How to approach a ship that is sitting still for new players.

  • As the holiday season has just passed I know there is a lot of new players. I have encountered quite a few myself. Thought I would give a few pointers on approaching another ship.

    Do not come in full speed. Start slowing down from a distance.

    Do not approach with your cannons broadside to another ship. Come in towards the front or rear of the other ship. You can come in towards the side of a ship but beware they can shoot as soon as you get in range.

    Most seasoned players recognize you mean no harm if you raise the cannons on your ship straight in the air.

    Communicate with the other ship. Use your chat wheel or you can keybind text chat by going to Settings>controller>text chat and choosing what key to bind it too, then you can type with your controller.

    Do not have any weapons drawn.

    Never jump off your ship and board the other ship.

    Putting up your alliance flag can also help.

    Understand this is a pirate game and some people will attack you no matter what you do. However these are some of the things that can help to make an encounter possibly go well. All the things I have mentioned that you should not do will get you sunk if you ignore them. I have sunk some people that may have been new but approached in what is considered a threatening manner. Hope this helps out any new players and any vets with other suggestions please add them on to the post.

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  • I'd like to add, while communicating with a mic. AND text, also:

    • Don't approach another ship
    • Turn on the ship's top area lanterns
    • Play an instrument
    • Keep yourself and all crew members above deck and in plain view
  • ditto @DISLEX-fx

    Also, stand on bow and wave emote works quite nicely. Especially if you are a scantily clad girl pirate like me :)

    Never immediately start swimming over! That's when triggers get itchy.

  • Don't spam I'm Friendly!! or Let's form an Alliance!!, once is enough.

  • I usually offer up some treasure by saying "I've got the villainous bounty skull!" "Take this off me!". That usually tells them you're not worried about treasure and gold and therefore don't care to steal any from them. Just make sure it's something good. They may feel insulted if you offer a castaway's chest.

  • @lem0n-curry said in How to approach a ship that is sitting still for new players.:

    Don't spam I'm Friendly!! or Let's form an Alliance!!, once is enough.

    YES! This is an important one I forgot. Seems like 90% of those who spam that mean to do you harm and can't be trusted. I have killed and sank some just for spamming those two wheel chats. Once is enough.

    @ViperishEmu2992 The trigger finger gets uncontrollably itchy. That one can't be expressed enough. You try to board my ship out of the blue and it's to the ferry with you! It's a shoot first and there is no questions to ask later kinda thing.

  • My favorite people to sink are the ones who are friendly :)

  • @cleanfoal722263 said in How to approach a ship that is sitting still for new players.:

    My favorite people to sink are the ones who are friendly :)

    you mad lad you lol

  • @cleanfoal722263 said in How to approach a ship that is sitting still for new players.:

    My favorite people to sink are the ones who are friendly :)

    My favourite to sink are those who are not.

  • @viperishemu2992 Yes! They want a fight but they want to win too. It's satisfying when you disappoint them.

  • @viperishemu2992 all I’m saying is after 2500 ships sunk I prefer to kill the ones that come to me instead of me having to find people ... a whole lot less time consuming

  • @cleanfoal722263 I like fighting those who want to fight and chatting with those that want to be social. After 1 1/2 years of SoT I still enjoy talking with nice people more than sinking jerks. There's plenty of jerks to sink and take their loot. But the nice people are the real treasure.

  • @viperishemu2992 I wish I ran into more friendlies like yourself, seems rare these days. Love PvP but I often would at least like to chat about it and have a laugh over it then just get robbed and ignored. I mean it is a social game why play with others if all you want is to grind and loot and repeat over and over.

  • @cirith-ungol900 It's a visually beautiful game that allows you a lot of freedom in how you want to play. Unfortunately it's also "grind, wash and repeat... and grind again". Basically, it's got a serious tedium problem with a long spells of boring in between the action.

    That's where the social aspect save's it from becoming a snooze-fest.

  • @viperishemu2992 the problem is I don’t carry loot... after reaching 20 mill in gold and 10k doubloons not much else to do except fight

  • @cleanfoal722263 I know the feeling. I keep collecting Loot in the hope that there will someday be something that I actually want to buy!

  • I haven't found a friendly pirate in this game in a long time. Hopefully I'll run into one of you soon on a solo run. I started running with lights on because I don't want other ships to worry about me as much. I'm more a merchant, cargo vessel these days for I'm no good at close pvp. I'd like to not worry people with a heavy load either.

  • @foxdie31 a new player here too, and while I have couple of friends to man up sloop or brig from time to time, sometimes I feel the urge to have a quiet meditative solo-sail. Or fishing. Or walking on the island for the sake of exploration and sightseeing. So-o-o, thing is, that it is really a BAD idea to have your lights on in the game.

    When you are in a galeon, it may be a sign of "we are not afraid of anything, have funny thoughts - go get some lead and travel to the bottom of the sea", but when on a sloop, it is like invitation to sink you "just for fun". Sure, a sloop with lights off may also look a decent target - just because "you may have something, that's why you are hiding", but noticing it becomes a bit harder.

    Best way meet another ship in the sea is no such meeting. Comes from couple of times, I was sunk for no particular reason just when fishing, and my ship parked in the trading post. Like, really, I deliberately sitting there, fishing and not checking incoming ships, what were you expecting to find inside? A load of rate chests?

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