Sorry for the silly question but...

  • I recently penned a silly story for the tavern tales that I am quite proud of. It's nothing unique but I wanted to write about it as it was essentially about an 8 hour session of glitches that made the experience funny and didn't break the immersion of the theme of the game at all for us. Ive been here since day one, even had the game on pre -order for 3 years but never opted into the founder program as I wanted to experience sea of thieves more finished for the first time. anyway, long story short, I've had surges of involvement with this community for a long time and I have always adored this game and it's community EVEN when things don't go my way hahaha. Defeat is sour but that's what makes the victories so sweet right?
    Anyway, this tavern tale, I feel deserves a visual companion and I have the perfect screenshot in my captures on box but I can't see any clear way of transferring that screenshot to my article. Anyone who can help me achieve this would be an absolute legend in my eyes. In all the time I've been playing sea of thieves and coming to these forums, I have never been able to share any screen shots here in this forum. Sad but true.

    Thank you and once again I really do apologise for such a silly question but I'm lost. Your assistance would be appreciated.


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