Question about SoT Standard and Anniversary.

  • So i've succeeded in talking my friend into buying this game to play with me, so i got a few question about the game

    What's the difference between the Anniversary Edition and the Standard one?

    Will both edition will be able to play together?

    Can the Standard edition do the tall tales and play arena mode and such ?

    Since i already got the Anniversary Edition and i really don't know what's the difference between the Anniversary and the Standard one. so i just wanted to ask to get some clarification and be more clear about it.

    Thank you for reading, have fun pillaging pirate.

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  • @toastietoasted I found this on the internet somewhere:

    The Anniversary Edition is a brand-new SKU that becomes the new default SKU for Sea of Thieves on April 30th, containing the exact same content as the Anniversary Update. The Anniversary Edition also comes with an in-game cosmetic and gold bundle via a 5x5 (code), both with digital and retail purchases.

    SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) is a product code that you can use to search and identify stock on hand from lists, invoices, or order forms.

    All versions of the game will work together.

  • @toastietoasted Just marketed differently - think of the anniversary edition as a "Re-Launch" kind of. Its Rare telling the world, "hey this game is diff than it used to be - more content, etc"

  • so there're nothing exclusive to the anniversary edition except for the sea dogs dlc ?

  • @toastietoasted 100% Correct!

  • ok thanks all of you guys and gals for answering my question. Have a fun day XD

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