We need more ships; we need big-gold purchases

    1. The game should have more ship types. They don't need to necessarily handle differently (though it would be nice), but they definitely can and should look different. I, for one, would like to see at least one ship with lateen sails, as they were enormously common and popular with pirates. Similarly, ships with headsails or a mizzen would be very welcome (you could even combine the two and add a polacre or something). A small man-of-war, or even a large naval brig (IE, not at all like the brig we have currently), would be lovely. Generally, I'd like to see something a bit sleeker than the three rather stubby designs we currently have access to, but even if no future ships were added, at least giving players access to different sail plans would be a big step forward.

    2. SoT still lacks any purpose to the grind beyond aesthetics (and most of us probably met our appearance goals relatively soon after we started playing). I see people who have hundreds of millions of gold, and while it is certainly an accomplishment to have out-hoarded Smaug, it might be nice to have some bigger-ticket items to shoot for (like other ships, but it could really be anything). The grind shouldn't become so pointless so quickly, and having a chest full of treasure remain as valuable to a veteran as it is for a newbie would hurt no one.

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  • @provence1866 Careful who you insult.

    Uh oh. You made him angry!

  • People that play a lot and play efficiently are always gonna have way more gold/doubloons than they can spend.

    Quality over quantity when it comes to in game currency items and pirate emporium.

    Commendations reward the grind and just old fashioned having fun. Most people that play a lot have no need for anything chest of legends related but they are still chased and stolen every day for the thrill of adventure

    Bugs and balance are a forever task so adding more ships really wouldn't do anything other than bring more problems and complaints. Lots of stuff would be cool to look at but if it doesn't all go smoothly it just becomes a headache for all involved

  • I'd definitely love to see horizontal progression for the ships. So a few styles of Sloop, Brig and Galleon. All having the same number of masts, sails and cannons as their predecessors, but different in appearance. Different sail types and hull shapes would be amazing.

  • I'd like to see this too. I think a good way to implement different ship styles would be to have different layouts, for example being able to add more cannons in exchange for smaller sails (slower) or a smaller hull (easier to sink). You could unlock these different layouts with large amounts of gold, but they would have enough tradeoffs to be equal with the regular ship and therefore not create vertical progression.

  • @golden-robot-75 said in We need more ships; we need big-gold purchases:

    I'd like to see this too. I think a good way to implement different ship styles would be to have different layouts, for example being able to add more cannons in exchange for smaller sails (slower) or a smaller hull (easier to sink). You could unlock these different layouts with large amounts of gold, but they would have enough tradeoffs to be equal with the regular ship and therefore not create vertical progression.


  • @provence1866 Yes I much agree there does need some more variety in ship style especially with sails, compared to other games like Total War Empire or Sid Meiers Pirates there is quite a bit of sail styles and wonder why there is no mizzen / headsails for at least the galleon ? At least if there was a Lateen sailed Brigand longer, faster but more vulnerable to damage and two different kinds of galleon with differing capabilities, also a slightly larger rowboat with sail would be handy and on occasion could with lanterns be used as a decoy like in the film Master And Commander ! Anyway hope a little more variety in ship style / additions comes forth in the not too distant future from Rare

  • @closinghare208 Good suggestions for Rare to ponder !

  • I disagree with the big money purchases.
    I would hate to reward those earning crazy amounts of gold in alliance servers with things they could easily purchase in comparison with the average player. And I know many others who don't play in alliance servers also have an abundance of gold. But that's their fault for spending too long on a single game.
    They should've never nefered gold prices for ship cosmetics years ago, but too many complained it was all too expensive, many of those same people now have too much gold 😂😂😂

  • @provence1866

    Fully agree that more variety is required for ships.

    As an idea of big purchases: I often wonder if private islands are feasible. A place with a house that you can customise, decorated with trophy kills etc, and spend your money on cosmetic styles or house expansions.

    It would add nothing to the core gameplay, and exists purely as a aesthetic concept.

    If they were additions to servers you could use them as a place to swap ships on the fly incase more friends want to join you.

    If they're not additions to servers they can be an out of game location to change your clothes; but little more. This would at least save on servers costs.

    Some bigger investments would be nice.

  • Agreed, bigger or different gold purchases would be nice, currently i have gotten where i care to be at with my clothes and look of my ship, so i would only be getting gold to try out different ship skins, otherwise im gonna be attacking people randomly for funzies as there is nothing else to do unless a friend logs on and im not just gonna hoard loot "just because" if i have nothing worth spending it on, then im just gonna pick fights and do that part of the game instead. since i no longer need voyages as i no longer need anymore gold.

  • @leon-bao said in We need more ships; we need big-gold purchases:


    Fully agree that more variety is required for ships.

    As an idea of big purchases: I often wonder if private islands are feasible. A place with a house that you can customise, decorated with trophy kills etc, and spend your money on cosmetic styles or house expansions.

    It would add nothing to the core gameplay, and exists purely as a aesthetic concept.

    If they were additions to servers you could use them as a place to swap ships on the fly incase more friends want to join you.

    If they're not additions to servers they can be an out of game location to change your clothes; but little more. This would at least save on servers costs.

    Some bigger investments would be nice.

    The entire game is really about acquiring pointless aesthetics, so housing would actually fit right in.

    I'd love to own a lighthouse, personally.

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