Still broken

  • Tell me how I’m helping a BRAND NEW player make some starter money, a friend of mine. Had two ashen chests w keys , a couple grogs, reapers bounty and a few skulls. And a Kraken spawns on us while we’re on a sloop, we tried to run but couldn’t go further than the black inky water, then while we’re fighting the kraken, a Meg starts attacking the ship simultaneously, pummeled by the kraken , pummeled by the Meg, he died, I died and then it keeps me sitting on a black loading screen for 5 minutes while I can hear my ship being attacked and sinking but there’s nothing I can do Bc I’m “loading” pathetic, not only did all this happen, then I tried to load the row boat up before everything sank, I was maybe 2 mins of rowing from sanctuary outpost but there were THREE sharks surrounding my loot and they killed me. Boom 1 hour of work gone , friend deletes your game Bc who tf wants to play a game that broken?

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  • I mean the only broken thing in your comment is the 5 minute loading screen. Other things you mentioned is part of the game, stuff like the Kraken and Meg happen.

    The loading screen problem most likely is the Xbox. If not, then it's your connection..

    Happy sailing!

  • Only broken thing is loading and deleting game because of one mishap.

    Oh well. Try again
    Adventure of gathering the loot is worth more, memories you can never lose.

  • This very thing was happening to me. I deleted the game did full restart( hold Xbox Power Button on console until turns off) re-install and the game worked fine for about two or three log-ins. Hope this loading screen thing can help you also.

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