Remove Double Gun

  • And replace it with quadruple gun/sword. Everyone has the same loadout of all weapons. Have 10 bullets shared between all 3 guns.

    That way there's no more sword lord vs toxic double gunner arguments.

    There's no more wasting time switching loadouts to min/max each situation.

    There's more skill involved being able to choose the right weapon on the fly for the biggest advantage.

    The weapon box would still be a thing for changing cosmetics/switching order of weapons.


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  • @wsurftvveeds said in Remove Double Gun:

    And replace it with quadruple gun/sword. Everyone has the same loadout of all weapons. Have 10 bullets shared between all 3 guns.

    That way there's no more sword lord vs toxic double gunner arguments.

    There's no more wasting time switching loadouts to min/max each situation.

    There's more skill involved being able to choose the right weapon on the fly for the biggest advantage.

    The weapon box would still be a thing for changing cosmetics/switching order of weapons.


    "No more toxic double gunner", instead we'll get triple gun cheese.

    No thanks.

  • Lol, perfect solution, now its perfectly... ahem... balanced

  • Nah. Just require a sword and allow 2 guns of choice. Still only 5 bullets.

  • @pithyrumble sword and 2 guns is probably better than my suggestion, and is good for the same reasons. As you can tell I didn't put much thought in to it.

  • Or we could leave it as is for now until hitscan becomes a thing which was talked about in one of the recent podcasts. Then revisit weapon damage when hit reg isn't so much of an issue.

  • I dont see the problem with double gun, people keep saying that there is a problem for some reason.

  • Agreed, they could also remove the guns entirely, sword is all we need for the genuine pirate experience!1!

    I hope this is a troll post; I commented on it like it was but if it's genuine, sorry.

  • @lt-l00t said in Remove Double Gun:

    I dont see the problem with double gun, people keep saying that there is a problem for some reason.

    Most of the time, pirates be getting upset about a potential exploit while using double guns; not the actual act of using double guns itself. The exploit was unfortunately named the double gun exploit, or DGE, which was rather unfortunate and has given the playstyle a bad rap ever since.

    The irony is that you can easily replicate the exploit by timing 1 shot with the 1 shot of a friend against a single enemy.

    Bang! Bang! You just got shot down! 😵

  • @galactic-geek not only that, I have found recently from sailing with a South African pirate that sword is simply not possible for them as a tactic due to their high ping.
    They have to double gun in order to stay remotely competitive as swords are so easily missed for them.

    You're right though for sure; the original exploit has caused a lot of ill-will towards those who still use it.

  • @galactic-geek Yeah, it really has. The amount of times I’ve been ‘reported’ for using double gun is insane. None of these people did report me, but boy, they made a point about it.

    At least Rare has stopped the quick swap from being that much of an issue.

  • @galactic-geek i dont see any expoit imo, the ability to shoot your guns 0.2 seconds faster doesnt mean you will hit your shoots also the fact that most of the times you have to shoot run away and shoot again, there is also the issue of hitreg and server stability so... using 2 guns and sprint canceling will not over power a guy using a gun/sword, also people need to understand that you have 2 weapon slots, you dont just have a sword, you also have gun that you can use... just saying

  • here is a bright idea, why not just make it so it takes more time to switch guns instead of grabbing my blunder buss then sniper at lightning speed like it was intended too before the exploit was discovered...

  • @gallerine5582 said in Remove Double Gun:

    Agreed, they could also remove the guns entirely, sword is all we need for the genuine pirate experience!1!

    I hope this is a troll post; I commented on it like it was but if it's genuine, sorry.

    or we can remove swords as well! use your fists! all out pirate brawl! 25 strong swings from the big beefy pirates and you're out cold! then we can hear complaints about the double fist exploit XD

  • @lt-l00t said in Remove Double Gun:

    @galactic-geek i dont see any expoit imo, the ability to shoot your guns 0.2 seconds faster doesnt mean you will hit your shoots also the fact that most of the times you have to shoot run away and shoot again, there is also the issue of hitreg and server stability so... using 2 guns and sprint canceling will not over power a guy using a gun/sword, also people need to understand that you have 2 weapon slots, you dont just have a sword, you also have gun that you can use... just saying

    You don't measure balance on what ifs, or the lowest skill level.

    Furthermore, hit-reg, while a factor during play, should also not be considered as a factor because it's a separate issue from balance (it's a networking issue).

    Sprint-canceling is very effective, but it's dependent on the skill of the sword-user. Are they charging straiat you and spamming, or are they circle strafing and dodging? Whichever it is makes all the difference.

    Finally, you actually have 3 weapon slots - 2 for the sword and/or firearms, and then 1 for your throwables, or bombs. You might even count up to 4 if you're also carrying a trident of dark tides, ashen winds skull, or gunpowder barrel.

  • They need to definitely do this because I think it’s not such a pirate game if it’s just guns. I always use the pistol and sword since season 2 (mostly). If we add more swording then it would actually be a pirate game.

  • @dawn-piercer said in Remove Double Gun:

    They need to definitely do this because I think it’s not such a pirate game if it’s just guns. I always use the pistol and sword since season 2 (mostly). If we add more swording then it would actually be a pirate game.

    Oh, I’m sorry. I thought everyone who sailed on the Seas was a pirate, not just those who use a sword…

  • @dawn-piercer Exactly my thoughts. I'm playing Sea of Thieves to feel like a pirate. If I wanted gun play I would play pubg, cod etc. Please RARE, do something about this. Guns are okay but double gunning is ruining the experience.

    A- Make Sword mandatory, and give player the gun they want in secondary slot.
    B- Lower the gun damage. At least to CurrentDMGs * 0.7
    C- (This is the one I prefer, but can be an overkill against gun users) Use options A and B at the same time.
    D- Make sword only servers and everyone is happy :)

    I respect your play style guys/girls but seriously, if you like gunplay why are you playing a pirate game? I want intense sword fights in such game (existing sword system should be also modified accordingly).

  • @thesoulcry First of all: don't go and revive posts that are months old.

    Secondly: if you're playing sea of thieves (a fantasy pirate game) to feel like a pirate, and don't like people that fight differently from you, then you're playing the wrong game.
    Double gunning is definetly not ruining anything. if anything is runing pvp, it is the m1 spam sword meta combined with these terrible servers.

    Third: All these solutions are bad & nobody should force a playstyle on others just because you don't like their playstyle. If you don't know how to deal with it, then learn & adapt instead of wanting rare to solve you're problems.

    You ask "Why are these players playing a pirate game because they like guns?", when pirates also used guns...
    Because this is a fantasy pirate game, its a one of a kind game that is for everyone & everyone likes to play different playstyles. This same pirate game that has krakens, skeletons, ghosts, jack sparrow, davy jones, the afterlife & more. So you can't compare SoT to you're average pirate game when it is so different in many ways.

    I could also say, if you want more sword play, how about you go and play chivalry or mordhau instead? You see how silly that sounds?

  • OT but honestly, the sword is nearly as broken as hit reg, or possibly as much. Blocks don't register, lunges hit and register, but you get the stun cool down anyway, on and on. The entire combat experience is janky.

    As it is, you can double-gun and if you miss the 2nd (we'll use snipe pistol for ex) tap you can always sprint cancel into a blunderbomb spam for the finish, so there's a three weap loadout (technically)

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