Athena 5 Star Voyage Final Quest

  • As per my tradition for a double XP weekend, I had a go at a Thieve's Haven run or two to get the 5 star quests (level 16 1/2 thanks for asking)

    When I finally got my 5 star emmisary quests, I only received 3 when I thought it was usually bother I'll do those 3 and then pack up for the night! After I'd completed the final one, another quest appeared with just two X marks the spots on Plunder Valley which were...a Chest of Legend and a Keg of Ancient Black powder!

    How long has that been a thing? Have I been embarrassingly over looking easy XP, or is that "final quest" of the 5 star emmisary something new?

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  • Yes that's always been a thing

    but it's not really your fault. Messaging has been poor on that and design has been confusing for many people.

    I've explained it to many people in game over time and many had no idea it was a thing. It's not even close to clear and it's often confusing so it's not really your fault imo

    that 4th quest really should be clearly marked

    I would operate the emissary quest for athena like an athena voyage and label the last quest as "final chapter" with a clear symbol to go with it.

    Over time it's been a bottle symbol it's been an envelope symbol it's been an emissary quest symbol. It needs some work imo

  • @wolfmanbush

    Thanks for that...I think 😂🙈

    Ah man, can't believe I've never even noticed it in my inventory before, although as you say I don't think I've ever thought to look properly 🤷‍♂️

    I'd thought to look at the quests to continue the Haven's run I was doing, and noticed the 'final' quest had the emmisary flag symbol on it.

    Well, thanks for clarifying that for me, and hopefully that'll make Athena life a little easier going forward! (Little being the key word)

  • btw which grade i reach with the emissary voyage when i start from grade 1 again? so long ago i did them ,wanna do today athene runs for leaderboard cosmetics. or maybe its faster start at grade 5 with a regular voyage for athene chest, and more valuable? or should i do regular devils roar on grade 5? cause solo thieves haven is huge and all that spawning creatures are annoying me (sure i left the gems on island ) but it takes anyway kinda long

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