Tips on solo sloop kraken encounter?

  • I need any tips on how to defeat/run away from the kraken as a solo sloop player. I've gotten over getting attacked by other players and can avoid it for the most part. Have to say though, everytime I get attacked by the kraken it's over. I get knocked off my ship one time, im sunk. Seems like a pretty unfair mechanic for a solo player.

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  • typically it's 2 tentacles and 6 cannonballs for a sloop

    when you get kraken'd go for one tentacle instantly before they starting sucking

    whenever the kraken starts trying to suck you up run downstairs until it ends and run back out to take out another tentacle to finish it

    as you get more practice you can often take out 2 tentacles before the first suck attempt

  • @the-cable-dood If you find yourself in a bind with the Kraken just turn your ship until you get full billow. Stay hidden from the tentacles and keep repairing until you are out of the Kraken. Keep in mind that in case of flail attack you have to reposition the ship.

  • Some additional tips along with the above:

    If the ship gets wrapped by a tentacle there will be one in the water closer to the ship and lower than normal in the water - shoot that one to get it to release.

    If you want to run, as soon as you hear the little music cue that it is spawning crank the wheel and drop anchor to do an anchor turn. When it spawns you will always be at the far end of the radius (so you start by entering the radius). Get the anchor up fast and start sailing back the direction you came from. You'll get out of the slowing ink really fast and can then avoid it. You need to do this right away though, cause as soon as the music cue happens, and before the ink forms, you are at the radius edge (this allows you to sail a little ways in before the ink forms and slows you to better trap you in it, so you must act fast).

    Remember that, if you do fight, your Sloop won't sink immediately with just a few holes. Focus on killing tentacles first. When you do finally go to repair, bucket first and get the water level down and then patch a couple holes. If needed swap back to bucket and lower the level again and then patch more.

    Those, with the above tips, and you should be good to go.

  • Also shoot at the heads/mouths.

  • @the-cable-dood for starters you only need to take out 2 or 3 tentacles which is 5 cannon balls each if you start getting sucked go below deck until it’s safe to stack again if it wraps your ship look for the closest tentacle and shoot that as for running do a 180 and sail outb

  • I clipped this to give you a better visual.

    This was a situation where I got 6 hits, 3 hits on 2 tentacles (2 of the shots made the noise and animation but no hit marker, which happens in pve from time to time.

    In many situations this would have been enough and the kraken would have been vanquished right there.

    It didn't do the job so adapting to the situation is required.

    I took a poor gamble there when the suck stage started. It's alright for me because I have a lot of experience but you're going to want to not gamble on sticking around on deck while they are in the suck stage as long as I did. I risked getting sucked up even though I knew that the first tentacle didn't go down so I didn't just take poor odds I took nearly impossible odds by risking the suck. No reason to do that, my mistake is a good example for you to see what not to do.

    One tentacle wraps around the boat. I don't use my personal weapons because I know that the cannon shots will register on the tentacle wrapped near the cannon. The cannon is much more efficient and powerful so I use that to my advantage.

    At this point I focus on speed of the kill over repairing as I know I don't have a lot of damage or water yet and I want to neutralize the threat.

    You may prefer to play it safer and keep up on holes and water, that is ok but it prolongs the fight and may create more unfortunate situations to deal with. Sometimes pvp as people will use your kraken to their advantage

    Pve can be inconsistent which is why speed is important, it cuts down on chances for for more unpredictability.

    I'll try to edit in another clip or two in here at some point just so you have visual examples as a resource while you find the strategy that works best for you

    Now this one I got the first tentacle (meaning my gamble makes more sense here on the second for speed) but the second did an unpredictable move and prolonged it a bit. You can see I lowered the anchor at the start, I always do as a solo in this situation. The reason: I don't want my ship to move if I lose access to it and I also don't want the tentacles to keep moving, a moving ship means relocating tentacles more often. I want it done as fast as possible for that situation. For the second tentacle I look for the closest and easiest shot for a tentacle and I didn't have a close one so I went for the available tentacle with longer shots.

    another clip

    another clip

    on this clip you can see I aim lower on tentacles and let the waves guide me rather than jerking the cannon around. Feel the rhythm, feel the rhyme. This allows me as a solo to hit the shots I need to hit.


  • @the-cable-dood The kraken is unable to spawn if there is an active world event, so if you see any of the skull clouds, ship cloud, tornado etc, you are safe until they go down. Then just wait at an island until a new one appears in the sky.

  • keep spinning your boat and hit the tentacles, super easy once you get the hang of it.

  • @foxdodge said in Tips on solo sloop kraken encounter?:

    @the-cable-dood The kraken is unable to spawn if there is an active world event, so if you see any of the skull clouds, ship cloud, tornado etc, you are safe until they go down. Then just wait at an island until a new one appears in the sky.

    ^This should always be your first move. When you're solo sloopin', check for a world event before setting off into open water. If you don't see an event and you just have to keep moving, try to sail as close to other objects like islands, sunken ships, and rocks as you can. If it does spawn, you'll almost always be near the outer edge of it this way.

    If you do get caught I'd also recommend going to the crow's nest and checking which direction the nearest clean water is. Check your compass and keep your boat headed in that direction while you fight off the kraken.

  • @the-cable-dood The kraken on a solo sloop is literally the easiest thing in the game and takes about 30 seconds to a minute to kill. So you are clearly doing something very wrong or your cannon aim is just awful. As soon as you see the black ink grab cannonballs 10 is more than enough to kill the kraken. Pick a side tentacles should spawn on both sides. And immediately start shooting. It's 3 to 5 shots to take out a tentacle. And on a sloop you only need to kill 2 tentacles. Very very very simple. If you see the wind suck animation just go below deck but assuming you immediately put pressure on the kraken you'll be fine and she shouldn't even suck or slap.

  • @foxdodge said in Tips on solo sloop kraken encounter?:

    @the-cable-dood The kraken is unable to spawn if there is an active world event, so if you see any of the skull clouds, ship cloud, tornado etc, you are safe until they go down. Then just wait at an island until a new one appears in the sky.

    That is false. They changed that a while back. Kraken can spawn whenever it feels like. They changed it to make it more random instead of fixed as it was before and predictable.

  • @cptnpotbeard I thought it was a technical thing instead of a design choice, but thanks for letting me know. Do you have a source?

  • @cptnpotbeard said in Tips on solo sloop kraken encounter?:

    @foxdodge said in Tips on solo sloop kraken encounter?:

    @the-cable-dood The kraken is unable to spawn if there is an active world event, so if you see any of the skull clouds, ship cloud, tornado etc, you are safe until they go down. Then just wait at an island until a new one appears in the sky.

    That is false. They changed that a while back. Kraken can spawn whenever it feels like. They changed it to make it more random instead of fixed as it was before and predictable.

    Only Krakens I've seen are those that spawn between world events.

  • @cptnpotbeard said in Tips on solo sloop kraken encounter?:

    @foxdodge said in Tips on solo sloop kraken encounter?:

    @the-cable-dood The kraken is unable to spawn if there is an active world event, so if you see any of the skull clouds, ship cloud, tornado etc, you are safe until they go down. Then just wait at an island until a new one appears in the sky.

    That is false. They changed that a while back. Kraken can spawn whenever it feels like. They changed it to make it more random instead of fixed as it was before and predictable.

    Kraken can spawn while fotd is up and while voyage related events are up like ghost ships and athena tornadoes but not while world events are up.

    I've killed a lot krakens and I've never once seen a spawn during a world event.

  • @cptnpotbeard Yeah I can't find a source for this information anywhere. In over 800 hours of playing, I have never seen it appear during a world event.

  • @foxdodge Patch from god knows when. I wanna say season 2 ish. For all I know it could have just been something i remember from an insider test that never went live but I specifically recall Rare making a forum post stating they were going to change it to add some spice and randomness to the kraken. Honestly feel like it was Season 2 or maybe 3 when Pirates life came out. I'll have to do some digging. Was at work when I saw the thread.

  • @cptnpotbeard said in Tips on solo sloop kraken encounter?:

    @foxdodge Patch from god knows when. I wanna say season 2 ish. For all I know it could have just been something i remember from an insider test that never went live but I specifically recall Rare making a forum post stating they were going to change it to add some spice and randomness to the kraken. Honestly feel like it was Season 2 or maybe 3 when Pirates life came out. I'll have to do some digging. Was at work when I saw the thread.

    I had a pretty good idea going into research that it hadn't been changed based on my experience, and the lack of it being heavily discussed at any point in the last couple of years,

    but I went back to 2020 and ctrl+f'd kraken for all of the release notes

    2 changes were made. They nerfed the trident which included krakens and they altered birds/loot

    Perhaps you saw a thread where the discussion involved/contained inaccurate information.

    When it comes to pve there are many theories about different things but when it comes to something as significant as the kraken changing in spawn design there would at least be chatter about it and probably would hit the release/patch notes

  • @wolfmanbush Then it must have been something from insiders I read that never made it.

  • I like to use pistol and sniper to get a total of 10 shots at any kraken/megalodon before reloading, and personally I don’t like to use cannonballs on krakens or megalodons because I feel like it’s a waste of cannonballs when you could be using them on enemy ships where they can actually break the ship.

  • Anytime that you hear or see the kraken doing the sucking animation, you get below deck. Otherwise you shoot at the tentacles sticking out of the water with cannonballs or repair. If the kraken holds the ship by wrapping its tentacles around the ship, you shoot at the small tentacle that appears on either side of the ship (Do not bother attacking the tentacle that wraps around the ship). You might have to do this a few times until it finally lets go, which you then go check for any needed reparations. Then you rinse and repeat till its dead, it's a very easy fight, especially on the sloop.

  • Hide in the cabin and hit the tentacles as soon as they appear. The main thing - do it as quickly as possible while there are few tentacles.
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  • Best piece of advice I can give for a kraken is that the tentacles move around too much to waste time on trying to get precise aiming. Just point the cannon roughly at one and start rapid-firing.

    With a bit of practice, a kraken only takes 45sec-1min on a solo sloop

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