Possible Additions Mega List - Updated Daily - 30/12/19

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  • Thanks for adding my suggestion here!

  • I've read through your feedback thread, and I see a lot of stuff is already on, but i write it down anyway, so people can leave feedback on the ideas:

    • life on the sea: add more sea creatures (to an extent, like sharks - small crabs you can throw at enemy; can load coconuts into cannons for fun and practice, more ship sizes?), fix harpoon (so i can cut it with my sword if someone harpoons my ship)
    • add variety of supplies (similar to cursed cballs; different sized planks, complex food/fruit, potions (yes/no)
    • pets: make them interactable between them and players (can sit on shoulder, pets fight, etc.), more pets pls (cats, rats, etc.)
    • buy-in supplies? so you can buy small amount of supplies when you start the game (like 2x usual sloop/brig/galleon starter stock)
  • @Atherza If you get the chance, kraken variations, sirens as an enemy at sea (mermaid's corrupted by the Devil's Shroud?), And then of course I posted earlier about some region and weather suggestions I had, if you get the chance, you should check it out.

    Also, as a disclaimer on the gambling, it can't be done. Mini games, sure, but gambling would raise the rating of the game. That being said, it's doubtful any suggestions for gambling will be paid much attention to, however I'm fully down for supporting the idea of the card and dice games!

    To boot, let's talk about an idea @KoalaHoarder reminded me I read aboot: adding a basic pet free to all players.

    Personally, I'm working on my second page of pets, but doing this would allow them to improve on pets in ways that might have been considered pay-to-win if it stays purely monetized. If they did give everyone a basic pet, however, they'd open doors for a lot more things, such as:

    • Allowing pets to transport small items (skulls, gems, trinkets, ect.) that you give it

    • Allowing pets to be fired onto enemy vessels and steal small loot objects (skulls, gems, trinkets, ect.), however not allowing the pets to pick up quest items. That'd be just rude.

    I just think it'd be neat to be able to have your pets interact more with both other players and their surroundings.

  • My ideas so far :

    • The Navy (new faction) for those who enjoy Navy roleplay. They could give us bounty hunter quests on players/hostiles NPC and hunting down skeletons ships missions. The Navy would be based on a big "capital" island somewhere that's look like Port Royal in Pirates of the Carribeans, Sea of Thieves is missing such big city with a military fort (something in brick/stone, not wood like everywhere in the world!)

    • Port-Royal / Capital island. Something as big as the Shores of Gold but with a functional city, huge port, The Navy fortress, every orders HQ and it could go well with the captaincy update with a sort of ship Housing system. The capital could be a safe zone once you navigate inside its port water, if you try to attack another ship or the city itself it will make you hostile with The Navy and you will be considered a pirate! From the capital it would be nice to make a sort of sea roads system to work with the merchant alliance. To supply all the outposts, there would be NPC ships to protect leaving from the capital to the different outposts.

    (Sorry for my bad English sometime, I'm just a Frenchie fancy captain!)

  • They should also add that the chest of sorrow can stop crying every 2 seconds by simply the whole crew having to play a song on an instrument to calm it down.
    This will help people that play on their own as they constantly bucket and drive the boat.

  • I have nothing to add in terms of ideas but I just wanted to say how brilliant everything on that list sounds. I hope Rare adds it all (or at least the majority.) Some great ideas!

  • How about being able to name our ships ? The name would be displayed on the hull. You could change at anytime by talking to the "harbor master" and it would be free of course !

  • An arena mode potentially where two teams go against one another one defending a fort with shorter spawn times and the other raiding the fort starting from there boat out at sea. The boat team would need to navigate to the fort and attack. Whilst the defending team would defend the key to the vault in a set location but random in the fort. Barrels on the fort will be over stocked with cannonballs and limited to none gunpowder kegs.

    Also side note whilst sailing by the uncharted PvP island. I have noticed that there are a few cannons at the sea level but they are all facing the large structure in the middle. (Weird) There also seems to be an obstacle course of some type (parkour) wrapping itself around the island. Makes me wonder why it is set up like this. Maybe there can be a game mode utilizing this. Like a stand off with players on pvp island and otherss shooting up at them. Idk just two thoughts.

    If captaincy update becomes a thing. Haven’t a spot to save you ship, loot and quest/voyages in all. However also have a way to view specific ships stats. So if me and my crew have been running on my ship for weeks and we haven’t been sunk everyone (through the spyglass maybe) would be able to see that we have sunk 15 player ships and to not mess with us, or to bring us down for the challenge. Loot can be rewarded based on states to make the fight worth it. Stats would get reset on being sunk. Have a good crew keep that ship alive longer be spotlighted (more “wanted”).

  • @kiwimania This is on the list! Under: Ship Features.

  • I love the creativity here!

  • @zevaryian I took your ideas into account!

  • Nahhhh. How about Rare works on bug fixes, server stability, and... dare I say it.... Hit registration. Otherwise, I guarantee; SoT 2021 will still have these problems.

    Seriously, no to everything but fixes. Oh, and complete Arena overhaul.

  • @boomtownboss I've played SoT pre launch and haven't had to deal with many issues post launch. But I do know that some need fixing.

  • I would like to see the three new skeleton lords drop a unique skull. Not the stronghold skull.

  • @phantaxus That's a great idea!

  • I love all of these ideas, and I really hope Rare adds them all

    There have been a couple of ideas i've been wanting forever now

    Trading Company Loyalty - Doing things for Trading Companies creates loyalty with them, which can be great if you do everything they ask and complete they're voyages, or be bad if you keep cancelling voyages or not selling items to them, as you improve/deprove the companies, you can unlock exclusive items, shipsets and clothing themed around the facton

    Personal Hideouts - A Personal Hideout that can only be bought once reached Pirate Legend, they can be build on any Island, however will cost more the bigger the island and the farther away from an Outpost, you can full customize it from which Trading Companies can reside in it, if you want to spawn in it, if you want banners and things to hang in it, what kind of themes (Gold Horders makes everything Shinny and Golden, Order Of Souls makes everything mystical and mysterious, Merchants have a bunch of animals running around, Pirate Legend makes everything look Legendary, Bilge Rat makes everything look like it was bought at the Bargin Bin etc.)

    These are just my ideas and i know they have flaws in them, I know they more then likely won't even be considered, but it would be super cool if we ever got features like this in the game

  • Saltwater crocodiles, water/land threat something that would actually attack rowboats.

  • @Atherza

    I'm back again with a few more different ideas! The first two are my posts entailing my take on the ideas, the second two are of other people's posts, but I'll be sure to credit them next to the link!

    Aye, an island ye can call home! - posted by Zevaryian

    Weather and Regions - Posted by Zevaryian

    Can Skeleton Pets Please Wear Outfits? - Posted by @Pharaoh-Rising

    Can We Have The Ghost Set Now? - Posted by @Pharaoh-Rising (you've seriously got a point with this post)

    CONCEPT: Personal Islands - Posted by @mferr11

    Thanks again, everyone, for such great suggestions so far! And thank you, Atherza, for taking the initiative to keep track of all these ideas!

  • @zevaryian don’t forget my other one about “let’s have the full ghost set plus some additional cloths” :)

    I’m kidding, Happy New Year and thx for sharing around my ideas :)

  • @pharaoh-rising I gotchu man, I gotchu xD Happy New Year's man, and safe sailing!

    May the wind fill your sails, and may gold fill your pockets!

  • I actually love this. This could be the second anniversary update if they haven't already been working on it. I mainly want them to add gambling to ships and taverns. May your sails always be in full wind, and may your voyage's always bring the rarest treasure.

  • There is no way I can accurately respond to each individual thing lol but omg yes to sea serpents, sirens, dolphins, more animals, more legend stuff, curses etc

    Thought. Sirens sing like mermaids but when they get near the boat they do the pushback move the skellebosses have and smack the heck out of your ship ha ha ha

  • @tubiansayne

    If the siren pushback gets implemented and it causes ships to glitch, slam into islands, fly, flip upside down, get beached or any other messed up thing I take 100% full responsibility...I also request you record EVERY...SINGLE...EVENT and show me so I can make a compilation of boats slamming into things and getting thrown across the map lol

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