Please add this to the captains cabin… the game needs it

  • alt text

    I know I’m not the only one asking for this

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  • I can appreciate a dabble into immersion as much as the next thief but if anyone on my crew gives me the port and starboard business I'm crashing into a rock and staying there until we get piratically practical

  • @wolfmanbush You don't allow the use of Port or Starboard on your vessel?

    So what do you do when you have a enemy bearing down on you from the Starboard beam at 3 o clock?

  • @personalc0ffee said in Please add this to the captains cabin… the game needs it:

    @wolfmanbush You don't allow the use of Port or Starboard on your vessel?

    So what do you do when you have a enemy bearing down on you from the Starboard beam at 3 o clock?

    I would rather decipher a random red hot chili peppers song from 1984-1989 during combat than try to remember which is which.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Please add this to the captains cabin… the game needs it:

    @personalc0ffee said in Please add this to the captains cabin… the game needs it:

    @wolfmanbush You don't allow the use of Port or Starboard on your vessel?

    So what do you do when you have a enemy bearing down on you from the Starboard beam at 3 o clock?

    I would rather decipher a random red hot chili peppers song from 1984-1989 during combat than try to remember which is which.

    Port is Left. Has four letters.

    Also TECHNICALLY there is no Left or Right on a ship. They are Port and Starboard only to avoid confusion when there is a call out. So that someone facing the helm and someone away from the helm, immediately know which way to look. Callouts always are from the helm perspective, facing the bow.

  • Sounds like semantics to me. As long as everyone on the crew understands and uses the same terminology, what difference does it make?

    Anecdotally, I sail with a lot of pugs and almost no-one is familiar with port and starboard...nearly everyone understands left and right though.

  • @wolfmanbush

    I used to get it mixed up, but now I remember it with the phrase "there's no port left".

  • I should’ve been clear but I made this thread purely out of sarcasm

  • @wolfmanbush said in Please add this to the captains cabin… the game needs it:

    @personalc0ffee said in Please add this to the captains cabin… the game needs it:

    @wolfmanbush You don't allow the use of Port or Starboard on your vessel?

    So what do you do when you have a enemy bearing down on you from the Starboard beam at 3 o clock?

    I would rather decipher a random red hot chili peppers song from 1984-1989 during combat than try to remember which is which.

    Here's a handy image:
    alt text

    My crew and I initially learned these terms because it helped immerse us into the nautical feel of the game- it made us feel more piratey. Now that we're comfortable with them, it's almost easier to say "Sloop off the starboard quarter" than it is to say "Sloop behind the ship and to the right".

    'Course, that's just us. You do you.

  • We use north/south/east/west lol

  • @pithyrumble sagte in Please add this to the captains cabin… the game needs it:

    We use north/south/east/west lol

    ☝🏻 this

  • @limbicfanatic Yup, those are the proper terms to avoid confusion on the boat no matter which way the person is facing. If they are facing helm and you say, "Ship sighted off the Port Bow!" you know immediately (once you learn the terms) which way to turn and face.

    I can't say I've used Ahead and Astern though. I have used DEAD AHEAD though.

  • @personalc0ffee said in Please add this to the captains cabin… the game needs it:

    @wolfmanbush You don't allow the use of Port or Starboard on your vessel?

    So what do you do when you have a enemy bearing down on you from the Starboard beam at 3 o clock?

    At 3 o'clock will be enough information - unless you have youngsters on board who are not used to analog clocks.

  • @lem0n-curry said in Please add this to the captains cabin… the game needs it:

    @personalc0ffee said in Please add this to the captains cabin… the game needs it:

    @wolfmanbush You don't allow the use of Port or Starboard on your vessel?

    So what do you do when you have a enemy bearing down on you from the Starboard beam at 3 o clock?

    At 3 o'clock will be enough information - unless you have youngsters on board who are not used to analog clocks.

    I actually find most have no clue what you mean when you say o clock lol

  • @personalc0ffee said in Please add this to the captains cabin… the game needs it:

    @lem0n-curry said in Please add this to the captains cabin… the game needs it:

    @personalc0ffee said in Please add this to the captains cabin… the game needs it:

    @wolfmanbush You don't allow the use of Port or Starboard on your vessel?

    So what do you do when you have a enemy bearing down on you from the Starboard beam at 3 o clock?

    At 3 o'clock will be enough information - unless you have youngsters on board who are not used to analog clocks.

    I actually find most have no clue what you mean when you say o clock lol

    Dr Jones?

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