Ahoy everyone!

  • Hello everybody! I'm not really a new player, but still at the beginning. I'm a 25yo guy from Italy, I work as a web developer and I love to chill on the Sea of Thieves in my purple sloop! I haven't played with other people yet but I'm looking forward for new adventures!
    You'll usually find me exploring or fishing, but I'll not pass on a good fight!
    At the end of my sessions I like to find some players and let them get all my remaining resources, as it would be a shame to let them despawn!

    Hope to see y'all on the waves!

  • 6
  • Hello Sir , Welcome to the Seas , hopefully Pirates will jump on your call and take you along on many Epic and Grand Adventures...

  • I can't wait to sail with you all!

  • Abhoy Zekel

  • @thezekel Ahoy me matey and welcome to the Sea of Thieves forum!

    As a new player make sure you check out the Pirate Academy pages. Full of hints and tips whilst sailing the seas.

  • Ahoy Captains!

    @lizalaroo thank you for the link, I will! I sailed for a few months, but everytime I get on my Sloop I discover something new, so I guess you never stop learning!

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