“Sea’s Calling” Season Concept

  • Recently I’ve been thinking about what kind of things I want to see added into the game and I eventually formed my own idea for a season.

    The main purpose of this concept is to give more life to the sea of thieves and make it feel less lonesome when visiting different islands as well as setting up for Flameheart’s future return.

    In the world outside of the Sea of Thieves, the Maritime Union’s power has been growing as they’ve been cracking down on pirates all around the world. Those who have been stripped of freedom lay shackled in the governments biggest prison for pirates. Those yet to be caught suffer a terrifying fear from every sail that is seen on the horizon. However the word of the Sea of Thieves and it’s freedom from law has become more and more prominent in the outside world. The Sea of Thieves’ inspiration of freedom has caused a jailbreak to occur setting thousands of pirates free allowing them to set sail for their escape into the Sea of Thieves. The Maritime Unions failure to maintain a well secured prison has diminished their reputation and caused them to sail into the Sea of Thieves to confront and recapture the pirates in order to bring back the Union’s powerful reputation.

    Map Changes-

    While most outposts remain untouched, a select few have been taken over by the Maritime Union and built up into large stone strongholds. These strongholds can be plundered by pirates for a sufficient amount of loot. Pirates can also free jailed NPC pirates for extra gold and event progress (event progress will be explained later. The strongholds will also act as ports where Maritime Union ships will sail out of to fight pirates and skeletons on the seas. Finally, special stronghold siege voyages offered by the bilge rats will be issued to all pirates upon purchase ordering pirates to take over the strongholds in an upscale version of the normal stronghold plundering; there will be ships guarding the stronghold, an increased amount of soldiers to fight, and a powerful admiral acting as the boss of the stronghold and, most importantly, there will be more and better loot to steal. The most important feature of the stronghold siege is freeing the increased amount of caged pirates; upon releasing a pirate a signature will be written down on a list given by the bilge rats for the voyage; all pirates rescued means a very large pile of gold and event progress when turning in the completed signature list.

    Pirate Towns-
    The Maritime Union has chased the barkeeper, vendors, and Faction representatives off their outpost leaving them with nowhere to set up shop accept for the various Pirate towns that are stationed at select islands. Pirate towns are a conglomeration of the many pirates that escaped the Maritime Union that are hiding away in these ramshackled party towns that can almost match the Maritime strongholds in size. There will not be many pirate towns but a select amount of larger sized islands may have one. Because of the fewer amount outposts due to the Union’s takeover, faction representatives can be found in the pirate towns awaiting your precious loot to be turned in, however, it is important to note that since it is not an outpost one may have to make quite a journey up an island to sell their goods, also, one will not be safe from any dangers that are lurking on the island making the pirate towns not the best for turning in large loot hauls but can be very helpful in case you really need to get that one specific piece of loot sold.

    World Enemies- The Maritime Union’s ships will now be sailing across the seas and can be seen stalking different islands and even engaging in combat with skeleton ships. Players can easily identify maritime ships by their grand and pristine appearance. When a maritime ship takes on too much water after its defeat in a fight against pirates it does not sink into the ocean but rather raises its white flag and allows pirates too board and plunder the loot. Maritime NPC’s will be non hostile at this point and the player can engage in dialogue with them to learn more about their plans and lore.

    Season Event- a new feature that would be added is the Bilge Rats seasonal Reputation. Bilge rats will now be able to be leveled up by completing tasks that involve new features that each season brings. Leveling up bilge rats will give you many unique cosmetics themed after the season’s theme. At the start of each new season the bilge rat reputation will be reset to 0 in order to be completed doing new tasks that come with the next season. With the concept of this season, the bilge rats are issuing that all pirates engage in any activity that will push back the works of the Maritime Union in order to keep the Sea of Thieves free.

    Flameheart (lore)- this season would offer many different ways of obtaining lore. One of the biggest things you’ll learn about is how the maritime Union is not only trying to suppress the pirates, but flame heart as well. By the end of the season you will learn that each step you take to take down the maritime Union advances Flame Hearts plans. At the end of this season/beginning of the next conceptual season you will realize that flameheart has been taking resources from the destroyed strongholds and has been bringing back skeletal maritime Union soldiers to fight for him in the next season as you battle flame heart (that’s a whole different concept for another day though lol)

    Important notes- when this season would end and a new one would begin, the maritime strongholds would now be working outposts again however will have the appearance of a destroyed stronghold that has been overtaken by pirates, pirate towns will remain but no longer have anyone to sell to.
    Maritime stronghold sieges will remain in the game as a few of Skelton forts will be converted into maritime strongholds since most Skelton forts aren’t used anymore.

    Remember this is just a concept and I posted this mostly so I can have it written down somewhere and receive feedback from others. I hope y’all enjoy this idea!!!

  • 6
  • A bit too embellished for my taste.

  • @galactic-geek what do you mean by that?

  • @jojo-gyro said in “Sea’s Calling” Season Concept:

    @galactic-geek what do you mean by that?

    Too detailed and overthoight out.

  • This forum unfortunately isn't the place for ideas.

    If you want your thread to get any replies at all you need to complain about PvP, or just complain about the game in general.

  • @paparug420 this is literally the best place for ideas..

    Controversial topics may get more reactions, but thats because it's a controversial topic. People may not respond as much, but it doesn't mean they're not seeing the topics. They just don't have anything else to add.

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