Pirate selection suggestion

  • I took a long time to choose the pirate I felt I could live with. I actually restarted the game a few times since what you choose and how they actually look because of expressions is different. I would love if you could filter a few things. Gender would be nice so I could just choose female and have more chance of one I liked the look of would show up more quickly. I'm sure people would love more filters I know I would but at least that one would help.

    1. Gender choice (this one of course is the suggestion but going to list others)
    2. body size
    3. skin tone
    4. personality
    5. age

    There are many people who will keep recreating pirates until they get something close to what they want. Its frustrating that it took me hours. I didn't want an old toothless hag that was overly heavy or too thin. Just my personal choice. Being able to adjust a few filters would be nice and cut down on choosing. If you buy a potion later on you could be choosing for hours and hours as well. I do like that there is some randomness but would prefer a few filters even if its just for female.

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  • If these got added then it wouldn’t be a Random Pirate Generator would it?

    Not sure what personality would do either, since your Pirate’s personality is already your choice.

  • @ninja-naranja Sometimes they are scowling or not.. so I think that is considered their personality that is set by the randomizer. Just a suggestion and of course you don't have to agree with it. Just putting in my thoughts. :)

  • @sunshine5110 said in Pirate selection suggestion:

    I took a long time to choose the pirate I felt I could live with. I actually restarted the game a few times since what you choose and how they actually look because of expressions is different. I would love if you could filter a few things. Gender would be nice so I could just choose female and have more chance of one I liked the look of would show up more quickly. I'm sure people would love more filters I know I would but at least that one would help.

    1. Gender choice (this one of course is the suggestion but going to list others)
    2. body size
    3. skin tone
    4. personality
    5. age

    There are many people who will keep recreating pirates until they get something close to what they want. Its frustrating that it took me hours. I didn't want an old toothless hag that was overly heavy or too thin. Just my personal choice. Being able to adjust a few filters would be nice and cut down on choosing. If you buy a potion later on you could be choosing for hours and hours as well. I do like that there is some randomness but would prefer a few filters even if its just for female.

    All 5 may be considered discriminatory in some way simply through the offering of choice - transphobia, body shaming, racism, mental disorders, and ageism. It stigmatizes pirates into choosing specific archetypes or stereotypes. With the IPG, you are kind of coerced into trying something different that you might not have initially considered because it limits your specificity, and that in turn creates a rather weird way of being balanced with all options.

    ...and really, in the end, it doesn't limit any of those choices at all. It just makes getting specific ones take longer.

  • @Sunshine5110, I agree with you. Filters would definitely speed up the process.

    @Ninja Naranja, the "personality" that the OP is referring to is the "hero" vs "rogue" parameters the generator applies to your pirate. Also, it's not called a "Random Pirate Generator", it's called an "Infinite Pirate Generator".

    Having filters could be easily ignored by the people who don't care - and they would save hours for those who do. - It's not like the game earns more revenue by the amount of time players spend in the character creation screen - the game's revenue is based on cosmetics, so why not make it easier/faster for players to get the pirate they want so they can hurry up and get busy spending their money on clothes/ships/etc.?

  • @galactic-geek u frgt existcism lol 2021 is very hard

  • @sunshine5110 would love to see this ...
    I personally buy potions very often and everytime I do it take around 6-12 hrs to find a good pirate and in game it looks different.

    So this would make things a bit easier and it still would randomize ur face and ur deformed features thin head,big nose,almost closed eyes and much more.

    Those categories would help ppl to start playing the game more frequently cuz they would find they're perfect pirate faster,Sometimes i search for 3-4 hrs and then I log off to come do the same thing later.

  • @sunshine5110 imo the IPG is fine...the only filter I'd like to have is a gender filter

  • @rafearcher I agree that you can just leave the filters as is and just go with one in the first round if that is your way to play this game. There are tons of cosmetics and I just prefer to have a certain type of look in my pirate. I have played a little and found I just didn't like how she looked in most the cosmetics because of how different she looked in game. So I deleted and am restarting. I'll eventually play this game. XD

  • @muarembossi There are always going to be people who agree with you and those that disagree. I would like it to be a bit easier to find what I am looking for. I won't admit to how many pirates I've deleted so far.. still spinning the wheel..

  • @schwammlgott this would be super helpful but I also know that some do not identify as either of those genders so that may be why it won't ever be changed. I can respect that. Just a suggestion is all.

  • @sunshine5110 sagte in Pirate selection suggestion:

    @schwammlgott this would be super helpful but I also know that some do not identify as either of those genders so that may be why it won't ever be changed. I can respect that. Just a suggestion is all.

    If someone doesn't identify with neither of those, just don't use that filter then...just so you can make an argument it seems...

  • @galactic-geek said in Pirate selection suggestion:

    @sunshine5110 said in Pirate selection suggestion:

    I took a long time to choose the pirate I felt I could live with. I actually restarted the game a few times since what you choose and how they actually look because of expressions is different. I would love if you could filter a few things. Gender would be nice so I could just choose female and have more chance of one I liked the look of would show up more quickly. I'm sure people would love more filters I know I would but at least that one would help.

    1. Gender choice (this one of course is the suggestion but going to list others)
    2. body size
    3. skin tone
    4. personality
    5. age

    There are many people who will keep recreating pirates until they get something close to what they want. Its frustrating that it took me hours. I didn't want an old toothless hag that was overly heavy or too thin. Just my personal choice. Being able to adjust a few filters would be nice and cut down on choosing. If you buy a potion later on you could be choosing for hours and hours as well. I do like that there is some randomness but would prefer a few filters even if its just for female.

    All 5 may be considered discriminatory in some way simply through the offering of choice - transphobia, body shaming, racism, mental disorders, and ageism. It stigmatizes pirates into choosing specific archetypes or stereotypes. With the IPG, you are kind of coerced into trying something different that you might not have initially considered because it limits your specificity, and that in turn creates a rather weird way of being balanced with all options.

    ...and really, in the end, it doesn't limit any of those choices at all. It just makes getting specific ones take longer.

    The cringe 🤢 youve got to be kidding.....

    Gender skin tone and age are the things that the vast vast majority knows what they want before they choose.
    How exactly its racist to choose a skin tone that is more relevant to me then others???
    No offense but its almost always impossible to agree with you, but this is radically stupid.
    There is absolutely nothing offensive in choosing your preference, they can continue with the randomizer and if someone prefer some filter it would be nice to the vast majority of us who dont want to waste hours for nothing.

  • As a guy who will happily spend an hour or more creating a character in games that let you customise down to the type of eyebrows, I'm all in favour of changing the ipg, I don't think I'd use it myself as I eventually found a pirate I settled for and couldn't be bothered to do it again but I know it was one of he most annoying parts of starting my game to find that I couldn't actually make myself a pirate, I had to pick one of several presets which just had something here or there out if place and the amount of rolling and re rolling just to get something close took ages.

    Filters are a good way of maintaining a Ballance if randomness without opening a full level of customisation, although I for one would like the customisation, I know rare have said they don't want it because they fear everyone will sail around looking the same.

    Each to their own I guess.

  • @faceyourdemon said in Pirate selection suggestion:

    @galactic-geek said in Pirate selection suggestion:

    @sunshine5110 said in Pirate selection suggestion:

    I took a long time to choose the pirate I felt I could live with. I actually restarted the game a few times since what you choose and how they actually look because of expressions is different. I would love if you could filter a few things. Gender would be nice so I could just choose female and have more chance of one I liked the look of would show up more quickly. I'm sure people would love more filters I know I would but at least that one would help.

    1. Gender choice (this one of course is the suggestion but going to list others)
    2. body size
    3. skin tone
    4. personality
    5. age

    There are many people who will keep recreating pirates until they get something close to what they want. Its frustrating that it took me hours. I didn't want an old toothless hag that was overly heavy or too thin. Just my personal choice. Being able to adjust a few filters would be nice and cut down on choosing. If you buy a potion later on you could be choosing for hours and hours as well. I do like that there is some randomness but would prefer a few filters even if its just for female.

    All 5 may be considered discriminatory in some way simply through the offering of choice - transphobia, body shaming, racism, mental disorders, and ageism. It stigmatizes pirates into choosing specific archetypes or stereotypes. With the IPG, you are kind of coerced into trying something different that you might not have initially considered because it limits your specificity, and that in turn creates a rather weird way of being balanced with all options.

    ...and really, in the end, it doesn't limit any of those choices at all. It just makes getting specific ones take longer.

    The cringe 🤢 youve got to be kidding.....

    Gender skin tone and age are the things that the vast vast majority knows what they want before they choose.
    How exactly its racist to choose a skin tone that is more relevant to me then others???
    No offense but its almost always impossible to agree with you, but this is radically stupid.
    There is absolutely nothing offensive in choosing your preference, they can continue with the randomizer and if someone prefer some filter it would be nice to the vast majority of us who dont want to waste hours for nothing.

    It's not about whether YOU are any of those things, but rather the final results of the overall population as viewed by others because of the setup presented in this thread and other video games.

    The simple fact is, with choice, variety across the population is actually more limited, as the vast majority of pirates will be young, white, physically fit, good-looking, non-scarred male pirates. This in turn could have an adverse affect on younger individuals on what they see as "the norm" - the IPG as it stands, actually prevents that by offering options that naturally buck that trend - such as being old, overweight, and imperfect. You know - gruff, grizzled, and battle-worn pirates that have been through the ringer and spat out again.

    It helps pirates' perspectives by broadening their horizon and it gives minorities more freedom through representation.

    In other words, it brings balance by limiting choice and preventing personal or hidden biases from taking precedent.

    The ONLY changes the IPG needs are more viewing options, such as being able to zoom in, rotate, or otherwise see more of your pirate. Being able to alternate poses or stuff held would probably be a big help too.

  • @galactic-geek god bless u my friend

  • While I can see your point of opening people to characters that are not their norm, I don't think it should be a forced feature.
    As the OP has said, the idea would be to limit some of the variety to speed up the picking process, it's not something that changes the process on any fundinental level, people will still reroll over and over to get what they want, this just speeds it up.

  • @galactic-geek why should I be forced to be someone I'm not. If I want my pirate to be relatable to me why should I be forced to have a pirate I cant relate to. I spent hours to get the most relatable pirate I could and this idea would save me time on this. No one should be forced to play as a character they don't like because of bad rng.

  • If you aren't patient enough to pick a character, you probably won't be patient enough with all the other shenanigans that go on in this game lol.

    Besides... if you could pick all the details of your pirate, they'd sell a lot less potions...🤑😅

  • @bronzeinquiztor said in Pirate selection suggestion:

    @galactic-geek why should I be forced to be someone I'm not. If I want my pirate to be relatable to me why should I be forced to have a pirate I cant relate to. I spent hours to get the most relatable pirate I could and this idea would save me time on this. No one should be forced to play as a character they don't like because of bad rng.

    You weren't forced to do anything, and while it may have taken a while, it sounds to me like you got the pirate you wanted, so for you at least, this is basically a non-issue. As for others, let them worry about that - it's no longer your problem. They don't need you to complain on their behalf.

  • @rafearcher said in Pirate selection suggestion:

    @Sunshine5110, I agree with you. Filters would definitely speed up the process.

    @Ninja Naranja, the "personality" that the OP is referring to is the "hero" vs "rogue" parameters the generator applies to your pirate. Also, it's not called a "Random Pirate Generator", it's called an "Infinite Pirate Generator".

    Having filters could be easily ignored by the people who don't care - and they would save hours for those who do. - It's not like the game earns more revenue by the amount of time players spend in the character creation screen - the game's revenue is based on cosmetics, so why not make it easier/faster for players to get the pirate they want so they can hurry up and get busy spending their money on clothes/ships/etc.?

    I don't recall seeing any hero vs rogue parameters when I generated my pirate.

  • @galactic-geek aye. But I agree with their idea and so shall back them anyway. Is that dissimilar to what your doing by going against it when its not your problem either? Not meant to be a jab just an observation.

  • @bronzeinquiztor said in Pirate selection suggestion:

    @galactic-geek aye. But I agree with their idea and so shall back them anyway. Is that dissimilar to what your doing by going against it when its not your problem either? Not meant to be a jab just an observation.

    You're right - it's not a jab; it's an uppercut. 😅

  • @galactic-geek lol 👍

  • While I don't need this kind of feature myself, I could be behind some very basic filters available to speed the process up. Skin Tone and Eye Color could be acceptable as it allows people to hone in on a couple things that we can't adjust cosmetically in the game and a lot of people come in with a preference towards. I also believe that baked in Scars and Facial Hair shouldn't be there since those are Cosmetics that we can mess with in the game so that can add a sense of frustration for many.

    I do think the bulk of things should remain random though, as there is so much variation in there that I think sometimes folks get surprised by liking a Pirate that they wouldn't have tried to generate themselves and helps avoid cookie cutter Pirates as well.

    I do also think being able to Zoom and Cycle Pose, as was mentioned, would be good features to add to the system since a lot of folks have mentioned liking a Pirate in the IPG only to not like it once they see it in different lighting (so also being able to adjust this while looking might be good) or positions or just more closely in game. Additionally, perhaps when people Favorite one of the Pirates to lock it when regenerating the new batch will look at the Favorites for trends and try to generate more Pirates similar to that (this would turn Favoring into kind of a Fine Tuning function as well which might further speed things along).

  • @galactic-geek Nothing is stopping people from picking a specific look for their pirate except their patience. Choice isn't limited, time is just wasted. My pirate has the race, sex, skin color, eye color and hair color I want and it took me hours to find it. Nobodies hidden biases are being subverted, or limited. There time is just being wasted. Rare didn't have randomized pirates because of some political statement, or fear of offending anyone. They had randomized pirates because they didn't want a bunch of clones running about and so every pirate is unique. A big part of this game is choice and freedom and sometimes that means the freedom to choose your preferences and to discriminate against options you don't want.

  • @shamanmclamie said in Pirate selection suggestion:

    @galactic-geek Nothing is stopping people from picking a specific look for their pirate except their patience. Choice isn't limited, time is just wasted. My pirate has the race, sex, skin color, eye color and hair color I want and it took me hours to find it. Nobodies hidden biases are being subverted, or limited. There time is just being wasted. Rare didn't have randomized pirates because of some political statement, or fear of offending anyone. They had randomized pirates because they didn't want a bunch of clones running about and so every pirate is unique. A big part of this game is choice and freedom and sometimes that means the freedom to choose your preferences and to discriminate against options you don't want.

    Good argument. 😅👍

  • I think the choice wheel needs to be changed. I will quote a user's comment from my post:
    "Just because something functions doesn't mean it's enjoyable, user friendly, or generally just a "good system""

    Parameters at the BARE MINIMUM and something besides the wheel animation.

  • @galactic-geek
    "With the IPG, you are kind of coerced into trying something different that you might not have initially considered " It just coerces you into spending several hours choosing the pirate you want.

  • As we do not permit thread necro as per our forum rules, we will go ahead and drop anchor on this thread here. Thank you.

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