i need "step by step" guide

  • ok let me explain, I'm convinced that SoT is a great game and finding quests and progress should come naturally as you play, but my friend, whom I must have talked him into playing is bored almost immediately (we got the game from Xbox game pass so he doesn't have the initial drive to play), he just doesn't see the bigger picture of the game so I want to have him entertained so we won't play another game. (I believe if the game is good he will eventually love it)
    This leads finally to my question: Can you give me step by step tutorial on how to play the game? What I mean is what are the fun voyages and how to do the lore? Also which event is the best. We are currently doing only the gold hoarders voyages and a little bit of pvp and the order of the souls. So it tends to be repetitive. Thanks for your replies.

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  • I mean if he doesnt like the game then he doesnt like it but flameheart is pretty fun same with ashen winds (only the first time though with ashen) Do tall tales if you want lore plus they are pretty fun but i dont think i can name fun voyages cause they all get repetitive after awhile. drinking grog and falling off your ship is pretty fun as well :0

  • @velionix
    You could try the skeleton fleet or start with a single skeleton sloop or galleon.

    Diversify, just mix stuff to do up: don't do the same tall tale 5 times in a row, don't spend a whole 4-hour long session doing only gold hoarders.

    Then find a mix of doing things you both like with stuff only one of you like (but the other one doesn't hate).

  • There are not many games like SoT, and new players falling off because of the lack of clear vertical progression is something I hear a lot about. That being said, once you understand horizontal only progression you realize what makes this game so great. You are not playing for upgrades, the only way to get better is to learn from your mistakes and try again.

    For your friend I would suggest setting some goals. Commendations are a wonderful place to start, as they will give you a long list of possible long and short term goals.

    The other suggestion I would make is to focus on understanding and then mastering each of the world events. When my crew and I don't feel like running voyages we normally just go from world event to world event. (Bring a reaper emissary flag if you are feeling spicy) This is not only a great way to make gold but there are a lot of commendations and some unique items attached to the world events.

    The other complaint I hear for new players is boredom during long distance sailing. This isn't a complaint you hear for old salts because they have found ways to keep themselves busy on long trips. Fishing, cooking, arranging supplies, spotting barrels, and most importantly island hopping. If you are not familiar, as frequently as is safe empty your inventory and cannon over to near by islands. Then stock up on supplies and take the mermaid back. This is a great way to kill time and keep your ship well supplied.

    At any rate I hope at least some of what I have to say helps. See you on the waves!

    PS - Sails up, anchor up.

  • @velionix sagte in i need "step by step" guide:

    ok let me explain, I'm convinced that SoT is a great game and finding quests and progress should come naturally as you play, but my friend, whom I must have talked him into playing is bored almost immediately (we got the game from Xbox game pass so he doesn't have the initial drive to play), he just doesn't see the bigger picture of the game so I want to have him entertained so we won't play another game. (I believe if the game is good he will eventually love it)

    The bigger picture is be a pirate and use the provided tools to have a pirate adventure in a sandbox/ seabox game.

    This leads finally to my question: Can you give me step by step tutorial on how to play the game? What I mean is what are the fun voyages and how to do the lore? Also which event is the best. We are currently doing only the gold hoarders voyages and a little bit of pvp and the order of the souls. So it tends to be repetitive. Thanks for your replies.

    Nobody can, because how to play a sand-/seabox game is up to you.
    You can fish only, PvP only, PvE only, make screenshots only, grind only, exagerate about almost everthing, you can do events only or wrecks only or megs only or.... or you do it alltogether in one session or this in that session and the other in another session.

    got it?

  • wow thank you all for the replies especially @Glennyatta it is not exactly what I am looking for but it is a good start, we don't get bored during long trips, the problem is what comes after, i learned so far, that there are the 3 ways to do quests(but i don't feel lore progression from them) the gold hoarders, the order of the souls and the merchants. so if you can elaborate on the other ways to do quests? for example the lore? do other npcs have different (interesting) quests? or are they the same but just under different flag? i heard in some ytb video that lvl 50 makes something change and you get into the (pls take that with a huge grain of salt) late game thus different Quests probably?

    @HogarthLives well my friend is all grumpy and all that but in many other games that he didn't like at first, he started to love them once he understood the mechanics so I'm not worried

    @Stundorn yea you missed my point, ofc it is a sandbox game and there isn't any direct path, but u could follow other´s before you go on your own, take Minecraft, for example, there aren't any goals of course because it is sandbox but if you are playing it for the first time and are completely lost, watching someone play can help set your goals = build a farm, build huge structures, mob grinders etc. but you do it your own way

  • @velionix
    Larinna (the lady in front of the tavern) also has some quests.

    There are some different quests from the Goldhoarders and Order of Souls:

    Standard gold hoarder are a mix of x-marks the spot for digging and riddles; but there is also a Vault voyage where you have to collect pieces of a map that leads you to a totem / key which you can use to open a vault on an island.

    Order of Souls have as standard the kill one or more crews with Captain but also have one to defeat a Ghost fleet (similar to Flameheart's ghost fleet, but less waves, no trash talking head in the sky and no wraith balls as reward).

    NPCs from the same Trading Company have in general the same quest types, but the ones in the Devil's Roar have them for the Roar specifically (deliver more valuable cargo, but no animals for the Merchants, dig up more valuable chests or trinkets and get more valuable skulls from the captains &c).

  • @velionix
    For more lore related stuff: there are also Tall Tales; there are icons on the map where you can start them, or open the menu with Tab , choose Reputation and go to Tall Tales; hover above one and click 2 for More Info on where to start.

    You might want to sail around and visit islands to get some of the clues during the Tales though before you start doing them.

  • @velionix

    Mix up your activity. If lore is what you seek, the tall tales is the place to start.

  • @velionix try out tdming if you are on PC. Quick rundown of it, you go into an Arena game, you and other boats sail to a skull fort and fight on the island with Sniper Pistol, it’s pretty fun and helps out your pvp skills a ton.

  • @hooohoocoach sagte in i need "step by step" guide:

    @velionix try out tdming if you are on PC. Quick rundown of it, you go into an Arena game, you and other boats sail to a skull fort and fight on the island with Sniper Pistol, it’s pretty fun and helps out your pvp skills a ton.

    Or try to shoot their ships at range its good Training for Cannon shots 😂

  • Not everyone likes the game. I know it feels bad for a friend to not see the full potential we see for that beautiful game, and you, naturally, want to convince him, but maybe he's just not into it. I've come across the same situation recently. However, I recommend giving PvP and Tall Tales a go. Tall Tales are the story - driven campaign that has to do with the lore. To start, go to any tavern, approach the mysterious stranger with the glowy eyes and slap a knife on the book next to him. You will embark on the wonderful journey to discover the Shores of Gold, a mysterious long - lost island that only the boldest pirates can ever hope to set foot on. As for the guides you mentioned, I recommend Youtube Videos and the pirate academy. go to the Sea of Thieves website, at the top of the page you'll see "The Game". Go there and then go to "Pirate Academy". Download the Pdf. Personally, I've never read the Academy so I don't know if it contains exactly what you are looking for, but I bet you'll find lots of useful stuff there. Farewell!

  • wow thank you all, @Lem0n-Curry that's exactly what i was looking for
    also thanks for the arena tip and @Drou-07 for the glowy eyes stranger:D that looks interesting we will definitely try it!

  • @stundorn said in i need "step by step" guide:

    @hooohoocoach sagte in i need "step by step" guide:

    @velionix try out tdming if you are on PC. Quick rundown of it, you go into an Arena game, you and other boats sail to a skull fort and fight on the island with Sniper Pistol, it’s pretty fun and helps out your pvp skills a ton.

    Or try to shoot their ships at range its good Training for Cannon shots 😂

    Try spawncamping naval players it’s quite fun!

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