Record of your Adventures, Captains Log

  • So I had an idea for a feature in game that allows you to record information about a play session you did, and save it in a Captains log to look at in game, show people in game, and show on the website. This concept uses Deep website integration similar to the overview page that shows you certain stats about you're pirate Career.

    The game would track certain actions I perform throughout my session, these stats would be saved and uploaded onto a new page of the Website; ''My Adventures''. This page will show information of your 10 most recent lobbies. This means that if you can't immediately create your Log page, you can still play up to 9 other lobbies before the information is automatically deleted. It definitely would need to delete information after a certain time period otherwise that'd be far too much to remember.

    The game would track statistics like:

    • Gold Acquired
    • Treasure Sold
    • Ships Sank
    • Enemies Defeated
    • Commendations Unlocked, Both amount and which specific ones.
    • Renown Gained
    • Miles Sailed

    It would also Display your Crew, your Ship Size, Date of adventure, and how long your adventure lasted. When it comes to crew, you would be able to select which of your crewmmates to feature if you have excess, such as if your teammate has to leave and you bring in a new person, you can decide which of them to put on, it wouldn't select this for you as that'd be annoying.

    You would then select which of these statistics you wish to place in your new log page, as some times you may not care to display how many commendations you made if its not significant, but then some other times you may wish to show off how many commendations (or specific commendations) you unlocked.

    There would also be a new feature where there is a new in game screenshot button, When you screenshot with this button, these images are also saved, and when you are piecing together your log page you could stick on some of these images to go with it.

    Once you have created your new Log Page, you can save this to your log book. Once in your log book you can look at it fully made on your Captains Log website page and copy a link to your captains log and share it with others for them to look at your adventure. You also now have a Captains Log Book In game on your ship, maybe in that little draw on the Voyage table. You can take this book out and interact to read your logs in game, and even pick the book up and show it to other players.

    • Maybe you had an awesome 1v3 Ship Alliance fight over stacked FoTD loot, and you just managed to sink them all and secure all the loot. You could show off how many ships you sank, how many players you defeated, how much money you made, how much treasure you sold. Maybe you finally finished Legendary Thief and can put that on it. Maybe you blew one of the boats up with a mega keg, and you took a screenshot mid explosion to put on the Log. Maybe you had time to neatly organise your loot and get your crew together to take a shot of your massive loot pile. Maybe after the fight they came over and said GG, and you all got together for a nice group screenshot.

    • Maybe you found the infamous Shrouded Ghost, and you took pictures of you and your crew posing with it, or maybe just as it bit your boat, or just as you delivered the killing blow. You could also tag on your Commendation completion for killing it, that way both inside and outside of the game, nobody will ever question the authenticity when you claim to have defeated it.

    • Maybe you fought a really nice Streamer and after the fight you got together to take a commemorative screenshot with them.

    There's so many adventures you could record with this feature and show for everyone to see. This'd also feel a lot cooler as you are making your mark on the Seas, You'd be building your own story of your own character, You have solid in game recordings of your fights and the epic adventures you undertook.

    Thanks for Reading!

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    generalcommunityjust for funscreenshotstory & lore
  • more stats recorded the merrier imo

    I really don't know why total gold isn't one already and why there isn't a session total already. It's something that so many would enjoy and/or find useful.

    nice idea, well thought out and written up

  • Yes an in game documenting thingy would be great.

    I like the idea of my whole adventure being saved.

    Another thing you could have, like they had in Rainbow 6, is a summary thing at the end of the week.

    It could tell you all your stats from the week and let you compare days, and also tell you which your most successful session was.

    It could say something like:

    You had a successful session on 24th April when you and your crewmates, X, y and z worked together and earnt 100,000 gold! You only died 2 times during the voyage and successfully cleared a Fort of Fortune, before hitting Gold Hoarder Emissary level 5! Unfortunately your adventure ended after you were sunk by Person A and their crew but you fought well...

    I don't know. It sounds really cringey but something along these lines with screenshots plastered all over it would be quite a nice thing to get at the end of the week.

  • @frogfish12
    I couldn't agree more with your post! Beautifully written and marked up!
    I would also love to see this implemented better alongside the latest update!
    Adding a section on the website to view our Ship Logs, and a Journal Feature that we can type in on the website and view ingame.

    • This would truly bring home the purpose of Ship Logs to Tell a Story

    • Roleplay! I know that roleplay is a future update according to the Road Map (Is that timeline still in limbo?? Post-Delay?)

    • Being able to Have a Biography section in the Log book, As well as a Sign feature, The Crews can all Sign their Signature with Date Stamps saved to the archive on our Forum Profile to go back and read previous Log Books!

  • @ladyaurabell The current Captains Log is almost non-functional lol, not only due to it being incredibly buggy but the actual intended functionality is so barebones it practically seems worthless. It seems my concept wont be possible as they effectively have their own version, unless they completely remake their Captains Log, which I doubt.

generalcommunityjust for funscreenshotstory & lore
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