Ranked arena

  • We really need ranked arena so the mode is actually fun for new players

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  • @slytmtheo I was just thinking of this. It's really not fair on either new or experienced players and ruin the fun completely

  • @slytmtheo we are all equals on the seas. no ranking. keep it a slaughter fest.

  • Ok great. But now there’s no incentive to get better because you will never feel an improvement, not to mention how that will mess up commendations.

  • @slytmtheo I would like a ranking system. Now, adding divisions and ONLY putting you with people in your division would not be good. But adding a leaderboard system of the top 100 people with the most wins or top 100 people with the most kills would make arena players feel like playing.

    The reason why most arena players leave is because they're bored. It's not hard to get all the commendations if you have a good crew and play consistently. You can easily get every single commendation in arena in 2 months. After that everyone feels like they're not working towards anything else, it's just the same thing over and over again.

    The reason why it's not the same thing in adventure mode is because you can get steal other player's loot and get gold. Even if you have every single commendation in the game, stealing loot is always fun to do, because you're being a pirate and playing as a pirate should. In arena however, while you are being a pirate by ship vs ship battling, you're not stealing loot too much.

    Adding a leader board to arena would make people feel like they're working towards something. Maybe top 100 people get a cool cosmetic, or get a ton of gold and doubloons. But adding ranked arena would just make the games take longer. There are already so few players in the arena lobbies, imagine what would happen if you split what's already so little players into even less.

  • If you're playing to be the best, then you're playing for the wrong reasons.

    You play games to have FUN. Rare hasn't lost sight of that, but it appears that you have.

  • @staringplace970 i play online FPS for example for fun and never think of improving my skill or make it a serious hobby.

    All i play i play because it's fun - online FPS have matchmaking so in dont bother pro's and get matched with people like me.

    Why so many people think players have to git gud or improve?
    That is not the purpose of playing a game.
    this is only the case if you treat it as a serious hobby or sport, what i don't.

    poeple rather performing than playing the game for fun often take it all to serious and spoil the game for ohers, becasue they arent playfull, but taking it all to serious.

    All online FPS therefore have Matchmaking, but SoT is an adventure game, not an online FPS, not a highly competetive game.

    I dont play Arena for many reasons, one is no proper MM so i get tossed into the same Match with high competetive gamers i dont have fun to play with.
    but there are also others causes that weigh more, because the mode is not fun to me, it wasnt for the first iteration and it isn't for 2.0

  • @Galactic-Geek thank you for enlightening me on how I should play a game.
    I play to improve in all aspects of the game because I think that is fun. Running around willy nilly is not fun for me.
    You play the way you want, I play the way I want.

  • @bomber-jane exactly. I don’t get how people can’t grasp that people have different playstyles. Everyone who plays SoT has different goals and different reasons they play.

  • @galactic-geek sagte in Ranked arena:

    If you're playing to be the best, then you're playing for the wrong reasons.

    You play games to have FUN. Rare hasn't lost sight of that, but it appears that you have.

    There are no wrong reasons to play a game.
    YOU play games to have fun and maybe don't care about being any good, but OTHERS may see that differently. I, for one, enjoy games more if I improve and get better and better. That is fun for me.

    Don't tell others how to enjoy their games... it's sad that I even have to tell you that.

  • @bugaboo-bill sagte in Ranked arena:

    Why so many people think players have to git gud or improve?
    That is not the purpose of playing a game.

    The purpose of playing a game is to have fun. However people have fun in different ways. You take it easy and goof around, which is fine. Others want to improve and get better and have fun that way.
    Don't tell others how to play a game.

    poeple rather performing than playing the game for fun often take it all to serious and spoil the game for ohers, becasue they arent playfull, but taking it all to serious.

    If you want that they play the game unserious and uncompetitive you spoil it for them.
    Again, let people play how they want to play. Stop being a dictator.

    All online FPS therefore have Matchmaking, but SoT is an adventure game, not an online FPS, not a highly competetive game.

    There are tourneys, it can be very competitive. Rare themselves even hosted tourneys.

    I dont play Arena for many reasons, one is no proper MM so i get tossed into the same Match with high competetive gamers i dont have fun to play with.
    but there are also others causes that weigh more, because the mode is not fun to me, it wasnt for the first iteration and it isn't for 2.0

    And that's fine, if you don't like it, you don't have to play it. As it should be.
    No one is forcing you to play it and play competitively, so stop trying to force others to play like a goofball.

  • Everyone has their own opinions in Arena.

    Nobody in here what so ever should be telling people what they can or can't do or how to play this game.

    Some people love Arena, and some people hate Arena. Some people play Competitively and some people play for Fun. The people who usually Hate Arena are simply just not good at PvP so they won't have fun playing it because they keep losing, but will state other reasons for it for whatever reason that is, which is totally fine...

    For people who think SoT Arena is not a Highly Competitive Game.... Well SoT & Rare SPONSOR Sea of Champions for Competitive Arena Tourney's in which you get an AMAZING Exclusive Set of Sails for Winning, and also have Notorious Arena League which has Obsidian Capstan & Prize Pool Giveaways, so yeah..

  • @insaiity i didnt say anything about how others should play the game.
    You like some others just jump on me, because you read what you want i guess.

  • @bugaboo-bill sagte in Ranked arena:

    @insaiity i didnt say anything about how others should play the game.
    You like some others just jump on me, because you read what you want i guess.

    Why so many people think players have to git gud or improve?
    That is not the purpose of playing a game.
    poeple rather performing than playing the game for fun often take it all to serious and spoil the game for ohers, becasue they arent playfull, but taking it all to serious.

    In other words, dont play like that, play uncompetitive (like you do).
    I don't jump on you, I just offer my piece of mind to your comments, like it is custom on forums. If you can't take my criticism and my arguments I don't know what to tell you.

  • @insaiity
    All i say is dont play like this guy
    Bild Text

  • @bugaboo-bill sagte in Ranked arena:

    All i say is dont play like this guy
    Bild Text

    Great comparison. IRL Sport where a man is going full force against kids, with physical disadvantages, and ingame where all have the same options and no one is favored.

    If you wanna go hard ingame, then go hard ingame. You are able to see the difference between IRL and ingame, right?

  • @insaiity

    Oh i'm sure i lack reaction times compared to a 20 yo pro gamer.
    I'm sure i lack to have the better gamer hardware what makes many things more easy.

    What i dont say or complain about is that people improve. I have improved by myself by the way playing the game too of course.
    But i differentiate between playing for fun, getting better by the way playing and performing for fun and owning others while obviously having a lot of advantages.
    The moment you realize that, an empathic player, playing for fun, respecting the code is not stubbornly focussed on winning at any cost, but having a pirate adventure together.
    Habe you ever considered to lose extra while having loot?
    Not gifting, not stop fighting, but knowingly give them a hard challenge, but in the end lose extra?
    Can you imagine this beeing fun for both parties? I can, i did.
    That also doesnt mean i cannot kill and sink the others, because i'm better, but i dont make use of it all the time.
    There is no skill in outplaying a solo slooper, as a duo, trio or Galleone crew.
    What also doesnt mean you cannot do that.
    I, we do that too, although i dont like it most of the time.
    No challenge, knowing the other will maybe have a bad time. But sometimes it's all fine. Dont say it cannot be this way around.

    Yeah i'm not responsible for others who play solo, hoard to much loot and the lose it, but i'm allways empathic and ask myself if it is playfull and fun for all of us or not.
    I don't make my fun rely on: not caring or even taking away others fun.
    It happens, sure, but i try to not to.

    You have to admit PvP against a crew of equal numbers and skill are the good, fun PvP encounters.
    Getting overrunned, owned or beating someone without any challenge allways feels bad.
    No matter you win or lose.

    Play like you want, but we can read every day that players are desperated because of PvP, they get toxic maybe and all that.
    That's not only because they completely dislike PvP or cannot stand a defeat.
    That is because a good amount of competetive gamers dont care about their fellow players, call them snowflakes, tell them to git gud (and do not let them play the game how they want).

    In short: strong rule the world!

    So be it, but for a pirate adventure video game what also want people have a social experience and advertise with "for everyone" and just having a good time, not neccessarily aproaching it like a serious hobby or eSport, we need especially the strong players to sometimes hold back a bit, because shared world for everybody and no Matchmaking.

    It's like in traffic, the strongest have to take care for the weaker or it wont work.

    The more people dont care about that, the less new players will have the will to stay and compete.

    I dont play R6S for example, although i like the game.
    But it's community is pro and esport focussed what i am not anymore.

    SoT is a casual and family friendly game, most players just want to have fun with their friends/ crew and the other players around.
    Be it cooperative or competetive.
    But when some Pro's appear and make it a serious competition knowingly use their strength and dont care for their fellow players, they act exactly like the one above.
    They "accidently" dominate others.

    Think about Wheatons Law.
    Compete, but dont be overzealous competetive.
    That's not fun or playfull.
    You say, but this is my fun.
    Ok, nothing against this, really not, but then maybe find a game for serious e-sport driven competition and dont own casuals in an adventure game for "everyone"???

    The lack of any matchmaking, the fact we have a seabox like game with 1-4 player crews and ships of different advantages and disadvantages makes it all a player decision how to treat each other.

    All i say is: dont be a duck, care and be empathic with your fellow players.

    You have the freedom to disagree, but then i have the freedom to call you unempathic, less playfull and rather someone performing, taking it to serious, not caring or beeing empathic with your fellow players.

    I cant stop anyone to "play" that way or have fun that way, but nobody can stop me to say so and ask everybody to take the code not as a guidline only but a code of honor for every pirate out there.

    You lack to see your aproach spoils it for others.
    Telling them to git gud is pure ignorance.

    Telling you to reflect your more serious aproach while playing
    on a playground for everyone is asking for beeing more empathic and playfull only.

    It's not an accusation or insult!!!

    As the stronger, more experienced players this should be normal and within everyones moral standards.

    Else you are like the man on the picture above or not?!

  • @bugaboo-bill sagte in Ranked arena:


    Oh i'm sure i lack reactions times compared to a 20 yo pro gamer.
    I'm sure i lack to have the better gamer hardware what makes mamy things more easy.

    Sure a gaming mouse makes it somewhat easier because you can have extra mousebuttons, but stuff like that is not something you should take into consideration in a video game. It's like saying this basketball player has better shoes so he should go easy on me. What? That's absurd.

    What i dont say or complain about is that people improve. I have improved by myself by the way too.

    That's nice, I agree with you on that.

    But i differentiate between playing for fun, getting better ny the way and performing for fun and owning others while obviously having a lot of advantages.
    The moment you realize that a empathic player, playing for fun, respecting the code is not stubbornly focussed on winning at any cost, but having a pirate adventure together.
    That also doesnt mean i cannot kill and sink the others, because i'm better, but i dont make use if it all the time.
    There is no skill in outplaying a solo slooper, as a duo, trio or Galleone crew.
    What also doesnt mean you cannot do that.
    I, we do that too, although i dont like it most of the time.
    No challenge, knowing the other will maybe have a bad time.

    Yeah i'm not responsible for others who play solo, hoard to much loot and the lose it, but i'm allways empathic and ask myself if it is playfull and fun for all of us or not.
    I don't make my fun rely on not caring or even taking away others fun.

    You have to admit PvP against a crew of equal numbers and skill are the good PvP encounters.

    Yes, I agree fighting equally skilled players is way more fun than fighting against worse players than you. But you need to see that when you get better and better there are less and less equally good players. So you can't avoid killing bad players left right and center. Especially when you still want to get your Companies lvled up. If I see a boat full of chests and I still need gold hoarders rep I will skink it, because I still need it. As soon as I'm maxed I don't care about the loot and let them be.

    Also because you got better and rarely find equally skilled players to fight against, you sometimes just out of pure boredom attack worse players. And that's fine. If the bad players have an open mind they can learn from that encounter and maybe get to know better tactics that they can later on use themselves.
    Sadly, most of the time, they just get angry that they sunk and insult the pvpers.
    But that is not the pvpers fault, it's the others fault for either loot hauling, taking it too seriously or just buying the wrong game.

    I'm not sure if it is true, but I believe you think all the good pvpers just go around sinking bad players. That's not really the case. We only do it to lvl companies up, so like the game intended or because there is nothing else to do.
    Sometimes also because they insult us, but we already went over that in another thread.

    Getting overrunned, owned or beating someone without any challenge allways feels bad.

    Play like you want, but we can read every day that players are desperated because of PvP, they get toxic maybe and all that.
    That's not only because they completely dislike PvP or cannot stand a defeat.
    That is because a good amount of competetive gamers dont care about their fellow players, call them snowflakes, tell them to git gud (and do not let them play the game how they want).

    Well that's just it, if they are vigilant enough they can. And sometimes you just get into pvp scenarios. Just bear with it and after that start again. After all it is a PVPVE game. Don't get mad when pvp happens.

    In short: strong rule the world!

    So be it, but for a pirate adventure video game what also want people have a social experience and just a good time, not neccessarily aproaching it like a serious hobby or eSport, we need especially the strong players to sometimes hold back a bit, because shared world for everybody and no Matchmaking.

    Like I said above. Pvpers usually don't go after bad players unless it's for a good reason.

    It's like in traffic, the strongest have to take care for the weaker or it wont work.

    The more people dont care about that, the less new players will have the will to stay and compete.

    Well you can't make it right for everyone. Some just have to leave, if the game is not right for them.

    I dont play R6S for example, although i like the game.
    Bit it's community is pro and esport focussed what i am not anymore.

    SoT is a casual and family friendly game, most players just want to have fun with their friends/ crew and the other players around.

    Well it is buit it also is very competitive. They have tourneys that rare themselves hosted and sponsored. There even is NAL aka the Notorious Arena League that rare also supports. It's not just a family friendly game, it's also a competitive game. Not like CSGO but still.

    Be it cooperative or competetive.
    But when some Pro's appear and make it a serious competition knowingly use their strength and dont care for their fellow players, they act exactly like the one above.
    They "accidently" dominate others.

    Again, not all the time, just sometimes. Also if you have good aim or are smart or know how to steer a boat well then you just sink people. You don't just start missingt shots to give them extra chances. You might help them out and stuff and teach them something but in a fight I'll never just start to miss shots intentionally.

    Think about Wheatons Law.
    Compete, but dont be overzealous competetive.
    That's not fun or playfull.
    You say, but this is your fun.

    I agree with that. But again almost no pvper is like that. No one says: WE MUST WIN ALL THE TIME!
    But if you are good you just will win very often. That's just a fact.

    Ok, nothing against this, really not, but then maybe find a game for serious e-sport driven competition and dont own casuals in an adventure game???

    That's why we go to arena. And you can be competitive without wanting to be in e-sport. Hell you can even be competitive in super mario bros. It is abolutely okay if people want to try hard and improve in SoT. Rare themselves support that, like I already mentioned.

    The lack of any matchmaking, the fact we have a seabox like game with 1-4 player crews and ships of different advantages and disadvantages makes it all a player decision how to treat each other.

    All i say is: dont be a duck, care and be empathic with your fellow players.

    Sure, but it is a pirate game. Sometimes you will just have to suck it up if you lose all your stuff. It is a balance. Sometimes pvpers take it easy and sometimes they don't, be it for whatever reasons. And that's how it should be. If some can't take it, they are not suited for a game with a pvp aspect in it.

    You have the freedom to disagree, but then i have the freedom to call you unpathic, less playfull and rather someone performing, taking to serious.

    Sure you can, I'm fine with that. That doesn't make me wanna be more empathetic tho.

    I cant stop anyone to "play" that way or have fun that way, but nobody can stop me to say so and ask everybody to take the code not as a guidline only but a code of honor for every pirate out there.

    You can also do that, but don't be disappointed if they don't care.

    You lack to see your aproach spoils it for others.

    No I get that it sometimes spoils it for others, but if I have to always be nice, it spoils it for me. That's why there should be a balance. And there is. You just see the one side shown on the internet and on youtube and stuff.

    Telling them to git gud is pure ignorance.

    You can also see it as an advice. If they then ask how? You can tell them how.

    Telling you to reflect your more serious aproach while playing
    on a playground for everyone is asking for beeing empathic and playfull.

    As the stronger, more experienced players this should be normal and within everyones moral standards.
    Else you are like the man on the picture.

    Again, balance is important. I'm starting to sound like thanos here. But balance really is key here and there is balance.

  • @insaiity in short Thanos was right? yes ? :D

  • @bugaboo-bill
    Basically yes, even tho he went at it the wrong way :D

  • @insaiity
    all fine

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