Character reset

  • Hi is there a problem for the past two weeks now I’ve had to restart my character from scratch lost all my gold and levels is this an issue ?

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  • @predafett43 Are you sure you're logging in with the same Xbox account? Pirates do not get reset unless you reset them yourself, or you log into a new account.

  • @predafett43 Ahoy matey!

    Are you sure this isn't on the Insider build? This can happen a lot on the Insider build as certain progression events get tested.

  • @d3adst1ck same log in had no problems before. I went back on yesterday had to do the Maiden voyage again which sucked 3rd time now but when I got into the main game all my levels started going up and got my gold and all the cosmetics I had bought . Hope this is the last time it is the insider build and so not too much of a problem about loosing levels and cosmetics but it’s still a pain

  • @predafett43 Oh, this is for the insider build? Those get reset periodically. It will happen again.

  • @d3adst1ck so periodically we lose everything and start from scratch and all allaniances go back to level 1?

  • @ravenartemis610

    Just on the insider's build

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