Just Getting Started

  • My two best friends got me into this game and I really like it. I know there are hostile players out there with no real lives or anything better to do or even know how to play the game, so they take it out on others. I'm sorry but I just started out and am getting the hang of the game itself. I even offered a full chest of things to another player out of the goodness of my heart but then as soon as he took it, he shot me dead! As I'm sailing alone, still getting used to the controls, someone rolled up on my ship and destroyed it while I was treasure hunting. I made sure that no one was around me when I went to land. How do I avoid hostile players who are so aggressive, that they feel the need to attack new players rather than help? Is this another toxic PvP style game? I'm not even ready to take on anything difficult yet, let alone, players who shoot and ask no questions. I don't get it...

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  • The world is unpredictable and you need to stay aware of what is going on around you. Not all players as hostile, and some are hostile if they see an easy target for a quick payday.

    Playing solo is hard mode. I'd suggest grouping up with other players using the XBox LFG or the official discord until you're more experienced.

  • If you really want to thrive out there you have to train yourself to always chase the positive. Embrace the adventure. Learn from the losses. Prevent yourself from making things personal.

    Focusing on thinking negative things about other players only stunts your piratical growth.

    Short term and realistic goals.
    Sell often
    Efficiency is a must
    Don't stack
    Be willing to adapt

    You are currently the bottom of the food chain but with effort you can get to a position of experience and ability that will have you succeeding most of the time on most servers.

    Remember what it is like as you improve. One day you will have the power to make decisions that people that are attacking you are currently making. If you don't like how someone plays against you stay consistent with that because someday you'll be on the other side of those guns and cannons and someone else will be in the shoes you wear right now.

  • First and foremost, Welcome to The Sea of Thieves 🍻

    Here is some advice I can give from a someone who loves this game, has been playing since the beta and is one of very few friendly Pirate Legends. By this I mean I never shoot first. I only defend when attacked while sailing.

    1. Always keep your eye on the horizon while sailing. Player ships can seem to appear out of thin air so always be aware of your surroundings.
    2. Check all your horizons before going onto land. Again, players can come out of no where so you need to keep your eyes up before you leave your ship behind.
    3. Dont drop anchor when arriving at your destination. Instead, raise sails, point your ship towards open water and keep your anchor up. Raising anchor takes a long time comparing to just dropping sails. You'll need all the time you can get when you need a quick get-away.
    4. Check you map table for Reapers. Their ship will appear as a silhouette on your map table with a red striped flag. These players who have raised they Reaper flag are 99% of the time looking to kill players for fun or take your hard earned loot. So NEVER trust a Reaper no matter if they spam "We're Friendly". They most likely arent.
    5. Turn in loot more often. I know it feels great to have a massive horde of loot on board, but getting sunk and losing it all feels much worse. So turn things in periodically.
    6. Treat other the way you want to be treated. If you hate getting sunk and killed over and over by toxic players then dont do that to others on the seas. Show players that there are trustworthy players sailing around who will join an alliance and play nice. They'll most likely go out and do the same the next time they play!

    These are just some of my tips that I had to learn out the hard way or just from years of playing. As for some questions you might have about matchmaking and such...

    1. No theres no "PvE" or "Friendly" servers. You can play against friendly or unfriendly players on any given day.
    2. There are no private or friends only server currently. The devs have talked about maybe implementing something like this later, but there is nothing currently available.
  • Kill everyone and everything you see.

    None of us started this way....it's just the way it is.

  • @cyn5810 ahoy matey and welcome to the game and the forum.

    Can I suggest that before we start to post that we take a look over at the forum rules here.

    Posts like this, especially where you make haphazard comments (albeit in anger it seems) like "I know there are hostile players out there with no real lives or anything better to do or even know how to play the game, so they take it out on others" you are simply stirring up unrest.

    This is neither being respectful, nor a good sport or courteous.

    If you ever feel that a player has been overly troublesome and has broken the code, then please submit a support ticket here:

    As per support for your actual post - new players often find the game overwhelming, but there is some excellent advice in the replies above.
    This is a PvEvP game, where real-world Pirate threats engage alongside PvE world event threats. There is a learning curve and it would genuinely better for you, if you can, to try and engage in some crew sessions. The official Discord and the XBOX LFG are great places to start,

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    A general reminder to all, please avoid reviving threads aged past 30 days, as it is considered a necro, and is against our forum rules

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