• ok so I been sailing with this new York girl a lot lately and her brother has joined us several times. so luckily I wasn't alone or im certain my story would have been much different haha. she wanted to do gold hoarders so we got a brig and voted for that and got underway.

    so we went to our first island and noticed there was a grade 5 reaper on the map already haha. they weren't attacking yet, either they were distracted by other ships or they were waiting for us to fatten up. I think the idea is more treasure on board faster you level faster you get bonus and I also think the flag you drop when sank is worth more if its higher level. so anyway we did some chesting and then when we hit lvl 3.... they came for us. we saw the ominous shadow of their galleon sailing straight at us!

    They took some stabs at us but to no avail we were dippin them well. I boarded once and burned them, killed one and dropped anchor and died. it bought us a few seconds of space. we dipped by an outpost and my two partners jumped with stuff, turned in, mermaid back, and repeat. I was dippin and jukin the ship around the island. they boarded one guy but I killed him and they rammed us a bit but nothing major. they sent a guy or two to the island to fight my people but they were already too late as they turned in quick. After about 15 mins of tense delivery we got all our stuff turned in safe and we didn't really have anything to lose but our level three flag bonus so we ran for a bit.

    finally I was like screw this its takin up too much time and whether we escape or not they will see us on map and chase forever so we gota kill them or at least try while we have nothing much to lose. so we turned in on them. I peppered a couple shots and they harpooned me onto their ship. I set fire and killed two guys then went below to guard their holes as they sank but unfortunately was like one weak hole haha so no go. the other two boarded my ship and idk what all happened but we sank and that was that.... for now.

    Was a bit of a bu mmer to go down like that. we didn't lose much but they did get the main prize our flag and something felt personal about that haha. and they had the reaper uniforms on which are like these evil monk looking things and they were GRADE FIVE and just no one challenging them so I was like nah brah we goin back and getting our flag.

    We sailed to nearest fort and loaded up on bombs and then went to reapers hideout to.. hide haha. sister pirate kept our ship safe and out of sight the entire time and me and the brother pirate had a bomb each and hid behind rocks watching their galleon approach like they didn't have a care in the world as they were THE TOP DOGS RUNNING THESE SEAS haha. they slammed anchor and ALL FREAKIN FOUR JUMPED OFF TO THE ISLAND, THE FOOLSSSSSSS. I could not believe our luck that no one stayed to stand guard. One even ran right by me but I was doing hide emote which is like fetal position and your nametag will not show at all. as soon as they passed the steathly mission was a go. We boarded them and I dropped a bomb in back and brother pirate dropped in front. the evil monks started racing back after the eruption but I was there waiting with blunderbuss and sword I killed two before they knew I was there and the other two were bucketing like desperate mice when me and brother pirate ran through them.

    They sank in an instant but our flag was not there they did have about 8 random chests we turned in. I assume when they initially jumped off they turned our flag in with the cockiness and pride of a thousand fools congratulating each other about besting us after our half hr encounter. but then we brought the BOOM haha. and then the real prize.... WE GOT THEIR GRADE 5 FLAG. sucker was worth ten thousand and put us from lvl 0 to 16 haha. we gained so much reaper rep and didn't even play as them. it felt so freakin good. my adrenaline did not recede for like half an hour after haha.

    Afterwards we saw an athenas emissary brig. we went at it and right before we got their they set sails and we thought 'snap we will never catch them as they had a decent lead and same ship' but I said hold my grog. I took two chain shots and angled the cannon high and let them loose. one missed but the other smacked a mast and down it went. we caught up to them in after a few seconds and I jumped on with a bomb and honestly they looked so sad haha. was just two pirates and they really only put up a token defense and didn't even bother returning to ship after they were vanquished haha. we got their grade 3 flag and a lot of Athena treasure. we took that back to reaper and there was ANOTHER reaper gallon there but idk what happened.

    Somehow they sank right as we got there. idk if they were about to quit or they just had a hole they forgot but we fought them on the beach and won that battle as they couldn't respawn but we could with our ship right there and we got their freakin flag too haha.

    anyway was mostly about killing the grade 5 four evil monk galleon but those other two kills and the miracle hail mary chainshot were pretty awesome.

    Though i have some reservations about solo sailing with this update, sailing with a crew is A BLASTTTTTTTTTTT! at least this nite was haha.

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  • @revanjstone This is undoubtedly the best update that Rare has put out. I love the fact that they are paying me to sink, kill, and loot other pirates!!

    This is Rare's response to the "PvE Only Server" threads.

    Rare: You want PvE only servers? Here you go! drops Ships of Fortune update Have fun killing krakens!

  • @supersnipper60 hahaha. i like it for sure but i do have concerns. i like that they basically professionalized the pvpers gave them goals and uniforms and lit them up on the map and set out prey for them to take on.

    now i want to see if the 'prey' ships will professionalize and band together to fight back. i dont want people who enjoy other aspects of the game other than pvp to die die die haha. i want to see them come out as fighters or very skilled escape artists. someone had made a post about giving the athena emissaries goals to fight reapers. i think thatd be great. professionalize an anti reaper team and then you basically can have a war on the seas and maybe a few regular emissaries that try to stay out of the way and get rich haha.

  • @revanjstone I would love to see a Merchant Alliance alliance.

  • Great job awesome story. I always feel hopeless against those grade 5 reapers.

    Although sad to realize my grade 5 gold hoarders ship with loads of loot probably gave the jerks 30k easy. TWICE

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