Let's talk Ghost/Wonders/Ancient!

  • Come one come all!!! Tell the tale of the mysteries of the sea! Be it ghost meg, chest of wonders or ancient skelle tell yer tale! My stories ye say!? But of course!

    Wonders - found this beauty on brimstone rock! I actually was getting really ticked at devils roar. The volcano was about to go off so I sailed away and as I was leaving a skelle fired a cannon, hitting my mast and broke it. This left me dead in the water and the volcano finished me off. When I respawned on brimstone there she was! Right on the beach! I freaked out so bad I forgot to record it lol I only have a screen shot of the turn in!

    Ancient skelle - I found two of these guys, ironically right after I found out they existed lol one at crows nest and the other at fort of the damned! Low payout on both but still neat to run into!

    Ghost Meg - Still never seen one 😱

    Tell yer stories and let's work to crack the code and find these mysteries! Yarrr!

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  • I moved this out of Feedback & Suggestions to the place you'll find the proper audience for your stories, here in Tavern Tales. : )

  • @kenji-salk

    Your first then kenji!!! Yarrr what be your tales of the mysteries of the sea of theives!? 😁😁😁

  • I'm up to 5 ancient skellies now. Weirdly enough, 3 of them were in a 5 minute window when I was babysitting a galleon full of kiddies. I had plopped down an Athena's for them and had silently just helped them for a couple of hours (they were terrible at the game, but really appreciative of my help). Then three ancients pop in 5 minutes on Crooks and suddenly this quiet old pirate legend is going beserk and they didn't have a clue why I was freaking out so much! 😂

  • I had a close encounter with the Shrouded ghost at the same time as a skellie sloop burst out beside me in the middle of the Devil’s Roar while I was sandwiched between two erupting volcanoes.

    Managed to take ‘em both down. Solo. And not one lava bomb hit me ship!

  • I've never seen the chest of wonders!!

    I killed 2 ancient skeletons, one on shipwreck Bay and the other one on fotd (do they have higher spawn rate on active forts??)

    As far as the ghost is concern I always tell the same story, when I start to play after few weeks me and my mate on a sloop encounter the legendary dodgy ghost Meg, or is what I think we saw back then, white fin with red eyes... Long story short we were scared of everything and run away...
    Was it the shrouded one? My memory is playing with me?? Don't know but so far that commandation is still missing!

    Happy sailing

  • @TubianSayne

    'twas during the Forsaken Shores Event i was at Cinder Isle iirc to fight some skeletons.
    Suddenly a geyser revealed something just in front of me. I dug it up and it was the Mysterious Box of Wonders 😱
    I killed the skeletons remaining and had another island to visit to finish my journey.
    So i set sail and continued my journey hoping nobody knows i have that special chest on board.
    When i was finished there was a Galleone at Morrows Peak.
    I sailed torwards it and checked them, they were dancing, puking and playing music at the Dock.
    I said i'm friendly and they said they won't kill me.
    I was super nervous and i just grabbed my chest and went to the Gold Hoarder. They didnt notice what i had. I got it i was wrong and need to got to Captain Grace, didnt knew i also could go to Stitcher on Fletchers Rest these days. Wasn't it Fletchers Rest where Jim resided?
    So i sold my Mysterious Box of Wonders to Captain Grace and also the rest of my loot and then i drank a grog with the pirates at the pier :-)
    They never knew what i handed in.

    8 Month ago we did an Athena Mission and we had Cargo to deliver from Dagger Tooth to Devils Ridge iirc.
    Nobody want to do it, because everything else was in the Northwest and it was a big detour.
    I insisted to do the cargo and we sailed south, just between Dagger and Shipwrecked we got the Meg sound and everybody was annoyed until someone said it's him, the Shrouded 😱
    I said that every detour and be it for cargo can make the difference.
    I play the game i always say and dont work or cheese the system.
    So yeah refuse to do detours, tap chests, cancel journeys with "bad routes" or less valued loot.
    To me this is the wrong way.
    I do everything, if the crew doesnt mutiny and i often come across some cool stuff on my detours and "not worth it" journey's ;-)

  • A while back we where searching the wonder box on a galleon i think.. shooting off players to every island to scout the beach but we didnt really think we would find it..

    Then one did find it and called us back but we thought it was a joke but he really got it!

    The rest of the session we talked about his experience!

    What wend through your mind when you see it on the beach?
    You where alone with the box for minutes was it not scary?
    How do you feel?
    Tell us every detail!

    Oh we had so much fun making pictures and intervieuwing him 🙆‍♂️

  • @tubiansayne

    I can add to my tails now! Yer stories have sparked excitement on the seas as we all want to find these mysteries! What tails you ask? But more ancient skelle of course!

    1 - my team and I were logging off for the night and turned our fish in at the turn in between snake and crooks! As we sat there one if my teammates left abs we noticed a brig at crooks hiding on the back side! We said oh wouldnt it be funny if we set our ship on fire and ran into them! Oh the confusion! We did exactly that and we watched them all scurry around confused as to why this empty boat on fire bumped them! I ran up the island and sat on the waterfall to watch...then I heard it! The coins! I immediately perked up and charged towards the sound of the coins! This was the motherlode!! We got enough to buy a cat! Just for being goofballs!

    2 - who does like fishing!? Well...not me after that ruby splashtail event! Jk myself and my crew of 2 others were on mermaids hideaway! One teammate was fishing up pondies, I myself was on the boat fishing up islehoppers and the third teammate was preferring to randomly wander the island and explore instead lol we did this for hours...our wandering friend got bored and logged which just left me and the pondie teammate! She was out of ammo and was getting sniped by a skelle and asked for help so I readied my sniper...hopped down and AHHHHH GUNPOWDER SKELLE! In fear of damaging the boat I ran! But then I head it..the familiar jingle...I turned and it was BEHIND THE GUNPOWDER SKELLE who was already lit and chasing me! I gasped...clenched my fists..and charged! I got him! With a sliver of health..but hey! A win is a win!

    3 - ohhh man the grind to 75 is rough eh!? Well myself and a teammate were grinding the infamous order of souls missions and we were both burned out..it was hours of missions in with just a little left to go..off to maurauder arch..we get there and realize they are all the way up by the dead tree! I sigh...pull out my sword..and charge head first into the fray! Ready for the night to be over! As I run up I hear it..the jingle...suddenly I have energy!! I yell TEAMMATE I NEED YO....BOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMM my teammate comes crashing in with a gunpowder and detonates!!! I gasp... barely alive and on fire and through the flames I see it...I shove what little food I have into my mouth and lunge! Barely getting it!!!! My and my teammate had a nice talk about friendly fire after that 🤣

  • @kenji-salk

    You still owe me a story Kenji 😉

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  • @cardshark-360 You didn't lock the thread.

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