Hi, can I do something about...

  • Well.. i was playing game and few guys told me that im "dog ra*ist" "child abuser" etc...
    They're insulting me for no reason for 15 mins straight on the Damned Ship...!
    Can i do something about that? I have vid...

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  • @fokusiak they insulted you on the ferry of the damned? Leave the ferry...report them and never think of them again

  • @schwammlgott Yeah i did that, but they seem like they insult everyone in game.. And I dont kinda care about insulting me, but I want them to get banned or something.... Well i might just leave if there's no other way

  • @fokusiak you know how to raise a support ticket? The same way you can report those guys...

  • @fokusiak Ahoy matey!

    We take our Community Code of Conduct seriously. We will take action on accounts that we determine to have breached our Code of Conduct or the Microsoft T&Cs. Account actions can range from warnings and suspensions to permanent account termination from our game and services at our discretion, where doing so would be in the best interests of Rare or our customers.
    If you believe that someone has broken our Code of Conduct or the Microsoft T&Cs, please read the article at the link below and create a support ticket. This will be reviewed and the appropriate action taken by our support team.

    How to Report a Player

  • REPORT THEM!!! Attach the video to the report ticket so Rare knows you have proof, and that should take care of them.

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