TWO Levels a month?

  • I can buy two levels a month with doubloons now.

  • 8
  • pretty sure one is to make up for one that got glitched out or something, not a regular thing as far as I know

    did some digging to make sure I was giving you correct info and it appears so

  • @wolfmanbush

    You think if I skipped it I could still get it next month?

  • @pithyrumble said in TWO Levels a month?:


    You think if I skipped it I could still get it next month?

    I wouldn't risk it without someone confirming that with the knowledge to reassure you about it

  • @pithyrumble I’m 90% sure the double letters is only for this season

  • Double letters are only this season far as I know. I assume we will back to 1 per, next season.

  • They where only for this season as before there was a bug where you couldn’t buy any for about two months once you had bought one, hence you can now buy two, in order to compensate!

  • Buying one more this weekend... gonna see if that gets doubled too lol. My lame account is in the 30's on the original factions.

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