• Hopefully Rare will be taking the proper steps to combat cheaters since the game will be on steam. A manual review aint going to cut it on this one. we NEED an anti cheat to get rid of the blatant cheaters. Destiny 2 is a perfect example. Game came to steam LAST October, the game is literally unplayable due to cheaters STILL ruining the game. I hope they take the proper steps. This game is not even at its peak yet of potential.

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  • Viva la Xbox servers 👍

  • @ppwnagee I have played this game for almost 2 years (on PC) and I have never seen a hacker so I don't think this is a big as a problem as you make it out to be. Also if you think you've seen a hacker it's possible it was just hit reg but if you do think it was a hacker you can report them.

  • @sot-player30 It will be a big problem when 99% of the player base will be PC soon, and it's on Steam.

  • @man-of-ocean you have opt out if your on xbox. Isn't that enough?

  • @sot-player30 im not saying there is a hacker problem right now, not sure where you got that part from.... im saying this game coming to steam is going to be a hack fest if there is no anti cheat. Destiny 2 is a perfect example. the game used to be on blizzard, now on steam and a complete hack fest for the last year, literally unplayable.

  • @sot-player30 i think youre very un educated on the post my guy, sorry. games on steam and hackers go hand to hand. if im on PC i cant just say "play xbox kids only" not how it works. also the game right NOW ive never seen a cheater. im saying WHEN the game COMES to steam is when it will be a problem.

  • @sot-player30 said in STEAM SWITCH:

    @ppwnagee I have played this game for almost 2 years (on PC) and I have never seen a hacker so I don't think this is a big as a problem as you make it out to be. Also if you think you've seen a hacker it's possible it was just hit reg but if you do think it was a hacker you can report them.

    thats mainly because pc isn't such a big playerbase but keep in mind steam is a pc platform i have a bunch of friends who hasn't bought the game purely because it isn't on their preffered platform

    we'll definently see an increase in cheaters thats a promise

    how many is something we cannot be sure about

    better be safe than sorry

  • A google search of 5 seconds would tell you that Sea of Thieves does in fact have an Anti-cheat already in play. It is called Microsoft TruePlay. To comment on the cheater situation, I've been playing since day one, I've yet to run into one. That isn't me saying they don't exist, but they are hardly this rampant threat ya'll Xbox players think it is.

  • @nabberwar Again i think your in the same catagory as the other guy, this post just went over your head.

    1. im ON PC
    2. i said the game right now does NOT have any cheaters, ive never seen one
    3. if you know anything about games moving to steam, they become a complete hack fest.
    4. trueplay is NO WHERE near easy anti cheat, or vanguard anti cheat
    5. lastly im not sure where you can get the assumption of what platform om due to a post lol
  • @ppwnagee

    Again i think your in the same catagory as the other guy, this post just went over your head.

    or.... you did an extremly bad job explaining this in your posts. Your posts made the absolute claim that no anti-cheat exists. Here, I will even quote you the multiple times you stated this.

    we NEED an anti cheat to get rid of the blatant cheaters.

    im saying this game coming to steam is going to be a hack fest if there is no anti cheat.

    You are also being extremely defensive as well as rude calling people uneducated. Ask yourself this question, if the majority of the people reading this topic made the same conclusions as everyone else does the problem lie with the readers or the person trying to convey the message? Multiple people coming to the same conclusion is usually a sign that the message was poorly conveyed. So highly suggest you stop refering to people as uneducated.

    trueplay is NO WHERE near easy anti cheat, or vanguard anti cheat

    This is refered to as shifting the goal post. First you claim there is not anti-cheat, I provide evidence that there is. Now, the issue is the current anti-cheat isn't good enough. I too play a lot of steam games, I don't run into hackers left and right.

    lastly im not sure where you can get the assumption of what platform om due to a post lol

    Majority of people who claim this game is rampant with cheaters is usually xbox players. Personal experience from being on this forum for a while. They tend to make that claim most of the time.

  • @nabberwar you most of never played any AAA title games on steam then my guy. secondly nobody is being rude here so im not sure where that came from. also you say multiple people about conveying the message lol dude, there is ONE other guy who who commented on this most. ill restate, ive nver seen a cheater in this game as of right now. lets hope it stays that way.

  • @ppwnagee said in STEAM SWITCH:

    @nabberwar you most of never played any AAA title games on steam then my guy. secondly nobody is being rude here so im not sure where that came from. also you say multiple people about conveying the message lol dude, there is ONE other guy who who commented on this most. ill restate, ive nver seen a cheater in this game as of right now. lets hope it stays that way.

    You are most definitely being rude. You're ignoring people trying to explain things to you, and trying to twist the words of others to suit your narrative. You're also trying to go back on what you've said and make it seem like you meant something different.

    The game isn't going to use Steam servers; you're just going to have the option to purchase the game through Steam. You'll probably also be able to use the Steam friends list to join your friends' sessions, which I think will be much easier than Microsoft's Xbox companion app. At no point will Valve's anti-cheat come into play, and lord knows how ineffective it is. Sea of Thieves will continue to use Microsoft's anti-cheat program, and unlike Valve, Microsoft takes the problem of cheaters very seriously.

  • @sot-player30 Im a PC player bruv, im just saying with a higher sample size and no anti-cheat it can make or break a game (you're*)

  • I don't really see a massive cheating increase coming. Being on Steam means more players, but the cheating percentage will likely remain the same. The only games that get disproportionate amounts of cheaters are the free to play games, where cheaters can just keep making accounts until they get hardware banned if the game supports that kind of ban.

    This game is going to cost $40 USD which is a decent deterrent to repurchasing if you get banned.

  • I've posted in the forums already, but I'll reiterate here. It is actually VERY easy to get cheats in this game. Go to your preferred search engine and look them up. The first result I found indicated various cheats and the numbers indicate upwards of 20,000 plus players are actively using them.

    Just because YOU have yet to encounter them does not mean the aren't out there. Also where have you been playing for the last two years? Alliance servers? Of course no one is going to cheat there.

    I hope it is the fact that I just seem to stuck at this game lately though I'm not sure how after playing for months straight I've somehow gotten worse. The cheaters are in this game and yes it's only going to get worse unless drastic steps are taken to prevent it.

  • @ncc1701y said in STEAM SWITCH:

    I've posted in the forums already, but I'll reiterate here. It is actually VERY easy to get cheats in this game. Go to your preferred search engine and look them up. The first result I found indicated various cheats and the numbers indicate upwards of 20,000 plus players are actively using them.

    Just because YOU have yet to encounter them does not mean the aren't out there. Also where have you been playing for the last two years? Alliance servers? Of course no one is going to cheat there.

    I hope it is the fact that I just seem to stuck at this game lately though I'm not sure how after playing for months straight I've somehow gotten worse. The cheaters are in this game and yes it's only going to get worse unless drastic steps are taken to prevent it.

    I wonder wether servers that offer cheats will be honest about their positive numbers ...

    Even then, 20.000 positives doesn't mean that all those are playing now / are active; they may have gotten bored of it - I know I would (and the fact that those cheats seems to mess up the visuals).

    Not arguing that there aren't cheaters and exploiters in this game, but I haven't come across cheaters that I know off.

  • @lem0n-curry It can be hard to determine skill versus aim-bot or whatever. But I feel there are times where I was legitimately taken out and when I've come across people using hacks. For example two blunderbombs and a firebomb didn't kill a guy one time. Or consecutive cannon hits despite erratic maneuvering. Or my personal favorite most recently, being chased by a Galley in a side-wind while in a Brig and the Galley catching up... like obvious speed hacking.

    I'm glad your experience has been better than some of ours. I really like this game, but it seems the Devs don't care about cheaters as indicated by the fact they deleted a threat talking about it, will most likely delete this one and the fact that it's number 4 on the "Never" list.

  • @ncc1701y said in STEAM SWITCH:

    @lem0n-curry It can be hard to determine skill versus aim-bot or whatever. But I feel there are times where I was legitimately taken out and when I've come across people using hacks. For example two blunderbombs and a firebomb didn't kill a guy one time. Or consecutive cannon hits despite erratic maneuvering. Or my personal favorite most recently, being chased by a Galley in a side-wind while in a Brig and the Galley catching up... like obvious speed hacking.

    I'm glad your experience has been better than some of ours. I really like this game, but it seems the Devs don't care about cheaters as indicated by the fact they deleted a threat talking about it, will most likely delete this one and the fact that it's number 4 on the "Never" list.

    If you suspect someone cheating, you can submit a ticket and report them.
    Linking to cheats is not permitted here - perhaps to discourage people using it.

    Lag/hit-reg can explain some oddities in fighting scenarios, and was the side-wind from the front or the back and did you and the galleon have the sails angled or set to stupid ?

  • @ppwnagee

    The Anti-cheat is dependent on the publisher. You can spent 5 mins to find hacks to use but the funny thing is are you willing to use them?

    Finding hacks and using them are 2 separate things. There is no anti-cheat that is perfect. Every game has hackers, just like consoles. The only difference is the publisher. If the games have the support then its going to have good protection, if it doesn't then it won't have any protection at all.

    That is the other downside to micro-transactions. Developers care very little of stopping cheaters or hackers. Most hackers or cheaters are players who have money to throw away. They will play a game, hack like crazy, by all the cosmetics, get banned, and do it all over again. It means nothing to them to get banned. Developers don't put too much focus into it because the hackers spend money.

    Correlation does not imply causation.

    Will hacker population go up because of steam? Yes. However, hacker population goes up with any significant population increase regardless of platform, PC or Console. 1% of something is still 1% of something regardless if its 100k players or 1m players. Hacker population is always a very small percentage of the actual population. The belief that hackers are every where is the over blown idiocy of players who can't accept they lost and see hackers every time they log in.

    You want to stop hackers??

    Record the clip, report the players, and move on.

  • As far as cheating goes if you macro that is cheating. So yes I've seen people "hacking/ cheating" with macros not many but it does happen

  • @ncc1701y if you are referring to the wind coming over the boat side to side. the galley is faster. this is called close reach. how ever if its slightly forward called beam reach then the brig is faster.

  • @captain-coel In my experience, the galleon is only faster if it's full with the wind (air flowing directly straight from the back to the front of the ship). Every other instance, it's the brig that has the overall speed (except for against the wind, of course, where the sloop reigns supreme).

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