Alliance servers

  • These should be removed from the game and all players should be banned for exploiting. Thoughts?

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  • @c-l-u-3-3

    Players should be banned? No.

    Alliance Servers should be removed? How?

    Rare should do something to dissuade people from alliance servers? Yes!

  • @c-l-u-3-3 banning retroactively for anything because of a new rule seems WAY harsh and unfair.

    "Fixing" it should definitely be on their list though. People will still form them of course because there is little that can be done to stop them. However, removing the free and magical 50% rep from other alliance crew turn ins would satisfy a ton of anti-server alliance folks. They can keep the +50% gold, its super inflated these days anyway.

  • Changes to Alliances would greatly effect these servers, I've thrown out ideas in the past of requiring crews to share a voyage. This adds two things for balancing. First, it ensures that there is still a risk of betrayal. Now everyone has the maps, so that Athena chest location is at risk. The second part makes it so Alliances require actual cooperation in order to function. Granted, this doesn't stop Cloud events being done seperately, but making the cut 75/75 would change things up. The bonus per each addition to the Alliance is the same total.

    2 Crew - 75/75 Total 150%
    3 Crew - 66/66/66 Total 200%
    4 Crew - 62.5/62.5/62.5/62.5 Total 250%

    ETC you get it. As long as each crew pulls there weight everyone still makes it out ahead. By making the distribution equal, you make it so people can't afford to mooch, or the people doing most of the work are willing to take a hit. This also gets crews to keep proximity because of the shared islands.

  • @c-l-u-3-3 said in Alliance servers:

    These should be removed from the game and all players should be banned for exploiting. Thoughts?

    it's not exploiting I don't do it but no one should be banned unless they are toxic or [Mod edit]

  • Limit the amount of ships in an alliance, and remove XP sharing.

  • I couldn't really care less if people use these or not. I have no interest in them.. But if Rare did ever have a problem with these, which I'm assuming they don't, all they would need to do if force a server merge on every active ship every few hours or so, and those alliances would be dissolved, constantly making it difficult to be a part of one.
    Appart from the recent Hall of fame event where 1 player won, (alliance player or not, I don't know) I personally can see no reason to feel aggrieved with players playing how they want.
    People have cheesed this game from the start to obtain titles and achievements. Nothings changed.
    How you earned what you earned is all that should matter to you. Why care about someone else's??

  • @nabberwar You shouldn't get a bonus for allying with anyone. Allying should be a tradeoff between security versus profit. Your profit from all treasure turned in on an alliance server should be scaled down proportionally to how many ships are in the alliance.

    2 ships = 50% treasure/rep value
    3 ships = 33% treasure/rep value
    4 ships = 25% treasure/rep value

    Additionally, there should be a cap to the amount of ships per alliance. Ideally the cap would reflect half the maximum capacity of ships in a server, so a max of 3 ships per alliance. This would allow for multiple alliances to be made and dissuade entire servers from becoming "comfortable" by taking entire servers over. Alliances have always been flawed since their inception since there is literally no downside to being in an alliance.

  • @c-l-u-3-3 agreed!

    Us reapers need to keep infiltrating these “allianced servers” and blow them up! My brig crew and I have found 3 of them. It’s an absolute riot to sink 3-4 allianced ships and then have them all chasing you down. We server hop just to find these “allianced servers”.

    Fly that reapers emissary proud my friend!

  • @c-l-u-3-3 yes remove alliance, or its fun to destroy them, thats what they should be for! 100% pvp players in it all the time, so they cant grind safe and not getting attacked

  • It’s arguably the most calming way to play the game. Everyone does their voyages and minds their own business. It shouldn’t be changed nor dissuaded. It’s a way people chose to play. If we were to punish people for that, what’s to stop them from punishing people for doing anything else?

    I personally love joining alliance servers. It means I’m in for a stress free day at sea without anyone else bothering me and my crew

  • How do people even organise such a thing? Sail around asking nicely to form an alliance or is it a pre-determined thing to colonise a server?

  • @yourenowontv said in Alliance servers:

    How do people even organise such a thing? Sail around asking nicely to form an alliance or is it a pre-determined thing to colonise a server?

    9-10 people log into adventure at the same time. You can have a full server in 3 or less attempts from what people have tested this way. Once they have all confirmed on same server, they fill out the ships with the rest of their community.

    Absolutely a matchmaking exploit but Rare seems to let it slide for now.

  • Boring - the most dull, fall a sleep, worst experience I’ve had playing Sea of Thieves. But hey I’ve never been a XP/Level Grinder kinda guy so....I’d rather spend the day in County than on an Server Alliance

  • @kommodoreyenser Ah I see. Interesting. 🧐

  • @c-l-u-3-3

    Whaaaah!! Someone is enjoying the game differently than me and they might max out faster and it's not fair!!!!

    That's what you sound like.

    Leave it alone or become an Alliance Server Traitor.

  • Alliances are exploits how? They're built the way they were intentionally.. and if Rare starts feeling like they want to discourage it they'll build in some drawbacks and whatever else..

    You could always roll in and start sinking these guys if you don't like them that much.. high possibility they're all afraid of PvP anyway

  • @tre-oni said in Alliance servers:

    Alliances are exploits how? They're built the way they were intentionally.. and if Rare starts feeling like they want to discourage it they'll build in some drawbacks and whatever else..

    You could always roll in and start sinking these guys if you don't like them that much.. high possibility they're all afraid of PvP anyway

    What he do mean is that they can grind and grind without being attacked as all are "friends" on the servers.
    How did they get the alliance servers? - Well they took other players ships from the start and spawnkilled them until they left OR maybe bride them with something or perhaps asked them nicely if they could get their ships (i highly doubt the last thing).
    Summit explained it very good here, at 8:47 (9:40):
    And then they CRY that they are being harrassed or similar things, bunch of uglywords if you ask double morale. (The alliance folks)

    He explains it pretty much there on that link, uglyword the alliance servers. - And i agree fully with Summit!

    I support the infiltrators of the streamers, i hope they do this to every single alliance server there is.

  • @reapinglegion said in Alliance servers:

    @tre-oni said in Alliance servers:

    Alliances are exploits how? They're built the way they were intentionally.. and if Rare starts feeling like they want to discourage it they'll build in some drawbacks and whatever else..

    You could always roll in and start sinking these guys if you don't like them that much.. high possibility they're all afraid of PvP anyway

    What he do mean is that they can grind and grind without being attacked as all are "friends" on the servers.
    How did they get the alliance servers? - Well they took other players ships from the start and spawnkilled them until they left OR maybe bride them with something or perhaps asked them nicely if they could get their ships (i highly doubt the last thing).
    Summit explained it very good here, at 8:47 (9:40):
    And then they CRY that they are being harrassed or similar things, bunch of uglywords if you ask double morale. (The alliance folks)

    He explains it pretty much there on that link, uglyword the alliance servers. - And i agree fully with Summit!

    I support the infiltrators of the streamers, i hope they do this to every single alliance server there is.

    This is definitely not how we open alliance servers 😂😂😂😂 this literally shows how much you guys know. You follow the crowd and hope that your right with what your saying without having any facts of how we do it.

    Also, just saying. Rare is actually partnered with multiple alliance servers, and all you saying they should be removed, ask yourself this.

    What did pirate fleets used to do? What are fleets? This is a pirate game, why shouldn't we be aloud to have fleets of pirates sharing income? Why does us being in an alliance server chilling out and enjoy the SANDBOX GAME how er want to harm you guys? Theres no global ranking? No rewards for grinding? Level means nothing? Gold means nothing? So why dont you like people using alliance servers? Guarantee none of you can answer that.

  • I think they need a counter. If server senses majority of the server is allied up, Flameheart sends out the waves of skeleton galleons and phantom ships to random spawn up.
    Much like a fleet, two on either side of the ship and they mix curse cannon balls.

    Difficulty increased and attacks everyone in an alliance.
    Meh whom I kidding, never gonna happen.

  • @burnbacon you counter things like over powered weapons, you dont counter how people choose to play a game. Why do you guys hate on how people choose to play a game so much? I dont understand it.

  • @eggyboffer97 We know enough for it and as i said: What Summit says is the truth.

    Like many WoW fans says: uglyword the alliance! ;)

  • @reapinglegion said in Alliance servers:

    What Summit says is the truth.

    alt text

  • @c-l-u-3-3 sagte in Alliance servers:

    These should be removed from the game and all players should be banned for exploiting. Thoughts?

    The exploit they use is called serverhopping.
    Fully agree to get rid of all serverhoppers and ban them.
    Serverhoppers are unsportmanslike gamers exploiting!!!

  • @stundorn Not really, they take over ships from other people on that server :P - I rarely hear people serverhop for that and if they do they have like 5% chance of finding eachother....imagine doing that insted of taking over ships on a server.....damn hahahah

    Hombre, i cannot answer you as your V A C A is a curseword according to the SoT community so i'll say this and hope you'll see: Triiiigggeeerreeed ;P

  • @reapinglegion

    dude you know nothing. We server hop to get alliances, do you know how this game works? Taking over ships from people isnt possible... you have to be invited into the crew, and usually, that doesnt happen :') We server hop to make alliance servers. If you want alliance server creators banned then lets ban pace, summit, summit, myself and 90% of the player base who SERVER HOP to find people to sink?

  • @reapinglegion By the way, im a mod for a server alliance, We server hop Every day, sometimes 10 seperate times a day and we always land servers like that, we have never taken ships from people unless they offer to give them to us, Its the way we are. We dont harras people or spawn camp them to leave, Because funnily enough, that doesnt give us a ship :')

  • @reapinglegion said in Alliance servers:

    so i'll say this and hope you'll see:

    alt text

  • @eggyboffer97 said in Alliance servers:

    @reapinglegion By the way, im a mod for a server alliance, We server hop Every day, sometimes 10 seperate times a day and we always land servers like that, we have never taken ships from people unless they offer to give them to us, Its the way we are. We dont harras people or spawn camp them to leave, Because funnily enough, that doesnt give us a ship :')

    hahaha "right" ;)

  • @stundorn

    The exploit they are using isn't server hopping only. They are using another one that Rare stated a long time ago that this particular exploit was frowned upon as it gave players an unfair advantage.

    Also want to point this out to anyone who thinks PvP server hoppers and PvE server alliances are the same thing.

    They are not.

    PvE server alliances are formed to remove themselves from the game. They are trying to avoid a subsequent portion of the game entirely and removing themselves from the shared world.

    PvP server hoppers are hopping to engage in the game. They are server hopping to find fights, to find ships.

    PvE'ers are running away - PvP'ers are playing the game.

    Not the same.

    SIDE NOTE Do I think they should be banned?? No. Do I think server alliances should be addressed?? Yes.

    I have no problems with PvE players making server alliances legitemately. A single ship going around and trying to form an alliance and taking over the server. THAT I am okay with.

    The exploit where they start a server with 3 or 4 ships. That I'm not okay with.

    They need to also remove the "alliance" function or at least remove the shared rep and increased gold. Honestly one of the worst addition to the game.

  • @ReapingLegion @Xultanis-Dragon

    The game is meant to be a pirate adventure and a social experience about uncertainty and unpredictability about other players.

    Would you say the PvP or Event or whatever hopping is for does contradict this?

    If not, ok i get it.

    To me serverhopping contradicts the whole games design and initial intention.

    People Hopping servers /crews did from the beginning nothing but exploit the game.
    1st PL best example.
    They want control over what shouldnt be in control of the players because of balance and adventure, unpredictability and uncertainty.

    Today there is almost everybody exploting the game in this or that form, barely anyone having a real unpredictable adventure, but hop servers until there is what they want, be it an event, friends or foes.

    If that would be intended 2hy not ask for MM options about friends, active event or foes.
    The serverhopping is also bad for PvP, think of Reaper logging, think of overly toxic bullies who can easily hop servers to always find someone to bully.

    Counterargument is you cannot escape from bullies.
    But they could make a 1 hop per hour rule and i bet my new rig,
    if you remove serverhopping, there will be no more bullies in no time, because they have to deal with their server for 1 hour at minimum.
    People who get harassed can hop once. If you have bad luck and end up again on a server with bullies then so be it.
    Today you give bullies and overly toxic pvpers like we have tons of introduced by some streamers a tool for their playstyle that in all honesty is in no way playfull and for a game without SBMM and in the first line an adventure game the possibility to exploit it an cater to the focus on ccompetition rather than a unpredictable social experience.

    Rare failed in the long run to build the community they wanted initially.
    What they have now is not people socializing and having a pirate adventure.
    Majority is not communicating, if ever it's toxic trashtalking and there is no uncertainty about other players it's KoS or owning 2,3,4v1

    In rare cases it's 1 exploiter versus 4 new players barely know how to sail

  • @stundorn said in Alliance servers:

    @ReapingLegion @Xultanis-Dragon

    The game is meant to be a pirate adventure and a social experience about uncertainty and unpredictability about other players.

    Would you say the PvP or Event or whatever hopping is for does contradict this?

    If not, ok i get it.
    To me serverhopping contradicts the whole games design and initial intention.

    It depends on the tools and how you use them and for what reason right??

    Server hopping for engagement or for servers with players to fight seems like its a player trying to be part of the shared world.

    A player setting up server alliances or server hopping to form them with an exploit is a player trying to REMOVE themselves from the shared world.

    2 different things. These are not the same. 1 player is trying to find a more populated active world, the other is trying to find a safe space.

    People Hopping servers /crews did from the beginning nothing but exploit the game.
    1st PL best example.

    I know who you are talking about but I don't think he was the actual first pirate legend. I think just because he was vocal about it and streamed it everything thinks he was the first, but I think someone actual dug into the timeline and I think they found that someone actually beat him to it. How I don't know.

    But that aside, again completely different. Is this an issue?? Yes and no. I don't like it because someone is taking credit for other players work and then saying he got to pirate legend when he really didn't. I'm for it because how many of us have had friends join in right as we are about to turn in something and 1 friend doesn't need it but another one does??

    Still different circumstances to the server alliance and pvp server hopping.

    They want control over what shouldnt be in control of the players because of balance and adventure, unpredictability and uncertainty.

    Today there is almost everybody exploting the game in this or that form, barely anyone having a real unpredictable adventure, but hop servers until there is what they want, be it an event, friends or foes.

    Which shows a bad development on Rares part.

    Lets take the reasons for why PvP'ers server hop. We all know that the servers look dead but I don't think its because of low population. I believe that the game is very healthy and has a TON of players. More than enough to populate and keep servers full and active.

    I think what is happening and what has happened in the past is that the server amount was increased to lower the density of the player population so to speak. 20 players confined to 3 servers will seem more active then 20 players spread out 6 or 7 servers.

    Why do I believe this to be true?? I've witnessed it. When steam came out the servers were completely full with ships going after each other as new influx of PC players came into the mix. Strangely enough, the numbers of ships sited seem to drop but if you looked at the steam chart as the same time during that period, the charts showed that player population increased and stayed at 60k daily.

    How did the servers suddenly feel less populated yet the player population stayed the same?? The same thing happened when the game first came out. For the first month or so you couldn't go anywhere in the game without running into a ship. Players believed that the ship per server count was also higher. Yet even though Rare claimed the population was growing and even though the popularity of the game increased, the servers seemed to die more and more.

    So I came to the conclusion that Rare is mitigating the server density and population with some sort of assanine algorithm to keep players spread out to curb the PvP.

    In which they have done for the past 2 years. The only REAL iteration of PvP was the emissary flags. Everything before that they tried heavily to CONTROL the amount of PvP in the game.

    They talk about a shared world but have been TIGHTENING the leash around PvP'ers.

    The start was the change to the loot system and the Fort spawn rates, making Forts completely unnecessary and loot so plentiful and high teired that players are getting to pirate legend in less than a week, and now apparently in less than 21hours.

    So while PvE'ers get Tall Tales, NPC ships, Megs, Event after Event. PvP'ers are being forced to play nice with commendations that REQUIRE alliances.

    Rare has done EVERYTHING possible to make this game easier for PvE players.

    If that would be intended 2hy not ask for MM options about friends, active event or foes.

    Matchmaking options will just split the community and for those of us that actually understand MM, its not that great of a thing. High ranks will just face off against the same players and if those players aren't online then you can wait hours for a server.

    We've asked for more PvP type of events but those events are made useless by the fact that again there is no reason to do them.

    Forts in the beginning were important because high tier loot was uncommon and loot in general was hard to come by. Best place for loot was the fort that spawned only every 3 to 4 hours.

    Forts were contested EVERY SINGLE TIME and for HOURS. However, Rare didn't like that so they made sure Forts were up constantly and spread high teir loot everywhere, and then no one did forts anymore and the PvP in the game DROPPED.

    The serverhopping is also bad for PvP, think of Reaper logging, think of overly toxic bullies who can easily hop servers to always find someone to bully.

    You call them bullies but they are playing the game. They are attacking players. If a player doesn't want to be spawn camped they can scuttle. If they don't like what the players are saying they can mute game chat and use xbox party chat.

    You are trying to compare apples to oranges here. PvE'ers have a game. PvP'ers are put on a leash.

    You obviously aren't a PvPer because you don't know how dead the servers are for us. Hey an event is up, who cares no one is doing it. Hey we have 400k in loot on board, who cares no one is going to attack us for it.

    PvE'ers talk as if they get attacked constantly and PvP'ers know this is a lie because we don't ever get attacked. We always have to engage.

    Counterargument is you cannot escape from bullies.

    No counter argument is that just because someone is attacking you doesn't make them a bully. Also, you can fight back since this game is PvPvE.

    But they could make a 1 hop per hour rule and i bet my new rig,

    Right?? I mean for all those players that get spawn camped and now can't leave the server.

    if you remove serverhopping, there will be no more bullies in no time, because they have to deal with their server for 1 hour at minimum.

    ??? I don't think you looked at this correctly.

    If they locked server hopping guess what, we aren't locked in a server alone, you are now locked in the server WITH US.

    People who get harassed can hop once. If you have bad luck and end up again on a server with bullies then so be it.

    lololololol, the only reason you are okay with this is you believe that server hopping will make it better for the PvE because not the PvP is locked in a server or that there is a less likely chance of a player landing in your FoTD server.

    You are completely forgetting all the players who have friends that join games or leave games.

    You just left your game to join a friends? Oh hey you have another friend so now you want to get a bigger ship. WELL TOUGH, you can't leave your server and they can't join yours because they are locked in theirs.

    Today you give bullies and overly toxic pvpers like we have tons of introduced by some streamers a tool for their playstyle that in all honesty is in no way playfull and for a game without SBMM and in the first line an adventure game the possibility to exploit it an cater to the focus on ccompetition rather than a unpredictable social experience.

    Again you call it bullies or overly toxic. They really aren't. Players who believe this need to develop thicker skin and grow up. I'm getting tired of the overly sensitive childish hypocritical player base.

    Let me ask you something, how do you dictate what is the right way to have fun or to play a game?? Is it based on your feelings?? Okay, I feel bad that I am not allowed to PvP, my feelings are hurt that you are saying I'm toxic and my way of playing is wrong. What now?? Is this where you tell me your way is the right way because you have some moral high ground or something?? Is this where you say that you feelings are more important then other players??

    How about whose fun is more right than others?? PvP'ers love to engage and fight. Is this where you say "Well then how about making PvP servers then" oh thats a nice sentiment. Segregation. I mean thats always the answer. Heaven forbid we play a game in a way that fits our play style and lets us blow off some steam and have fun, but no you are right, our fun is the wrong way to have fun am I right??

    Rare failed in the long run to build the community they wanted initially.

    They failed because they caved to the babies and the whiners. There are tons of players in this game that are PvEvP players. The ones that used to advocate for PvE servers only to finally realize after getting better at the game that the current game is a gem and beauty to behold.

    That trying to ostracize and hate on the PvP community wasn't the answer. The answer was the grow up and get better at the game and learn that its a shared world.

    What they have now is not people socializing and having a pirate adventure.

    No you are right. What they have now is a bunch of players trying to run away from the game and demand their be allowed to have their safe space because the outside world is just too hard.

    Majority is not communicating, if ever it's toxic trashtalking and there is no uncertainty about other players it's KoS or owning 2,3,4v1

    You know whats funny. I've played this game since launch and the most toxicity I've ever run into is from PvE players. I'm usually quiet on the mic and the best part is when I board a ship and start killing and they get on the mic and CALL ME names.

    I've watched some streams and I've noticed that the streamers that players call toxic, like pace or summit. Don't really say anything all that toxic in the game. They say things to the chat but they don't say it to the players in the game.

    The worst they say is "get dumpstered". No one says anything too personal about anyone or anything.

    Players getting mad at Summit for voicing his opinion about the state of the game and getting mad at his choice of words but who cares?? Did he say that to anyone in particular or just voicing how he feels strongly about the game??

    Also don't get the confused. I dislike summit with every fiber in my body because of his influence on DGE and the game, but I'm not going to condemn a person for doing nothing wrong.

    Honestly this world of children and bubble wrap is tiring.

    In rare cases it's 1 exploiter versus 4 new players barely know how to sail


    KoS or owning 2,3,4v1

    What happen to every against the solo player?? Let me point out that if you can't solo then don't. I sink brigs, and galleons all the time solo. Just get better at the game. There is such a thing.

    My rant is over.........for now

  • @stundorn ohhh right in the feels :,(

  • I could be onboard for limiting server hops if Rare adds in merges for Reaper emissary ships who are on a server with no other emissary ships during a 5 minute period.

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