Is there a chest reward for "heart of fire?"

  • I just completed this for the first time, and two pirates were waiting for me at the exit and killed me after I gave the chest to the captain while he was freeing his crew, so I don't know if you get to go sell the chest or not. Did they actually get anything for jumping me at that point, or did they basically just waste everyone's time just to prevent me from seing the "end Quest" event?

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  • Thats a good question. I'm not entirely sure as i have not stole the quest chest of rage as it is very rare occuarance but i assume you could sell it and it would be worth 10k gold just like the gold hoarder skull from shores of gold.

    Even if they could not sell it the fact remains that it still has great value to pvp for its utility. It's very powerful if you get it on a enermy ship so i'm sure they got somthing from robbing you or else they wouldn't have bothered.

    Edit I'm sorry i read your post wrong. If you handed the chest in and completed the quest the only reward is the 8000 gold you get immediatly so they got nothing. There no addition loot spawn.

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