If you think the PVP in this game is toxic you have obviously never played ARK.

  • All I'm saying is that if I see your boat docked near an island, or your mid fight with a skeleton ship, or maybe your just cruising... I'm going to come up and see whats going on cause I'm nosy and you might have fat loot. If I die in the process GG. its all fun and games, but if I sink you I'm turning in your loot. Good luck out there you scalawags

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  • Ark/Atlas sucks

  • Survival multiplayer sandbox games do put things in perspective with session-based games such as SoT that's for sure. Many heads would explode over here if the time investment and losses stakes were equivalent.

    Some people lose their minds over loss of 2-3 hours of loot, imagine weeks of farming 😂

  • There’s politics that take place in Ark that don’t exist in Sea of Thieves.

  • or any other multiplayer game at all.

  • rust also comes to mind lol

  • @smackeyoof
    Like honestly, people who complain about lost loot in this game have no idea the sheer amount of times you come back to game only to start over once again as a naked on the beach. Never played Elite Dangerous, but I think you can lose months to years in that game.

  • @torchupmaryj jeez none of your ever played oldschoold everquest, you could lose everything with one death lol.

  • Its all good and fancy if sunk and loot is stolen.
    it the other people who sink and dont bother with the loot. Just sink ship and leave loot in the water.

  • I played UO, Darkfall, LoA and several other Sandbox games as PK.
    The time investment to be competetive alone was average to massive (Darkfall vanilla).
    You grinded 2 weeks Material for proper Scale Armor, weapons and some mounts and ressources to cast, the day you raided another clans Territory you maybe had to wander the map for 1hour or even more.
    It was epic to see ~150 people on mounts pass the map to raid a city claimed by another Clan.
    When you were lucky the next respawn was about 20 minutes away or lets say like you have to sail from Golden Sands to Morrows Peak.
    If you happen to die, you lost everything, mount, armor, weapons, ressources to cast spells.
    People who didnt do multiboxing or had nobody to have your restock ready were more or less out of the game or 1hr away to join the battle again.
    All these mechanics i encountered in many games need you to be extremely dedicated or addicted and stubborn.
    I had epic moments, but let me tell you i had also epic moments in SoT what is not that much hardcore.
    The communities were at minimum toxic.
    Someone who remembers Forumfall of Darkfall - not an event, but the Name for the forums - knows what i'm talking about. It was full of hate, you cannot imagine. Goon Swarm, Agony, Hyperion, Sun... many massive guilds with hundreds of members and overly aggressive what comes to my mind.

    So, here's my point :

    Why does this justify to be rude or toxic in SoT?
    After 35 years of playing video games this gem of a game appeared.
    It is simple, it does not separate it's players, you need not grind 2 weeks to be competetive for one single raid that if you were unlucky could have ended 1 Minute after the battle had started. Days of grind for "nothing" but the experience to die in the very first Minute and loose all, get fully looted.
    It got better over time with Rezzing and multiboxing etc... Without abusing glitches and exploits you couldnt compete. I dont liked it and quit after 6 month iirc.
    Same for many other games like EvE what i didnt play that much.

    SoT is also a sandbox / seabox game, it does not separate it's players by vertical progression (but sadly by introduction of the Arena and today the option to opt out as xbox player from the pool).
    It is not overly toxic, although we have these tryhards and need to fight it to let them not take over the ship. Let them not justify to use exploits to be competetive.

    All should care about what people want.
    I dont want headshots, gear and itemization, grind for days to be competetive or gamers gaming the system, multiboxing, exploiting anymore and to say look at this or that game how toxic it is doesnt justify to be toxic in SoT and doesnt in any way make me stop fighting trashtalking tryhards who want the game to be the next toxic virtual world where people let out there frustration and hate upon others.

    The threadtitle to me sounds as if the toxicity of other titles justify to say, dont exagerate, it's the same as ever.

    But it's not fortunately and only a minority is trying to turn the ship around into the Sea of bad habits because they know no other.

  • @torchupmaryj Ark is is Luney Tunes (cencored cant write it correctly)compared to Rust.
    Other then dumb arguments we have a great community.

  • @burnbacon said in If you think the PVP in this game is toxic you have obviously never played ARK.:

    Its all good and fancy if sunk and loot is stolen.
    it the other people who sink and dont bother with the loot. Just sink ship and leave loot in the water.

    I think you can blame rare for the lack of incentive and endgame goals/content for that one.

    For some users at that point it's just about the sport, because there is nothing else to really go for of value.

  • @troubled-cells sagte in If you think the PVP in this game is toxic you have obviously never played ARK.:

    @burnbacon said in If you think the PVP in this game is toxic you have obviously never played ARK.:

    Its all good and fancy if sunk and loot is stolen.
    it the other people who sink and dont bother with the loot. Just sink ship and leave loot in the water.

    I think you can blame rare for the lack of incentive and endgame goals/content for that one.

    For some users at that point it's just about the sport, because there is nothing else to really go for of value.

    No that's not Rares or the games fault, that's the gamers who only game it and dont play the game.
    They work off stuff, they do only cater to Bingo rewards or they are just jerks doing so while they are only there to sink people.
    Ya they can do it all day long, but this is really limited aproach.

    If people dont like the gameloop and just be sinking for sinkings sake i feel they miss all about playing SoT and ate overly aggressive.
    But ok, we have them, i think it's about 0.1% of the active players.

    I need nothing, i have all, i barely need gold or dubloons, but not caring for loot is like i play only half of the game.

    I want to hear explanation why they do it, why they sink others if they are not after loot, would be interesting to me, honestly.

  • How about spending 3 hours on a Destiny Raid and if your fire teams dies you all get sent back to space. LOL

  • @torchupmaryj Ark will always have a spot in my heart. Screw the devs for all there shadey practices but my god that game is something else.

    I played PvP on the Xbox (563) for like 2 years when it came out on Xbox and it was just absolutely nuts. It’s Game of thrones on drugs 😂

    I always tried to be passive aggressive on it. Meaning I wouldn’t attack anyone unless they made a move first.
    But that game brings out the absolute worst in people 😂

    I can’t wait until Rust launches on Xbox soon :D

  • @bugaboo-bill said in If you think the PVP in this game is toxic you have obviously never played ARK.:

    @troubled-cells sagte in If you think the PVP in this game is toxic you have obviously never played ARK.:

    @burnbacon said in If you think the PVP in this game is toxic you have obviously never played ARK.:

    Its all good and fancy if sunk and loot is stolen.
    it the other people who sink and dont bother with the loot. Just sink ship and leave loot in the water.

    I think you can blame rare for the lack of incentive and endgame goals/content for that one.

    For some users at that point it's just about the sport, because there is nothing else to really go for of value.

    No that's not Rares or the games fault, that's the gamers who only game it and dont play the game.
    They work off stuff, they do only cater to Bingo rewards or they are just jerks doing so while they are only there to sink people.
    Ya they can do it all day long, but this is really limited aproach.

    If people dont like the gameloop and just be sinking for sinkings sake i feel they miss all about playing SoT and ate overly aggressive.
    But ok, we have them, i think it's about 0.1% of the active players.

    I need nothing, i have all, i barely need gold or dubloons, but not caring for loot is like i play only half of the game.

    I want to hear explanation why they do it, why they sink others if they are not after loot, would be interesting to me, honestly.

    I already did, it's quite simple to understand and I dont completely blame these players, rare has a degree of accountability here by not incentivising them.

    Weather you agree or not is irrelevant here, no disrespect.

    I mean if its 0.1% of the player base as you claim, then what's the issue? Wouldn't it be a one in a thousand occurrence at best?

  • I don't get how comparing the two works as an argument for justifying the other...

    If you think driving a car into a wall at 100mph is dangerous, you've obviously never tried driving a lorry into a wall at 200mph.... second one doesn't stop the first one being true

    Also, I have played Ark, and I dealt with all that until I gave up playing it... and, Rust, oh boy, Rust.

    EDIT: also, your actual OP post doesn't match the title. What you describe is not toxic, it's being a pirate. Being toxic in this game is getting in game chat and shouting slurs and such.

  • @troubled-cells sagte in If you think the PVP in this game is toxic you have obviously never played ARK.:

    @bugaboo-bill said in If you think the PVP in this game is toxic you have obviously never played ARK.:

    @troubled-cells sagte in If you think the PVP in this game is toxic you have obviously never played ARK.:

    @burnbacon said in If you think the PVP in this game is toxic you have obviously never played ARK.:

    Its all good and fancy if sunk and loot is stolen.
    it the other people who sink and dont bother with the loot. Just sink ship and leave loot in the water.

    I think you can blame rare for the lack of incentive and endgame goals/content for that one.

    For some users at that point it's just about the sport, because there is nothing else to really go for of value.

    No that's not Rares or the games fault, that's the gamers who only game it and dont play the game.
    They work off stuff, they do only cater to Bingo rewards or they are just jerks doing so while they are only there to sink people.
    Ya they can do it all day long, but this is really limited aproach.

    If people dont like the gameloop and just be sinking for sinkings sake i feel they miss all about playing SoT and ate overly aggressive.
    But ok, we have them, i think it's about 0.1% of the active players.

    I need nothing, i have all, i barely need gold or dubloons, but not caring for loot is like i play only half of the game.

    I want to hear explanation why they do it, why they sink others if they are not after loot, would be interesting to me, honestly.

    I already did, it's quite simple to understand and I dont completely blame these players, rare has a degree of accountability here by not incentivising them.

    Weather you agree or not is irrelevant here, no disrespect.

    I mean if its 0.1% of the player base as you claim, then what's the issue? Wouldn't it be a one in a thousand occurrence at best?

    i dont care, just a little curious how the pc comminity will be the next weeks - we will see.

    Why did you do it, why did you not play the game like intended got the loot and turned it in to get goldd or dubloons?
    What is or was you intent then?
    Only sink ships?

    I mean ok, i have no problem if you do so, but i think you miss the game.

    I long ago suggested a BR mode instead of Arena,
    6 ships on the whole Map, search and destroy, last Ship afloat wins whatever you want, gold, dubs, title, nothing, i dont care.

    I maybe wuold even be interested in this Arena mode, the condensed GH Mission in that tiny space is to lame for me.

  • The toxic games are played by psychos on PC who are used to the "I am friendly backstabbing" trope. SoT on the other hand is basically a cartoon minecraft kind of game where xbox players who mostly just play cooperative games expect to have nice social experience. It doesn't matter how much more or less toxic it gets than the toxic games, for the xbox players it's still much more toxic than what they are used to and so of course they are shocked, because losing faith in humanity hurts.

  • @archaell
    I love it, Xbox players acting like they are above it due to their platform of choice. One match of Call of Duty (Prior to even this version) and you will see that ya'll are just as toxic as PC players.

    Time for some self reflection.

  • @nabberwar Of course the FPS players are salty no matter the platform, but they are also unlikely to play cartoon games like SoT, which is attractive for families with children.

    Btw. I am PC player. :)

  • @nabberwar said in If you think the PVP in this game is toxic you have obviously never played ARK.:

    I love it, Xbox players acting like they are above it due to their platform of choice. One match of Call of Duty (Prior to even this version) and you will see that ya'll are just as toxic as PC players.

    Time for some self reflection.

    I used to play a lot of CoD on Xbox 360 and Xbox One... there was a reason me and my buddies never went into game chat.

  • @bugaboo-bill said in If you think the PVP in this game is toxic you have obviously never played ARK.:

    @troubled-cells sagte in If you think the PVP in this game is toxic you have obviously never played ARK.:

    @bugaboo-bill said in If you think the PVP in this game is toxic you have obviously never played ARK.:

    @troubled-cells sagte in If you think the PVP in this game is toxic you have obviously never played ARK.:

    @burnbacon said in If you think the PVP in this game is toxic you have obviously never played ARK.:

    Its all good and fancy if sunk and loot is stolen.
    it the other people who sink and dont bother with the loot. Just sink ship and leave loot in the water.

    I think you can blame rare for the lack of incentive and endgame goals/content for that one.

    For some users at that point it's just about the sport, because there is nothing else to really go for of value.

    No that's not Rares or the games fault, that's the gamers who only game it and dont play the game.
    They work off stuff, they do only cater to Bingo rewards or they are just jerks doing so while they are only there to sink people.
    Ya they can do it all day long, but this is really limited aproach.

    If people dont like the gameloop and just be sinking for sinkings sake i feel they miss all about playing SoT and ate overly aggressive.
    But ok, we have them, i think it's about 0.1% of the active players.

    I need nothing, i have all, i barely need gold or dubloons, but not caring for loot is like i play only half of the game.

    I want to hear explanation why they do it, why they sink others if they are not after loot, would be interesting to me, honestly.

    I already did, it's quite simple to understand and I dont completely blame these players, rare has a degree of accountability here by not incentivising them.

    Weather you agree or not is irrelevant here, no disrespect.

    I mean if its 0.1% of the player base as you claim, then what's the issue? Wouldn't it be a one in a thousand occurrence at best?

    i dont care, just a little curious how the pc comminity will be the next weeks - we will see.

    Why did you do it, why did you not play the game like intended got the loot and turned it in to get goldd or dubloons?
    What is or was you intent then?
    Only sink ships?

    I mean ok, i have no problem if you do so, but i think you miss the game.

    I long ago suggested a BR mode instead of Arena,
    6 ships on the whole Map, search and destroy, last Ship afloat wins whatever you want, gold, dubs, title, nothing, i dont care.

    I maybe wuold even be interested in this Arena mode, the condensed GH Mission in that tiny space is to lame for me.

    I mean you literally just agreed with my premise of content or lackthere-of right there, directly or not, your arguement is the same principle in that you are suggesting to add content.

    Therefore rare has a degree of responsibility here.

    Weather you care or not is irrelevant.

  • If you think the PVP in this game is toxic you have obviously never played Rust.

  • @dislex-fx
    Not really trying to promote, but within the past few days IAMWILDCAT played Rust for the first time. His video, to me accurately describes the rust experience for a first timer.

  • @troubled-cells
    Commendations are till around. Heck I rather collect gold and have the numbers spread across my screen.

    Some have millions but do any have billions?

  • @burnbacon said in If you think the PVP in this game is toxic you have obviously never played ARK.:

    Commendations are till around. Heck I rather collect gold and have the numbers spread across my screen.

    Some have millions but do any have billions?

    I'm sorry but if your arguement is just loose commendations chasing numbers in the place of meaningfull end game content, I think you need to have a word with yourself.

  • @troubled-cells said in If you think the PVP in this game is toxic you have obviously never played ARK.:

    For some users at that point it's just about the sport, because there is nothing else to really go for of value.

    Hm, not a very imaginative lot, I take it.

  • @troubled-cells sagte in If you think the PVP in this game is toxic you have obviously never played ARK.:

    @burnbacon said in If you think the PVP in this game is toxic you have obviously never played ARK.:

    Commendations are till around. Heck I rather collect gold and have the numbers spread across my screen.

    Some have millions but do any have billions?

    I'm sorry but if your arguement is just loose commendations chasing numbers in the place of meaningfull end game content, I think you need to have a word with yourself.

    can you explain what endgame content is?

    at the end of the game i normally turn in loot XD

  • @bugaboo-bill said in If you think the PVP in this game is toxic you have obviously never played ARK.:

    @troubled-cells sagte in If you think the PVP in this game is toxic you have obviously never played ARK.:

    @burnbacon said in If you think the PVP in this game is toxic you have obviously never played ARK.:

    Commendations are till around. Heck I rather collect gold and have the numbers spread across my screen.

    Some have millions but do any have billions?

    I'm sorry but if your arguement is just loose commendations chasing numbers in the place of meaningfull end game content, I think you need to have a word with yourself.

    at the end of the game i normally turn in loot XD

    alt text

  • @nabberwar said in If you think the PVP in this game is toxic you have obviously never played ARK.:

    Not really trying to promote, but within the past few days IAMWILDCAT played Rust for the first time. His video, to me accurately describes the rust experience for a first timer.

    lolol I am watching it now. I don't know this dude, but I love seeing people new to Rust. It's a brutal game. The most brutal game I have ever played.

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