Reliable blocking.

  • Sometimes you still take damage whilst blocking.
    However i think if blocking was reliable enough, sword fights could become somewhat prolonged and more fun.

    Back yourself into a corner so you cant get flanked, wait for an opening to strike or simple wait for them to reach for their firearm and counter.

    I know its meant to work but it doesnt always.
    If this did work all the time though i think i would block more regularly.

    It would add more depth than bunny hopping and button mashing for sure.

  • 45
  • @daringclarky In my experience blocking is pretty reliable...just those permanent bunny hoppers who dance around you get through it...never had any problems at all when the enemy is in front of me...

  • @schwammlgott and @DaringClarky

    It has nothing to do with bunny hopping, you can keep an opponent in the middle of the screen "in front of you" but that won't save you. The real culprit is the POV sweeping, simply moving your view back and forth whilst you swing will get your sword around the block... even if the defender is facing you.

    A clip of it happening to Pace22 that someone shared
    If you slow it down, you can clearly see that Pace keeps the character model in the middle of his screen and accurately compensating for the opponents motion.
    For the first hit, Pace is simply to slow and the hit is valid.
    The 2nd hit he blocks as both the characters are just facing each other and the opponent simply strikes.
    The third hit however his opponent is first facing to the side (Paces left, his right) and turns their view towards Pace, causing the strike to bypass the block.

    This is the effect that makes it feel awkward, unreliable and frustrating in fights as a good fighter should be moving around meaning that they pivot their camera view quite a bit. You can some what play around it by instead of facing your opponent, as you should... instead just pivot into the direction the sword is coming from aka mimic the same sweep behavior to lead your block to face the sword (which makes zero sense in my books). It feels unnatural, gimmicky and frankly less fun for me.

    In nearly any session I have on the seas I am experiencing this in some degree, whether it is because I personally connect hits that I believe are wrongfully given to me, as I move consistently and by effect, not even always intentionally, am sweeping striking or that it happens to me and I feel cheated.

    I am not sure if this is due to the blocks arc just being a tad to small and the hit being able to like nick the hitbox due to the swinging motion of the camera or simply the hit registration not prioritizing blocks properly. Yet frankly it is something I think should be looked at. Blocking should feel right and not like you gotten cheated.

  • @cotu42 yeah I am the one that posted that. Also I made a little YouTube video showing the absurdity of the POV sweeping making a near 360 degree arc attack and also how even standing still the arc is more than a 90 degree POV:

    YouTube Clip

    I beleive the true arc when standing still to probably be more like 120-150 degrees (60-75 degrees either side of center)

  • @CotU42 @KommodoreYenser

    From both your combined you happen to know if playing around with POV can make it any better? Is there anything we can try on our own end to improve the blocking experience?

  • @daringclarky Not much I would say. I just have my character sensitivity fairly high (6.0-6.5 I believe) with a 1200 dpi setting on mouse. Try to be able to twitch during sword fighting and whatnot.

    Honestly I rarely try and block anymore due to this and only close in on another sword user for a hit after he swings. Sometimes that doesn't work either and we both start "slapping" each other back and forth because of the stun being super buggy/picky about timing.

    The safest bet I do is run sword/sniper and blunder bombs on offense for a brig or galleon or if I expect to be in the water/land fighting, sword/blunderbuss for sloop or on defense of my ship. Completely ignoring my sword unless I run across double gun users and relying on blunder bombs to keep them out of sword reach. One good sniper/blunder shot followed by a blunder bomb is a real quick way of dealing with someone on a ship.

  • @kommodoreyenser

    Its a shame that.

    I remember years ago the first game i played online was a star wars game. Lightsaber battling and what not.

    Now its not really an accurate comparison but i remember sword play in that being so fluid, even blocking. Internet connections back then werent the best. Dont even think many had decent broadband but it was awesome. You block in time, it blocked etc etc.

    Id love it if swordplay was as fluid.
    Combined with the rest of SOT, it would really make the game next level fun.

    Fighting with your sword, deflecting blows like one of the three musketeers, on the deck of a ship. It would add a new level of skill to things i think.

    I reakon they’ll get it right one day. Touch wood haha.

  • @daringclarky it really won't be too hard. They either need to reel in the arc width and swing time 90 degrees and instant damage dealt. Would be tons improved including for blocking instead of this Legend of Zelda spin attack nonsense you can do in game. If people do want that, then IMO it should be a charged attack same as lunge.

    The other thing is group sword play. The whole being able to travel through your crew mates and swing swords through them HEAVILY leans towards sword. If you shoot a gun while you stand inside your crew mate or they are in the way, you aren't going to be hitting an enemy. If you use throwables in the same way, they will trigger on your crew mate and not the enemy or ground target. I would propose they make crew mates the same as enemies in a sense that you cannot walk through them and sword swings are also "absorbed" by them if they are in the way.

    Let's face it, sword may not have firearm or throwable range but it has ALOT more going for it than people let on.

  • @kommodoreyenser Yeah i agree with you bud :)
    I hope they manage to get it sorted.

    Oh man, a legend of zelda sword swing would be cool.
    Especially if it could cause the person doing it to stagger if the attack is blocked.
    But thats an idea for another thread lol

  • @daringclarky

    Try to look at where the sword is coming from when they do it, tends to help.

  • @daringclarky said in Reliable blocking.:

    Sometimes you still take damage whilst blocking.
    However i think if blocking was reliable enough, sword fights could become somewhat prolonged and more fun.

    Back yourself into a corner so you cant get flanked, wait for an opening to strike or simple wait for them to reach for their firearm and counter.

    I know its meant to work but it doesnt always.
    If this did work all the time though i think i would block more regularly.

    It would add more depth than bunny hopping and button mashing for sure.

    i agree they need to fix blocking and put sword back to balanced so it isn't just sword spam here and there

  • @kommodoreyenser said:

    I would propose they make crew mates the same as enemies in a sense that you cannot walk through them and sword swings are also "absorbed" by them if they are in the way.

    I don't want this.

  • @closinghare208 said in Reliable blocking.:

    @daringclarky said in Reliable blocking.:

    Sometimes you still take damage whilst blocking.
    However i think if blocking was reliable enough, sword fights could become somewhat prolonged and more fun.

    Back yourself into a corner so you cant get flanked, wait for an opening to strike or simple wait for them to reach for their firearm and counter.

    I know its meant to work but it doesnt always.
    If this did work all the time though i think i would block more regularly.

    It would add more depth than bunny hopping and button mashing for sure.

    i agree they need to fix blocking and put sword back to balanced so it isn't just sword spam here and there

    It's not just about blocking. I find that most pirates who tend to fail at blocking tend to neglect their feet - as in, they don't move. They may look at their opponent to keep them centered and to defend, but unless they're also moving, it's only a matter of time before defeat.

  • @daringclarky said:

    Back yourself into a corner so you cant get flanked, wait for an opening to strike or simple wait for them to reach for their firearm and counter.

    If you backed yourself into a corner to prevent getting flanked, guess what's going to happen?

    I'm going to flank you.

    ...because I know how to do it, even when you're in a corner. So, go ahead - you'll still find a sword in your back.

  • @galactic-geek said in Reliable blocking.:

    @kommodoreyenser said:

    I would propose they make crew mates the same as enemies in a sense that you cannot walk through them and sword swings are also "absorbed" by them if they are in the way.

    I don't want this.

    Would you be against shooting through your team mates then? Or is there a sword bias I sense here...

  • @galactic-geek said in Reliable blocking.:

    @closinghare208 said in Reliable blocking.:

    @daringclarky said in Reliable blocking.:

    Sometimes you still take damage whilst blocking.
    However i think if blocking was reliable enough, sword fights could become somewhat prolonged and more fun.

    Back yourself into a corner so you cant get flanked, wait for an opening to strike or simple wait for them to reach for their firearm and counter.

    I know its meant to work but it doesnt always.
    If this did work all the time though i think i would block more regularly.

    It would add more depth than bunny hopping and button mashing for sure.

    i agree they need to fix blocking and put sword back to balanced so it isn't just sword spam here and there

    It's not just about blocking. I find that most pirates who tend to fail at blocking tend to neglect their feet - as in, they don't move. They may look at their opponent to keep them centered and to defend, but unless they're also moving, it's only a matter of time before defeat.

    Moving my camera not my footwork, shouldn't all of a sudden allow me to wiggle my sword around someone's block, but that is what it does.

    This is about blocking... not about footwork or dodge jumps into people and all that jazz. Regardless of whether you are a better swordsman or not is really not the point of this post. If you are able to put the opponent straight in front of you in the middle of your screen, a mouse flick shouldn't all of a sudden negate your block.

  • @kommodoreyenser

    I would propose they make crew mates the same as enemies in a sense that you cannot walk through them and sword swings are also "absorbed" by them if they are in the way.

    Teammates should block/absorb sword swings, would make multi-sword duels way more interesting - similar to gun play. Would also help versus the vortex that people complain about. One person lands a hit, the rest can maul you down. Would also promote more diversity in weapon loadout in teams perhaps. Would state that the sooner you hit a teammate, the quicker your next swing could be executed allowing you to adjust and get back at the action.

    Teammates should not body block you, as this also impacts far more aspects of the game and makes it more open to trolling.

  • @cotu42 said in Reliable blocking.:

    @galactic-geek said in Reliable blocking.:

    @closinghare208 said in Reliable blocking.:

    @daringclarky said in Reliable blocking.:

    Sometimes you still take damage whilst blocking.
    However i think if blocking was reliable enough, sword fights could become somewhat prolonged and more fun.

    Back yourself into a corner so you cant get flanked, wait for an opening to strike or simple wait for them to reach for their firearm and counter.

    I know its meant to work but it doesnt always.
    If this did work all the time though i think i would block more regularly.

    It would add more depth than bunny hopping and button mashing for sure.

    i agree they need to fix blocking and put sword back to balanced so it isn't just sword spam here and there

    It's not just about blocking. I find that most pirates who tend to fail at blocking tend to neglect their feet - as in, they don't move. They may look at their opponent to keep them centered and to defend, but unless they're also moving, it's only a matter of time before defeat.

    Moving my camera not my footwork, shouldn't all of a sudden allow me to wiggle my sword around someone's block, but that is what it does.

    This is about blocking... not about footwork or dodge jumps into people and all that jazz. Regardless of whether you are a better swordsman or not is really not the point of this post. If you are able to put the opponent straight in front of you in the middle of your screen, a mouse flick shouldn't all of a sudden negate your block.

    What you're failing to realize is that your view doesn't just dictate the movement of your eyes and head, but your entire upper body from the waist up - that's why a look dictates direction and position of the attack.

  • @galactic-geek said in Reliable blocking.:

    @cotu42 said in Reliable blocking.:

    @galactic-geek said in Reliable blocking.:

    @closinghare208 said in Reliable blocking.:

    @daringclarky said in Reliable blocking.:

    Sometimes you still take damage whilst blocking.
    However i think if blocking was reliable enough, sword fights could become somewhat prolonged and more fun.

    Back yourself into a corner so you cant get flanked, wait for an opening to strike or simple wait for them to reach for their firearm and counter.

    I know its meant to work but it doesnt always.
    If this did work all the time though i think i would block more regularly.

    It would add more depth than bunny hopping and button mashing for sure.

    i agree they need to fix blocking and put sword back to balanced so it isn't just sword spam here and there

    It's not just about blocking. I find that most pirates who tend to fail at blocking tend to neglect their feet - as in, they don't move. They may look at their opponent to keep them centered and to defend, but unless they're also moving, it's only a matter of time before defeat.

    Moving my camera not my footwork, shouldn't all of a sudden allow me to wiggle my sword around someone's block, but that is what it does.

    This is about blocking... not about footwork or dodge jumps into people and all that jazz. Regardless of whether you are a better swordsman or not is really not the point of this post. If you are able to put the opponent straight in front of you in the middle of your screen, a mouse flick shouldn't all of a sudden negate your block.

    What you're failing to realize is that your view doesn't just dictate the movement of your eyes and head, but your entire upper body from the waist up - that's why a look dictates direction and position of the attack.

    It does NOT determine the upper-body direction, it is literally your ENTIRE body. The opponent turns the attack to face the defender and is extending its horizontal reach, they are in front turning to face their opponent, yet they are able to by pass the block. Not because they actually moved around the block, but simply because they strike just besides the character and the last part of the strike doesn't get blocked for some reason yet that is what hits you. On a block the character flips their sword, when it doesn't register that it should be blocking it doesn't and therefore allows the hit to land. Btw. swiveling your own camera towards it isn't even a guaranteed block either.

    For the record, when fighting... you want to keep your OPPONENT center mass, not their weapons.... as in logically and realistically, as else you are exposing your open sides to them.

    You seem to be defending this relentlessly and are frankly just making up stuff now - it controls everything from the waist up... seriously. If they aren't facing me when they strike while I am facing them, the direction they are hitting is the air next to me... so why are they bypassing my block with the end of that while if in that position I could take on a full strike that starts from where it hits me, to the entire middle of my body and past it...

    You think the blocking system is flawless or something?

  • @cotu42 said in Reliable blocking.:

    @galactic-geek said in Reliable blocking.:

    @cotu42 said in Reliable blocking.:

    @galactic-geek said in Reliable blocking.:

    @closinghare208 said in Reliable blocking.:

    @daringclarky said in Reliable blocking.:

    Sometimes you still take damage whilst blocking.
    However i think if blocking was reliable enough, sword fights could become somewhat prolonged and more fun.

    Back yourself into a corner so you cant get flanked, wait for an opening to strike or simple wait for them to reach for their firearm and counter.

    I know its meant to work but it doesnt always.
    If this did work all the time though i think i would block more regularly.

    It would add more depth than bunny hopping and button mashing for sure.

    i agree they need to fix blocking and put sword back to balanced so it isn't just sword spam here and there

    It's not just about blocking. I find that most pirates who tend to fail at blocking tend to neglect their feet - as in, they don't move. They may look at their opponent to keep them centered and to defend, but unless they're also moving, it's only a matter of time before defeat.

    Moving my camera not my footwork, shouldn't all of a sudden allow me to wiggle my sword around someone's block, but that is what it does.

    This is about blocking... not about footwork or dodge jumps into people and all that jazz. Regardless of whether you are a better swordsman or not is really not the point of this post. If you are able to put the opponent straight in front of you in the middle of your screen, a mouse flick shouldn't all of a sudden negate your block.

    What you're failing to realize is that your view doesn't just dictate the movement of your eyes and head, but your entire upper body from the waist up - that's why a look dictates direction and position of the attack.

    It does NOT determine the upper-body direction, it is literally your ENTIRE body. The opponent turns the attack to face the defender and is extending its horizontal reach, they are in front turning to face their opponent, yet they are able to by pass the block. Not because they actually moved around the block, but simply because they strike just besides the character and the last part of the strike doesn't get blocked for some reason yet that is what hits you. On a block the character flips their sword, when it doesn't register that it should be blocking it doesn't and therefore allows the hit to land. Btw. swiveling your own camera towards it isn't even a guaranteed block either.

    For the record, when fighting... you want to keep your OPPONENT center mass, not their weapons.... as in logically and realistically, as else you are exposing your open sides to them.

    You seem to be defending this relentlessly and are frankly just making up stuff now - it controls everything from the waist up... seriously. If they aren't facing me when they strike while I am facing them, the direction they are hitting is the air next to me... so why are they bypassing my block with the end of that while if in that position I could take on a full strike that starts from where it hits me, to the entire middle of my body and past it...

    Okay, what you say about full body makes sense, since looking right and left on the controller's joystick IS turning.

    Swords don't often hit and bounce - they can slide too.

    The sword also doesn't hit once, or in one spot. A slice can hit at any point of the swing of the blade. Want to minimize impact? Use your feet and move (away) like I've been saying. If you're good enough, you may even force them to miss, creating a delay for them and an opening for you.

  • @galactic-geek

    Dude ... dodging doesn't fix blocking. You truly believe I don't know how to fight a sword duel in this game... seriously? Herp derp do you know if you just dodge jump backwards or even better forwards through your opponent and not get hit is a great way to you know... not block... playing around something that is broken doesn't mean it is not broken. Frankly I notice more the faults of it due to me getting hits in that frankly I shouldn't be getting.... does that make it less of an issue? Not in my opinion... but sure dude tell me more about how to NOT block...

    Yes, a sword does not have a single hit point... it is a sweep, yet you can only block it completely if you block a section of it and not any where in that strike even if the rest hit air?

  • @cotu42 said in Reliable blocking.:


    Dude ... dodging doesn't fix blocking. You truly believe I don't know how to fight a sword duel in this game... seriously? Herp derp do you know if you just dodge jump backwards or even better forwards through your opponent and not get hit is a great way to you know... not block... playing around something that is broken doesn't mean it is not broken. Frankly I notice more the faults of it due to me getting hits in that frankly I shouldn't be getting.... does that make it less of an issue? Not in my opinion... but sure dude tell me more about how to NOT block...

    Yes, a sword does not have a single hit point... it is a sweep, yet you can only block it completely if you block a section of it and not any where in that strike even if the rest hit air?

    There's a reason it's a defensive dodge, that guess what - requires you to block. You can't expect blocking to be your only real defensive option, nor should you rely upon it as such.

    You're right, though - just because you can avoid blocking (you can't BTW), it doesn't mean that blocking isn't broken. That said, I truly don't think that it is. I believe it to be working as intended, but that it's being hindered by server and networking issues as well as the known hit-reg issues.

  • @galactic-geek ooh really, blocking is not the only defensive option and it also shouldn't be... yet to state one should not be able to rely on a block is ludicrous. Should dodge jumps sometimes mysteriously not make you jump, because you shouldn't rely on a single tool in your arsenal?

    It isn't like we are stating that it should be a 360 defence, but when you face your opponent directly, dead center of your screen and they strike while your block is up should work.

    Look at that clip in 0.25 speed and tell me exactly how the 2nd strike being blocked but the 3rd one being a hit is working as intended? Why doesn't the block register and cause the sword to flip, or do you truly believe that his opponent managed to avoid the block in a fair manner to get a flank hit in?

    I cannot avoid blocks... hhhm funny because I have been on both ends of doing it and even explained above how it is achieved. Similar to the clip, by simply rotating my character while still infront of the defender gives me hits.

  • When someone blocks i just jump and sword them 'til they die.
    Works on skeletons as well 😂

  • @galactic-geek said in Reliable blocking.:

    @daringclarky said:

    Back yourself into a corner so you cant get flanked, wait for an opening to strike or simple wait for them to reach for their firearm and counter.

    If you backed yourself into a corner to prevent getting flanked, guess what's going to happen?

    I'm going to flank you.

    ...because I know how to do it, even when you're in a corner. So, go ahead - you'll still find a sword in your back.

    Feel like sharing?

  • @daringclarky said in Reliable blocking.:

    @galactic-geek said in Reliable blocking.:

    @daringclarky said:

    Back yourself into a corner so you cant get flanked, wait for an opening to strike or simple wait for them to reach for their firearm and counter.

    If you backed yourself into a corner to prevent getting flanked, guess what's going to happen?

    I'm going to flank you.

    ...because I know how to do it, even when you're in a corner. So, go ahead - you'll still find a sword in your back.

    Feel like sharing?

    Dodge jump forward into the target and fling around with a swing, usually does the trick.

  • @cotu42 Its a shame blocking doesnt work as good as it could.

  • Here's an idea, remove the stun preventing you from swinging and make it so swinging at the same time as your opponent acts as a block if the two swings intersect. You know, the way real sword fights would go.

    Not this hold up your blade like you are bunting a baseball blocking system.

  • @kommodoreyenser said in Reliable blocking.:

    Here's an idea, remove the stun preventing you from swinging and make it so swinging at the same time as your opponent acts as a block if the two swings intersect. You know, the way real sword fights would go.

    Not this hold up your blade like you are bunting a baseball blocking system.

    Due to the server, network, and hit-reg issues, I don't think this would be feasible until such gets fixed. Even if it was implemented, it might make combat a bit more boring because nobody would hit anyone most of the time. On the plus side, it would force pirates to think more. Also, because you're less likely to hit your opponent, damage values may have to go up to compensate (meaning fewer hits to kill).

  • @cotu42 said in Reliable blocking.:

    @galactic-geek ooh really, blocking is not the only defensive option and it also shouldn't be... yet to state one should not be able to rely on a block is ludicrous.

    You need to use all of the tools at your disposal if you want to be an effective pirate; not doing so is simply hindering your own performance and potential. It's like fighting with 1 arm tied behind your back.

    Should dodge jumps sometimes mysteriously not make you jump, because you shouldn't rely on a single tool in your arsenal?

    Of course you should be able to hop; I never suggested that you shouldn't.

    It isn't like we are stating that it should be a 360 defence, but when you face your opponent directly, dead center of your screen and they strike while your block is up should work.

    And I have consistently said that what you are seeing on your screen may not be what's actually happening, or at least how the server or your network interprets it. It's the same thing as being shot through a wall and dying in a 1st-person shooter moments after you got to cover. You only think you got there, but the game/server/network didn't interpret it that way.

    Look at that clip in 0.25 speed and tell me exactly how the 2nd strike being blocked but the 3rd one being a hit is working as intended?

    I have already explained this, and you don't need to watch it at .25 speed to see it. His opponent changed direction, and he failed to compensate.

    Why doesn't the block register and cause the sword to flip, or do you truly believe that his opponent managed to avoid the block in a fair manner to get a flank hit in?

    I do believe that he managed to flank and get a fair hit in. As for the sword flip, I rarely ever see that when I block - my sword usually stays in place. I could be mistaken, but I think that's more a sign of a perfect block that might have some potential benefit that we're not really yet aware of.

    I cannot avoid blocks... hhhm funny because I have been on both ends of doing it and even explained above how it is achieved. Similar to the clip, by simply rotating my character while still infront of the defender gives me hits.

    I was simply stating that at some point, in order to survive, you will have to block. If you choose not to do it, you will die far more often - then again, that should be obvious.

  • @galactic-geek said in Reliable blocking.:

    @cotu42 said in Reliable blocking.:

    @galactic-geek ooh really, blocking is not the only defensive option and it also shouldn't be... yet to state one should not be able to rely on a block is ludicrous.

    You need to use all of the tools at your disposal if you want to be an effective pirate; not doing so is simply hindering your own performance and potential. It's like fighting with 1 arm tied behind your back.

    Yet this is a conversation about blocking, it is like saying just pull out your gun and shoot them in the face. It is unrelated to the discussion and you are frankly just trying to make the case: Why block, just don't get hit...

    Should dodge jumps sometimes mysteriously not make you jump, because you shouldn't rely on a single tool in your arsenal?

    Of course you should be able to hop; I never suggested that you shouldn't.

    Blocks don't have to be reliable, so why would hopping be... because it is your favorite move? Don't you get my point... that your entire arsenals should be reliable.

    It isn't like we are stating that it should be a 360 defence, but when you face your opponent directly, dead center of your screen and they strike while your block is up should work.

    And I have consistently said that what you are seeing on your screen may not be what's actually happening, or at least how the server or your network interprets it. It's the same thing as being shot through a wall and dying in a 1st-person shooter moments after you got to cover. You only think you got there, but the game/server/network didn't interpret it that way.

    Which is why blocking should be the priority in the system, frankly you are just making bad excuses. I know how server based games work man, both clients send their data and the server decides... the server however is making bad decisions making it feel bad and punishing for doing the correct thing... this is exactly what I want them to fix: Blocks should be priority over hits.

    Funny that you pinpoint pretty much one of the potential causes I believe the issue with reliable blocking is happening, as a defense of why it works perfectly? Therefore you don't believe that if you keep an opponent in the middle of your screen you should block their attacks, it should remain to be based on the latency of the network... in a triple A game... it isn't like the combat is that fast. I personally would like it if the servers would prioritize rewarding good defensive plays than hand out offensive benefits to those that don't deserve it...

    Look at that clip in 0.25 speed and tell me exactly how the 2nd strike being blocked but the 3rd one being a hit is working as intended?

    I have already explained this, and you don't need to watch it at .25 speed to see it. His opponent changed direction, and he failed to compensate.

    Yet if you would look at the footage you would see he has his opponent pretty much smack in the middle of his screen when the hit occurs... should he not be facing his opponent that is striking? Or is striking next to your opponent and rotating your character supposed to magically avoid the block?

    This just showcases that you have no interest in actually analyzing and figuring out what people talk about. Just dismiss my request and go... I can see it at full speed better than you can at slow motion... guess you don't respect my opinion and combat analysis.

    Why doesn't the block register and cause the sword to flip, or do you truly believe that his opponent managed to avoid the block in a fair manner to get a flank hit in?

    I do believe that he managed to flank and get a fair hit in.

    I asked you to look at it and explain your take on it. You answered with: I don't need to and the blocking system is perfect, but ooh wait you also pointed out a flaw but you know... it was totally a flank view the picture for the frame before impact.

    As for the sword flip, I rarely ever see that when I block - my sword usually stays in place. I could be mistaken, but I think that's more a sign of a perfect block that might have some potential benefit that we're not really yet aware of.

    Euhm... the flip of the sword happens when the block registers and the strike was directed at the hand. It is just the animation... that confirms you blocked? There is no hidden meaning, it is just there to look good and give visual confirmation. The system isn't that complicated. You rarely see this happening?

    I cannot avoid blocks... hhhm funny because I have been on both ends of doing it and even explained above how it is achieved. Similar to the clip, by simply rotating my character while still infront of the defender gives me hits.

    I was simply stating that at some point, in order to survive, you will have to block. If you choose not to do it, you will die far more often - then again, that should be obvious.

    Yet blocks are unreliable and can be negated with a little bit of camera movement... that is the issue we were discussing here.

    Frankly I think I am done with this back and forth, because you think the system works perfectly and refuse to provide your analysis when asked. Therefore you won't be able to convince me, as what I see, experience and inflict upon others is clear. Like straight up... I admit to hitting people when they should have blocked by simply moving my mouse, so I better just master the technique of PoV sweep striking if this is the intended behavior.

  • @galactic-geek said in Reliable blocking.:

    @closinghare208 said in Reliable blocking.:

    @daringclarky said in Reliable blocking.:

    Sometimes you still take damage whilst blocking.
    However i think if blocking was reliable enough, sword fights could become somewhat prolonged and more fun.

    Back yourself into a corner so you cant get flanked, wait for an opening to strike or simple wait for them to reach for their firearm and counter.

    I know its meant to work but it doesnt always.
    If this did work all the time though i think i would block more regularly.

    It would add more depth than bunny hopping and button mashing for sure.

    i agree they need to fix blocking and put sword back to balanced so it isn't just sword spam here and there

    It's not just about blocking. I find that most pirates who tend to fail at blocking tend to neglect their feet - as in, they don't move. They may look at their opponent to keep them centered and to defend, but unless they're also moving, it's only a matter of time before defeat.

    yes but if the bunny hoping as well

  • @cotu42 I think you're failing to also realize that the block doesn't necessarily protect you from above or below - the frame you showed shows a swing aimed down, while the block is aimed up. The block covers a wide area, but I don't think that it's as wide as you think it is.

    And I didn't watch the clip because I didn't need to watch something that I had already seen.

    I have provided reasonable doubt - you have yet to disprove it.

  • @galactic-geek

    We are here talking about that it is to easy to negate the block, it is not reliable and all you have done is go:

    It's not just about blocking. I find that most pirates who tend to fail at blocking tend to neglect their feet - as in, they don't move. They may look at their opponent to keep them centered and to defend, but unless they're also moving, it's only a matter of time before defeat.

    Focus on footwork, as it's not just about blocking in a conversation about blocking?

    Want to minimize impact? Use your feet and move (away) like I've been saying. If you're good enough, you may even force them to miss, creating a delay for them and an opening for you.

    Just dodge them...

    There's a reason it's a defensive dodge, that guess what - requires you to block. You can't expect blocking to be your only real defensive option, nor should you rely upon it as such.

    Don't rely on blocking.

    Due to the server, network, and hit-reg issues, I don't think this would be feasible until such gets fixed. Even if it was implemented, it might make combat a bit more boring because nobody would hit anyone most of the time. On the plus side, it would force pirates to think more. Also, because you're less likely to hit your opponent, damage values may have to go up to compensate (meaning fewer hits to kill).

    Blame the servers... who decided the block didn't connect.

    I do believe that he managed to flank and get a fair hit in.

    It was a flank...

    the frame you showed shows a swing aimed down, while the block is aimed up.

    Is this a flank? Aiming a swing at their knees while in front of them is something you consider a flank or did you change your story after I provided a picture? You don't need to see it in slow motion or you know provide your own analysis, just defend the system as is? Nothing to be improved upon, all this behavior is grand and dandy.

    The block covers a wide area, but I don't think that it's as wide as you think it is.

    Maybe this is the problem to begin with? It is funny that the two counter arguments you bring up are exactly the two main areas I believe that Rare should look at:

    1. Priority within the hit registration system
    2. The collision box of the block and its size, especially vertically; the ease you can swing above or below is remarkable.

    My entire point is that camera movement makes it to easy to avoid a block and makes blocking unreliable, keep in mind I abuse this fact often enough in combat... but I believe it is broken... yet I don't understand how big it is right?

    Just to illustrate my point even more:
    Attack initiated, pretty much the frame before the other picture - players are leveled, he swivels his camera a little downward and from the right to the left to extend his swing? The player is always within the width of the sword, no jump, no real elevation difference, no staring blatantly into the sky... it should block the attack. One should not need to stare pixel perfect at the happy place of their opponent to block an attack, a tiny bit up or down should not make it that you can completely ignore a block.

    It is funny that you claim I have to PROVE it? I gave a full analysis of my interpretation of the situation, with pictures, explanations of movements, my personal experience with how easy it is to avoid and yet here you are being all smug, refusing to do the same and claiming you provided something?

    On top of that you love throwing out there that the people that disagree with you, just don't really understand and know the game... regardless of the fact that I would have thought you by now would know me to some degree or the fact that you are talking to well known veteran players on the forums. Frankly it is a bit insulting for you to even go, maybe you just don't know the blocking area... Where exactly are you providing anything other than a rebuttal and a clear reliance on dodge jumps, because:

    As for the sword flip, I rarely ever see that when I block - my sword usually stays in place

    This means you rarely/never block more than a single hit, as it happens if your sword was facing the other direction than the blow, which happens 100% of the time if you block 2 hits in a row. I personally would actually like to be able to reliably block the 2nd swing and the third... for the knock back, instead of always needing to dodge jump after a single one. You know... use my entire set of tools rather than just the one you favor above all.

    I will truly stop responding to your remarks unless you actually bring forth your own input rather than just a rebuttal on mine, I have showcased and explained how blocking is not reliable. You can believe that the blocking system is perfect, maybe it is time for you to prove that? There is an uptrend in complaints about the blocking and being hit through it, veteran players even that agree and make posts; with visual aids, explanations and breakdowns... maybe you should prove us wrong, since you ask for others to prove you wrong have the common curtesy to do it yourself.

  • @cotu42 said:

    Is this a flank? Aiming a swing at their knees while in front of them is something you consider a flank or did you change your story after I provided a picture? You don't need to see it in slow motion or you know provide your own analysis, just defend the system as is? Nothing to be improved upon, all this behavior is grand and dandy.

    I have only made assertions based upon the evidence you have provided.

    I am not trying to argue with you - I have only been trying to suggest possible alternative reasons for why blocking may not be working effectively, regardless of whether the fault lies with you, the mechanic itself, or an outside source. I have also been trying to offer up other things that you could do because you find the block so unreliable.

    As for the sword flipping back and fourth while blocking, maybe mine does in fact do this, and I just don't notice it anymore due to where my focus is during the fight. I'll be paying much closer attention to this in the near future.

    This means you rarely/never block more than a single hit, as it happens if your sword was facing the other direction than the blow, which happens 100% of the time if you block 2 hits in a row. I personally would actually like to be able to reliably block the 2nd swing and the third... for the knock back, instead of always needing to dodge jump after a single one. You know... use my entire set of tools rather than just the one you favor above all.

    I may favor the dodge, but that's because it works. The omnidirectional movement alone is worth using because of its versatility. Favoring something doesn't mean I don't use my fill toolset either - I just choose not to sit still (and I'm not inferring that that's what you do either) and take the hits if I can avoid them instead. There's nothing wrong with that.

    I will truly stop responding to your remarks unless you actually bring forth your own input rather than just a rebuttal on mine, I have showcased and explained how blocking is not reliable. You can believe that the blocking system is perfect, maybe it is time for you to prove that? There is an uptrend in complaints about the blocking and being hit through it, veteran players even that agree and make posts; with visual aids, explanations and breakdowns... maybe you should prove us wrong, since you ask for others to prove you wrong have the common curtesy to do it yourself.

    The thing here is, that I don't really care if I'm wrong on this point - it works reliably enough for me, so why should I worry about it? This is effectively your, and others' issue - not mine. With that said, if Rare comes out with a fix for the block that showcases why it didn't work effectively, or simply acknowledges that it's broken and why, then I will gladly acknowledge that I was wrong. There's no shame in that. But until then, I'm still going to stick to my guns on this (no pun intended).

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