Daily/weekly incentives

  • Here me out, I’m not asking for much other than a reason to play daily/ weekly to keep bringing the community back for more every chance they get. The incentives can’t be too sought after or the players will be upset they missed their login, turn in, or challenges which take a while to complete but worth enough to want to want to play to earn their daily/weekly challenge. I love the game and what has come to it since launch. Incredible!

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  • they added them, like this update

  • @fllw3rb0y one daily bounty for one gold reward you’re correct.

  • @esotericlife678 so what are you asking for? i mean they added increased gold and rep for fridays, a cosmetic reward for turining in reapers chests, an upcoming reward for turning in splashtails and increased gold at certain hours of the day. it seems like they added quite a bit

  • @fllw3rb0y @EsotericLife678 also a reason to repeat certain tall tales and 2 weeks of twitch drops

  • @fllw3rb0y I’m not a developer so I can’t say what the game should or shouldn’t have, I can only suggest more of a reason to play daily/weekly personally, but that’s my opinion. I’m interested in the emissaries so I’d suggest starting there. The reapers incentive is very cool and I’m here to push that.

  • @captain-coel other than the commendation to complete the tall tale 5 times I can agree. I wish there was a little more there to achieve as well in that aspect.

  • @esotericlife678 maybe I don't know what you are asking for? inplay nearly daily for fun.

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