bring outside influences into forums or into the game but it's not overwhelming or controlling the community from what I've seen.

  • Of note, please make sure we aren't baiting or trolling as noted in our Forum Rules.

  • @vprogamer1086 Can confirm this..... We saw a dude flying around in the sky. wasn't sure if it was a mod at first but reported him regardless. but you know if we're gonna have cheaters either way. I'd rather have one that uses it to get easy skins instead of torture people while pretending its actually skill and calling people trash and trying to make them feel like they're bad at the game when in reality that had very little chance of winning pvp.... like we're all total strangers and they're acting like jerks so its not like they trying to impress us and be our friend. they're doing it to try and hurt peoples self worth. like I said the base of this is pure malice, not fun and games. they WANT to hurt people ANYWAY they can.

  • @liantherx said in Punishments for toxic players:

    Of note, please make sure we aren't baiting or trolling as noted in our Forum Rules.

    I'm guessing this is in response to the two peoples messages that were deleted??? I didn't get to read them so context is missing to this statement. If I did something wrong I'm ignorant to what that would be. unintentional tho.

  • I don't know if it's been mentioned above before, but Rare IS listening to everything you say and do. You don't follow those rules of conduct, you'll be rewarded with a Yellowbeard as a warning. Keep breaking the rules and your grand prize is a Redbeard.

    As for how to get your account back if you were falsely accused of cheating by someone or if someone cried wolf over and over...I'm not sure. I wish I had this info when I got Yellowbearded a year ago for reasons I don't understand. Caught a cheater with perfect precision and reported them for cheating, but a day later I was thrown out of the seas for a few days.

  • @wcpsycho again. most people dont even know how to report people. especially the PC crowd that doesn't know about the windows key + G and even when you do. it doesn't tell you who killed you. you need to enable speech to text to know who was saying what to you. you need to again know about xbox menu then go to recently played with click the sea of thieves tab and guess which one of the 2-4 players at the top of the list is the one that you think is hacking.... people are well aware of this games failings and the problems cross play has brought and next to no one reports people. things like putting a banana on the stove and leaving. the next person who joins and doesn't notice that is gonna be the one blamed cause it takes like 5 mins for the ship to actually catch on fire. and if the offender isn't actually reported then they dont get punished. the innocent person simply is let off the hook which to the reporter makes it further look like reporting does nothing.

    Here's another suggestion for the rare devs. youtube videos of people watching games for cheaters like in csgo are pretty popular. if the rare devs made cheater/griefer hunting into a youtube series it would make the position pay for its self. it would bring a ton of faith to the community. it would make cheaters and griefers actually think twice. also unlike with the csgo over watch videos. these are devs and are handing out actual bans.... and not like before where some streamer simply said they were getting screen sniped and have them banned in real time in that match. these are games that have already been played and been reviewed after the fact. theirs no interacting with the person they're simply punished and you can hear the thoughts of the dev as they hand out judgments....

  • @ska9735 said in Punishments for toxic players:

    Here's another suggestion for the rare devs. youtube videos of people watching games for cheaters like in csgo are pretty popular. if the rare devs made cheater/griefer hunting into a youtube series it would make the position pay for its self. it would bring a ton of faith to the community. it would make cheaters and griefers actually think twice. also unlike with the csgo over watch videos. these are devs and are handing out actual bans.... and not like before where some streamer simply said they were getting screen sniped and have them banned in real time in that match. these are games that have already been played and been reviewed after the fact. theirs no interacting with the person they're simply punished and you can hear the thoughts of the dev as they hand out judgments....

    Coexisting mostly peacefully most of the time is a goal that sot largely achieves

    but it's a delicate situation

    targeting and hunting individuals being encouraged or incentivized is extreme escalation and will destroy what they have built

  • @wolfmanbush sounds like you just enjoy the problem and don't wanna see it fixed. if not whats your suggestion for changes???

  • @ska9735 said in Punishments for toxic players:

    @wolfmanbush sounds like you just enjoy the problem and don't wanna see it fixed. if not whats your suggestion for changes???

    I filled your thread with what I think is the path to improvement of the environment.

    Individuals that are willing to dedicate to consistency when it comes to deescalation and moving on and away from negative random scenarios will be improving the environment around them.

    Individuals that are willing to exercise benefit of the doubt, report what they feel they need to report without using it as a social status advantage, and reducing serious public accusations against others down to incidents where there is ample and/or strong evidence of wrong doing will be improving the environment around them.

    The only way to improve is consistency. Rules aimed at control and enforcement don't change people it causes people to adapt for a similar outcome, people change themselves when they reflect and decide they want to change how they approach the day. Excessive restrictions and punishment only make the environment more harsh to be around, it doesn't make it healthier.

  • @wolfmanbush those punishments only work through being anonymous. if you tried to play like that with your friends and family they simply wouldnt play with you.... you'd be banned effectively. only thought match making did that force that engagement with players with bad reputations. Also your solutions all revolve around "you need to change so they dont grief you anymore" it doesn't work. it never works.... the problem continues. and is rampant. i play just about every day and it is how i end my games 4/7 days of the week... maybe your area has popular servers and so you rarely are put out side of those servers and have decent players in them. so you just dont see it. i don't know but i do know this is my experience with the game. I almost feel like making a second account for the sole purpose to act as toxic and cancerous and break as many rules as possible and document every second of it just to show you. those players dont get banned. nothing happens to them. their inexcusable behavior is excused. so few are even skimmed off the top you dont even notice.... unless people start to notice a trend of actually banning hackers and griefers it will not effect the influx of these kinds of people.

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