Ship frozen in ocean, NOT STUCK!

  • So i get rekt by gamebreaking bugs pretty much every day, but mostly its my player getting stuck in 2 stones or in my wheel or something dumb, but here i have total spaghetti. My ship is frozen on ocean. It does not move on water waves, it does not turn, sail up or down, it wont move from the place. The only way to move it is to blow up a keg which i did 3 times to try and unbug it, but to no avail. So what now

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  • @noctiss-season2 Do you have video of the problem? I have never heard of this before so it's kind of hard to picture what you're talking about.

  • @d3adst1ck uhh sorry no i dont. You see im not a youtuber or a streamer so i don't really record my gameplay since... well yeah what for. Plus before i finished writing the post when i alt tabbed back into the game i saw that i was being attacked by another player so i just scuttled ship to restart it. I was thinking about posting a screenshot but i was like... that would just be a screenshot of a ship standing still, it wouldn't show much. And even so, the video wouldn't show much either, it was just my ship standing still, there wasn't really much happening, which was the problem xD

  • sounds like maybe you're having some sort of hardware or connection issue

  • @wolfmanbush i mean i dont think so. How would hardware possibly cause this? this wasn't a visual bug at all. And it wasn't a connection issue as well because the game kept going, i could move, eat, etc. And as i said, another player came, saw my stand still ship and just cannoned me into death (i would scuttle anyway). And i talked to them, they heard me, i heard them so... nah everything was working fine connection wise

  • First thingI thought about your anchor up?

  • @schwammlgott xdddd that would be hilarious but yeah it wasn't that I checked, unfortunately. And when ur anchored down, your ship still bounces on waves and stuff, but in this instance, my ship was at a complete standstill. No physics, no wobbling on waves, just pure freeze, which is why I specified FROZEN, not STUCK.

  • @noctiss-season2 weird...

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