Friends joining same server when full crew

  • It would be nice if your in a full crew and a friend logs in and wants to play that he or she could join the same server you are on just like if they were going to join your crew. Any chance of this happening?

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  • @wwestrob1313 Probably not. It'd make it that much easier for PvE players to make aserver alliance.

  • @dominusocto7 it's easy to get multiple boats on the same server
    Already alliance and flett servers

  • @sam-bell3358 Yeah. Rare doesn't encourage that. They don't want to make it easier.

  • @sam-bell3358 And so what if it's easy to get multiple boats on the same server????

  • @dominusocto7 said in Friends joining same server when full crew:

    @sam-bell3358 And so what if it's easy to get multiple boats on the same server????

    So you have 3 Ships all crewed by a group of friends, then you come across another ship. 3 v 1 isn't a fair fight. The Dev's have tried to keep the game as fair as possible to each crew on the Server. This would negate that effort

  • @iceman-d18

    I see your point that three ships vs 1 is unfair. But the game already has 4 v 1 and 3 v 1 encounters because they allow other ship sizes to be in the same game lol a 2 v 1 or 3 v 1 ship alliance is technically no different then a 4 v 1 gally having fun picking on a solo slooper lol

  • @tubiansayne said in Friends joining same server when full crew:


    I see your point that three ships vs 1 is unfair. But the game already has 4 v 1 and 3 v 1 encounters because they allow other ship sizes to be in the same game lol a 2 v 1 or 3 v 1 ship alliance is technically no different then a 4 v 1 gally having fun picking on a solo slooper lol

    Of course there is a difference - a whole crew with a ship.

    Solo sloop with some experience and knowledge can be able to escape a galleon, but if there's another galleon waiting for a coordinated attack - not so much for most crews.
    To have that as a regular occurring possibility - a big no from me.

  • They have made it very difficult to do that to stop groups of people controlling servers. Imagine being in a sloop or brig with 2 or 3 people and theres a group of 4 or 5 ships taking all the world event loot etc. It'd create an unfair experience. Personally I think they should add the option to go on your own server and that way you can enjoy the game without getting griefed and could even get a bunch of mates together and battle amongst each other.

  • They're refusing to create pve-only servers, so this would only be possible on an open pvp server. There are already so many people complaining about being 'griefed and bullied' by other crews. Imagine what would happen if these 'griefers and bullies' start teaming up on several boats.

    I would love to play with all of my friends, but only on a private server. I just don't see it working in the current game.

  • @princes-lettuce @Smeagz

    I've been in forums asking for private servers before. It turns into a warzone where the general consensus is "if you get it screw you I hope you have zero progression too" lol there does seem to be some agreement that if you have to make a seperate pirate for a private server that is somewhat acceptable tho lol fine with me I just wanna play with all my friends at once ha ha

  • @tubiansayne I based my comment on the number of ships rather than number of people. Each server has a maximum of 6 ships (so potentially 24 people) and the ships are designed to be balanced if operated by a full crew. By adding the option for another crew mate to join your ship (I.E 5 man crew of a Gally) that would mean that you could potentially have 3 on cannons, 1 repairing, 1 steering, which would be incredibly overpowered. As it stands the crews are designed so that you have to priortise certain activities over others to maximise the effectiveness of the ship.

    Whilst I understand your point about the in game alliance, the idea behind it is that it is difficult to pre-organise (not impossible - ref alliance servers) and there is always the potential that an alliance can break down at any point to the benefit of one crew. By allowing multiple ships from the same group of friends, it negates the risk of the 'Alliance' breaking down and thus meaning that everyone else on that server is at disadvantage. Imagine if you could get 8 friends on... that's 2 Gallys.... even the most competent crew couldn't take on 2 coordinated Gallys. 8 holes below the waterline with 1 volley of cannon fire... you wouldn't be able to repair quick enough before the next volley came.

  • @tubiansayne said in Friends joining same server when full crew:


    I see your point that three ships vs 1 is unfair. But the game already has 4 v 1 and 3 v 1 encounters because they allow other ship sizes to be in the same game lol a 2 v 1 or 3 v 1 ship alliance is technically no different then a 4 v 1 gally having fun picking on a solo slooper lol

    Now you want to make it up to 20 versus 1 with 5 ships that can corner you? Because it isn't difficult enough to avoid one ship, now you have to out maneuver and dodge multiple that are trying to corner you?

    Your logic is it is difficult lo fight 4 people let's multiply it by 5 times the people and give them more ships to make it even easier to dumpster on others as long as me and my buddies can get to play together... it is the same?

    No it isn't the same at all, 1v4 and I can just sail away... give them multiple ships and they can just cut off all of your options.

  • @wwestrob1313

    This is possible, but a bit challenging.
    Here is a tip to help you achieve doing this..
    As and when you encounter another crew, (if on Xbox) you can view recent players list and then send that player a message asking if they have a space on their ship or when they are due to log off, if it's possible if your friend can join them and then you will have that extra ship available for more friends to join. Or if your on PC, you might have to get closer and type in chat, or message asking them the same thing.
    It also helps if you have a lot of loot to offer them in exchange for their ship.. A little sweetener.. Many players will be happy to accept that when logging off.

    Just don't be one of those players that see a ship undercrewed and search a players name and join their game then do everything to make them rage quit then have the ship to yourself.. (also effective but unsporting behavior)

  • @cotu42

    I mean technically alliance servers happen already and the vast majority of the time they do it and mind their own business lol will there be trolls? Absolutely. But in general you will get two or three ships fishing, doing tall tales or all doing seperate things and sharing with each other.

    As a precaution to avoid the troll behavior we could always digress back to the private server but you need to make a brand new pirate for it because grinding pve is unfair lol only removal would be leader board cosmetics

  • @tubiansayne

    I find it fascinating that you know how thousands of people will use tools given to them and state it is fine because people can be friendly. How do you know that PvPers are not going to be multi crew if they make it easy and a feature? They can even hop servers and ensure that they can join a FotD server etc. Sounds like an amazing idea.... pfff we have 6 ships, alliances were meant to not be an extension of your crew.

    If you make it easier for people to create multi crew setups it will not only be used for friendly fishing... you stating that you and your friends will not ever go out and PvP together?

    Alliance servers are not something that is officially supported and shouldn't be made easier. In my opinion it should be discouraged not promoted and facilitated.

    Private servers are private so naturally the progression in there will be limited to the private area and not go into the public area. In your private server you can decide what you want to do, no issues with that... PvE, PvP, Racing track, it is your own area.

  • @cotu42 said in Friends joining same server when full crew:


    I find it fascinating that you know how thousands of people will use tools given to them and state it is fine because people can be friendly. How do you know that PvPers are not going to be multi crew if they make it easy and a feature?

    You goof I acknowledged that alliances would be friendly And/or there was a risk of pvp behavior and then followed it up with it would be better to let them do that on a server by themselves which you agreed with lol

    So if we are agreeing why does it sound like your trying to debate me and taking cracks at my all knowing ways of the seas lol

    I would love to play with all my friends but I get how game breaking that might be so server alliance or private server are the only options. Rare wont give the tool to drop in a public server on a diff ship because it would get abused like you mentioned.

  • @cotu42

    I wasn't promoting alliances by saying it's the same as 4 v 1 players lol I was playfully saying they are both bad lol

  • @tubiansayne

    You dont get my point, I have no illusions that those in the alliance will be friendly with each other and not all will be out for blood, but there are those that will be. You cannot ignore one side of the coin because the other is shiney and fishing. I am concerned with those that are not part of it. It is not the same as a single ship with 4 people vs a single ship with 1 person or even 2.

    Multiple ships versus one ship is not the same as different crew sizes, where the ships balance it out to a degree. Going from up to 4 on one ship up to 20 people with multiple ships, is not the same. Even a 7 man crew with a galleon and a brig coordinated versus 1 crew of 2 is exponentially more difficult to maneuver around. Your logic is flawed... how can you state that fighting 4 people is the same as 20. It isn't fair, so let's destroy all chances of getting away or victory. We have 6 ships on a server. According to you any type of balance should be thrown out of the window, because there are imbalances in place as it is. Then give me home seeking bazookas as a solo, just shoot and it sinks you without any ability to react? It isn't fair, so why should we care about others? You want to play with multiple ships, give me the tools to massacre you all. Good idea? I don't think so. Just because you want something doesn't mean it is good for the game.

    Private servers are not new to games, but they are community servers, seperate from the official servers.. in every game. You would pay for them and manage them yourself. I don't have issues with that idea and will benefit those seeking to have their own communities and their own set of rules. They have nothing to do with the idea of having the official servers allowing you to join the same server when full, op topic. They would be separated from the public domain and you could do anything you want on them, even give away all cosmetics for all I care.

  • @wwestrob1313 I think this would completely ruin the game. Of course it is possible to get your friends on the same server but it definitely shouldn't be encouraged. A big part of this game is player interaction and motives: "Will they sink me?", "Are they any good?", "Will I be betrayed". It's much more rewarding when you meet a random person and actually make a successful alliance.

    Also this would give some players a huge advantage in progression both with alliancing and eliminating risk.

  • @cotu42

    I'm so confused lol

    We are in agreement that being ganged up on by a fleet of ships is bad. We are also in agreement that the only way to play with friends on multiple ships is in a private lobby and not the main game.

    But your trying to debate me because you didnt like that I compared 4 v 1 players to 3 v 1 ships. I'm not saying it's ok for one so it's ok for the other lol I was joking that they are both OP ha ha and yes the topic of private servers is diff then friend alliances in the main game and I'm saying no...people shouldnt be allowed to gang up on others by making fleets but if they want to play together they can go on a private serious and do it lol

    I still think we are still agreeing but are not on the same page ha ha

  • @tubiansayne this is a discussion about joining on a full server not about private servers. You went off topic in your mind and stated 1v4 is the same as 1v20.

    I cannot help it that you make a comment on balance, then when you get called out on it that you try to spin it to be about private servers and then get confused. Stay on topic next time maybe, there enough conversations about private servers.

  • @cotu42

    Ok lol
    Let's try this again.


    Agree or disagree?

  • @tubiansayne agree

  • @cotu42

    Instead of telling the poster "no" and it's a bad idea. Giving an alternate option where he can still achieve his goal while not effecting the main game in a negative way is appropriate in this conversation

    Agree or disagree?

  • I think it would be awesome if friends could join your "full" crew somehow.

    There are a number of potential options out there:

    1. Increase crew sizes
    2. Keep crew size the same but allow friends to join same server (limit to 8 friends, let's say)
    3. Add a larger boat that supports 6-8 players
    4. Let players change their boat without having to log out
  • @xx-mirth-xx

    Love the idea of changing boats I support that 100% biggest pain in the butt in the game right now lol

  • Yeah Id love to have this as we have Friends in other games we play with that would come to play this game if we could do this. But I also see the other side of the coin. The OH THE PVE players would take over a server......Um Theres only one server???? NO! So thats a lame excuse. Now the 4 ships vs 1. I get this however the alliance system can make this happen now only your not with friends but other players...... So I get it but I see flaws in the argument against it.

    I must say that this game is fun. I PVE more than PVP because well were trying to get the goodies and legend. But I dont mind PVP most of the time. Ya lose some time. LOOT is really easy to get so its not HARD WORK lol. Unless its tall tales. LOL!

  • @tubiansayne

    By your own accord: Tell the Original Poster. I commented on your notion of multi-crew on one battle is the same as multi pirates.

    Why are you addressing me with alternatives? It was off-topic of what we were discussing. I am not seeking to have multi-crew setups, I dont know if it would be a good enough solution for them. Feel free to address it to him, but to me it has no relevance and isn't a valid argument in the conversation regarding balance of the OP's idea on the seas - which is bad.

  • @needsmokes thank you very much. I am down for pvp. I just get in to situations when I am in a full crew of friends on a brig then another friend logs in I just want a way he could join the server. Great tip thank you

  • @tubiansayne yeah same man, seems to be a lot of aggressive people in these forums sometimes. It is what it is I guess

  • @tubiansayne said in Friends joining same server when full crew:


    Instead of telling the poster "no" and it's a bad idea. Giving an alternate option where he can still achieve his goal while not effecting the main game in a negative way is appropriate in this conversation

    Agree or disagree?

    sometimes an idea is just a bad idea

    sometimes there are no alternative options as they are equally as bad as the original idea

  • @jollyolsteamed

    There is always an alternative. I'm not saying my idea or alternative is the right one, but that's why it's a suggestion :)

    It's ok to be told I'm wrong that's how you adapt and grow and come up with better answers!

  • @tubiansayne said in Friends joining same server when full crew:


    There is always an alternative. I'm not saying my idea or alternative is the right one, but that's why it's a suggestion :)

    It's ok to be told I'm wrong that's how you adapt and grow and come up with better answers!

    maybe theres always an alternative but they are not always better alternatives

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