Private Servers

  • @dlchief58 said in Private Servers:

    @captain-bonezzz said in Private Servers:


    Total BS. Galleon can outrun a sloop and unless you are lucky and get a narrow opening, you are hosed.

    LOL, what a way to show your own inexperience with that statement. It is very easy to evade galleons with a sloop, I do it all the time solo. You do realize that the sloop is more agile, durable, and faster into the wind that all the other ships, right? You just need to step up your game instead of giving up and asking for a kiddie mode.

    yes and more salt for my McDonald's fries

  • @wolfmanbush

    Not about a safe space. Its about making an option for people who want a PVE experience.

  • But thats the whole point of the game and if there were pve servers or private servers with you able to gain progress then the pvp servers would be empty because no one wants there stuff stolen but thats what makes the loot valuable and since you think people who don't want pve servers are just relying on ganking then people who want pve servers rely on everyone else being bad at the game

  • @closinghare208

    Salty are all of these responses from the more than likely trolls who troll daily. Sounds like they are worried their easy loot may get away if the private servers get progression.

  • @captain-bonezzz said in Private Servers:


    Salty are all of these responses from the more than likely trolls who troll daily. Sounds like they are worried their easy loot may get away if the private servers get progression.

    lol shut up I know i'm being rude but I know who trolls on here scrub and deckhands please please lock this @Deckhands

  • @closinghare208

    I have been CAUGHT in the wind by a galleon with full wind. So not sure what weed you are smoking but give me some.

  • @howling-death18 said in Private Servers:

    But thats the whole point of the game and if there were pve servers or private servers with you able to gain progress then the pvp servers would be empty because no one wants there stuff stolen but thats what makes the loot valuable and since you think people who don't want pve servers are just relying on ganking then people who want pve servers rely on everyone else being bad at the game

    yeah or the people who want pve only servers are noobs or really bad at the game and need to man up

  • @captain-bonezzz said in Private Servers:


    I have been CAUGHT in the wind by a galleon with full wind. So not sure what weed you are smoking but give me some.

    well then learn to play the damn game again more salt for my md fries

  • @captain-bonezzz said in Private Servers:


    Not about a safe space. Its about making an option for people who want a PVE experience.

    It exists on servers every single day

    It's not hard to find a server where PVP has no presence for hours. I know this because I end up on one daily as do many others

    I'm cool with the custom server stuff and letting people sail around on extra easy mode as long as it's only for the PVE and not for the gold or glory

  • @captain-bonezzz said in Private Servers:

    The idea that you can't progress or get loot in a private server is ludicrous. You have No PVE server and this is a great option for those who don't care for PVP.

    To begin with your are not even considering WHY these private servers are being made. They are NOT being made with PvE players in mind, they are being made with content creators in mind. Also these aren't free servers either, but will be rented to individuals.

    Before others get on here saying "game isn't meant for pve only blah blah" then why did they add pve elements?

    Because the game id PvPvE - it has both elements within the same shared world AS DESIGNED to have uncertain encounters with other players.

    It gets old getting ganked by galleons when you are in a sloop trying to do an event. The people who don't want pve servers are those who rely on ganking pve'ers because they are too damn lazy to go out and get their own loot.

    News flash! It is not "your" loot until you turn it in. Those other players are also doing work, they are just doing it differently. They are not being lazy, you are if you are defending your pending loot.

    Furthermore I do not want PvE servers and most certainly don't fit your prejudicial, insulting depiction. In fact my gameplay is typically passive but will defend myself when attacked and not afraid to take advantage of a situation where I might have an advantage, though generally preferring stealth to a direct approach since I play solo most of the time.

    Congrats you 4v2d and stole peoples hard work for the past 3 hours. Allow private servers to prevent being trolled as the game is fun but gets old really fast with a few trolls.

    So you had 3 hours of "work" effectively uninterrupted then lose it all at the end? Did I get that right? Sound familiar guys?

    You had 3 hours of peaceful sailing but never once thought to stop off and turn in some of that treasure beforehand? Sorry but you pretty much painted a target on your own back by taking the risk of hauling that treasure for that long. When in smaller craft (and lack the skill to defend or evade as you clearly demonstrate), learn to manage your losses and not carry more than you can afford to lose. No shame in making multiple turn-ins as you go, also gives you an opportunity to add more supplies to prepare for instances you obviously weren't in this case.

  • @captain-bonezzz can't take a loss and the then decided to come here and ask them to change the game for you. At best this is a buyers remorse thread, at the worst its a troll post. Given your remarks im going to assume its the latter.

    But hey this game is likely not for you mate. Try something else.

    And as you your constant "it wont change anything" line. It will it would compromise the vision of Rare.

  • [mod edit]

  • @wolfmanbush said in Private Servers:

    @captain-bonezzz said in Private Servers:


    Not about a safe space. Its about making an option for people who want a PVE experience.

    It exists on servers every single day

    It's not hard to find a server where PVP has no presence for hours. I know this because I end up on one daily as do many others

    I'm cool with the custom server stuff and letting people sail around on extra easy mode as long as it's only for the PVE and not for the gold or glory

    Heck, he even stated that was the case in the OP. He had 3 hours of "work" ganked at the end by a galleon. So why didn't he turn in before instead of becoming a glowing piñata for whatever ship spied him from a distance? Inquiring minds want to know.

  • @dlchief58 said in Private Servers:

    @captain-bonezzz said in Private Servers:

    The idea that you can't progress or get loot in a private server is ludicrous. You have No PVE server and this is a great option for those who don't care for PVP.

    To begin with your are not even considering WHY these private servers are being made. They are NOT being made with PvE players in mind, they are being made with content creators in mind. Also these aren't free servers either, but will be rented to individuals.

    Before others get on here saying "game isn't meant for pve only blah blah" then why did they add pve elements?

    Because the game id PvPvE - it has both elements within the same shared world AS DESIGNED to have uncertain encounters with other players.

    It gets old getting ganked by galleons when you are in a sloop trying to do an event. The people who don't want pve servers are those who rely on ganking pve'ers because they are too damn lazy to go out and get their own loot.

    News flash! It is not "your" loot until you turn it in. Those other players are also doing work, they are just doing it differently. They are not being lazy, you are if you are defending your pending loot.

    Furthermore I do not want PvE servers and most certainly don't fit your prejudicial, insulting depiction. In fact my gameplay is typically passive but will defend myself when attacked and not afraid to take advantage of a situation where I might have an advantage, though generally preferring stealth to a direct approach since I play solo most of the time.

    Congrats you 4v2d and stole peoples hard work for the past 3 hours. Allow private servers to prevent being trolled as the game is fun but gets old really fast with a few trolls.

    So you had 3 hours of "work" effectively uninterrupted then lose it all at the end? Did I get that right? Sound familiar guys?

    You had 3 hours of peaceful sailing but never once thought to stop off and turn in some of that treasure beforehand? Sorry but you pretty much painted a target on your own back by taking the risk of hauling that treasure for that long. When in smaller craft (and lack the skill to defend or evade as you clearly demonstrate), learn to manage your losses and not carry more than you can afford to lose. No shame in making multiple turn-ins as you go, also gives you an opportunity to add more supplies to prepare for instances you obviously weren't in this case.

    let's all just stop replying because he won't stop being salty until we give him a day or two

  • @captain-coel

    Rare has already created private servers. Im asking they keep the PVEer in mind to let them take advantage to not partake in pvp. For those who like pvp, go to a public server.

  • @captain-bonezzz said in Private Servers:


    You "assume" like the ignorant person you are. When doing quest there isnt much loot to turn in but progress is stopped along with loss of supplies. You sound like this game is your life so I get it. People like me who wouldn't be there for you to gank would make you feel less like the keyboard warrior you are.

    lol take a damn chill pill and come back after you have calmed down no need to be toxic my guy

  • @WolfManbush @Captain-Coel @dlCHIEF58 @Howling-Death18 lets leave him alone he's a bit toxic rn

  • @captain-bonezzz

    Sloops sink Galleons all the time and I even sink them solo. I've had 4man Galleons run away from my sloop. All you are doing is proving that you know nothing about the game.

    This game isn't like most games so saying "most games have pve and pvp separate" is just empy words. EvE Online has only 1 server and it is the most punishing and most brutal game there is and has one of the most loyal followings and is still popular and making money. In 2016 the game offered LIMITED free 2 play so players are still paying for subscriptions. Subscriptions to play in a PvP infested universe.

    You know nothing about games, are salty about being attacked because you aren't good enough to defend yourself, and for some reason want to ruin the whole game because all you can think about is yourself instead of the actual well being of the game.

    Almost all PvE'ers who preach for PvE servers eventually get turned around on their stance once they realize they actually have to defend their ship and they eventually realize the joy and the allure of a game like this.

    Get better at the game. Play with some PvPers and learn how to play or get other players or sail in bigger ships.

    Learn, adapt, get better.

  • @xultanis-dragon said in Private Servers:


    Sloops sink Galleons all the time and I even sink them solo. I've had 4man Galleons run away from my sloop. All you are doing is proving that you know nothing about the game.

    This game isn't like most games so saying "most games have pve and pvp separate" is just empy words. EvE Online has only 1 server and it is the most punishing and most brutal game there is and has one of the most loyal followings and is still popular and making money. In 2016 the game offered LIMITED free 2 play so players are still paying for subscriptions. Subscriptions to play in a PvP infested universe.

    You know nothing about games, are salty about being attacked because you aren't good enough to defend yourself, and for some reason want to ruin the whole game because all you can think about is yourself instead of the actual well being of the game.

    Almost all PvE'ers who preach for PvE servers eventually get turned around on their stance once they realize they actually have to defend their ship and they eventually realize the joy and the allure of a game like this.

    Get better at the game. Play with some PvPers and learn how to play or get other players or sail in bigger ships.

    Learn, adapt, get better.

    mate let him take that chill pill

  • @xultanis-dragon

    Its simple math. 4v2 you have a disadvantage. I disagree with you that sloops sink galleons all the time. I've killed my fair share of ships, however I can see you are too lazy to read what I said so ill give you a summary. Galleons who go after a sloop with 2 people on it all night just to troll is b.s. It had nothing to do with being "good," it has to do with people who don't want to have their experience ruined by [mod edit] who have nothing better to do than troll.

  • @captain-bonezzz Several of your posts have been edited as they go against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code.


    Be courteous. Don’t insult players you don’t know. If humour is the intent, remember that this can be lost or misinterpreted online, and words can very easily offend. Be mindful of what you’re saying and if someone asks a question, see if you can help them out as you’d appreciate being helped out yourself if the roles were reversed.

    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Please read and abide by the Forum Rules and Pirate Code in future.

    Thank you.

    As PVP vs PVE discussions are already so plentiful as it is, I'm going to drop anchor here. If you're wanting to discuss aspects of this topic, please check the plethora of other threads on the forums where you could take that particular part of the conversation to instead of making a new thread in order to help reduce clutter.

    You can read an article by Joe here in regards to Private/Custom Servers.

    As there is also a thread for discussion of Custom servers here, please post your thoughts and feedback there in a constructive and civil manner.

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