Stand on top of the world.

  • can you please give me advice how to get on top of must? I am in the top basket, then I jump on the railing and how do I jump on the last 2 steps?
    alt text

    Is there a way to do it? Please help me. There are times I like to admire the world from the toppest viewpoint I have available.

  • 5
  • here is screenshot

  • @ussulwm1 that looks like just someone standing on the rails of the crowsnest

  • @aribalam
    yes! Can I get on those additional 2 steps? Can I step on top of the bell holder and the other one?

  • @ussulwm1 I don't think that's possible.

    If you want to reach the highest place, I'd suggest heading over to the sea dog tavern at K-11. To my knowledge, it's the highest point in the game.

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