Xbox vs pc

  • Can you please make it Xbox vs Xbox and pc vs pc Xbox vs pc players is so unfair we have a huge disadvantage can you pls fix that it’s making my experience bad and also if you pick a sloop you should join a only sloop server it’s not fair of your a sloop and a galleon rolls up and destroys you you have no chance so can you look in to fixing that please it’s really a not good experience when playing

  • 16
    xbox one
  • I can almost always spot a PC player and confirm it by going to recent players. Can’t wait till they hopefully add an option to fully opt out of crossplay

  • "Wait I've seen this before."

    "How have you seen this? It's brand new."

    "Yea I saw it as a rerun..."

  • @zherron-vorse it’s facts dude I’m not the only one preaching to the choir here

  • @biggreendayfan then go join one of the 3 active threads rn instead of making another post about it. I saw 1 get locked earlier today alone just because its already got 3 active threads. Scroll for 3 seconds and you'll find one im sure

  • @zherron-vorse are you pc player

  • @biggreendayfan yes but that is irrelavent to the argument. Go join an active thread instead of clogging up the recent tabs.

  • @zherron-vorse or you can leave your the one who keeps commenting 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • @biggreendayfan
    And I'm an Xbox player, yet I don't want an opt out for Crossplay. The advantage is very small for pc in this game. Also, they wouldn't be able to do a soft opt out with adventure.

  • @biggreendayfan i think they should just give you aim assist, pretty sure if they split the game like that, the game will die. plus im sure you are overestimating some of your enemies and are believing they are pc when they are actually just good xbox players. its always easier to blame it on pc players, but i myself never run into pc players, its a once a week occurance. everyone i run into is xbox it seems, and yes sometimes i run into good xbox players and think they are pc, and then i later find out they are all xbox. sorry if my assumption is wrong but i feel like you are new to the game, sloops are actually kind of op if you ask me, especially with this new fire update. it has become super easy for sloops to destroy galleons, the galleon is probs the worst ship in the game, brig the best and sloop my fav, and probs the easiest. all the pve (kraken and meg) spawn way easier for sloops. and fire is much easier to put out on smaller ships. once you get good at the game you will learn this quickly, you should probs watch some solo sloop tips and tricks vids, to jumpstart your progression

  • @pho3n1x-down where on earth is recent players, i havent been able to find it, spent hours looking for it lol. and how does that tell you that people are pc players?

  • @zherron-vorse said in Xbox vs pc:

    "Wait I've seen this before."

    "How have you seen this? It's brand new."

    "Yea I saw it as a rerun..."

    Back to the Future reference? Nice.

  • @blazedrake100 i dont think the playerbase is big enough for it, and i think thats why they have held off on it for so long after they said they would, i think the playerbase took a hit and now they are like oh damn we cant. but thats just a theory, a game theory. anyways i dont think they need to add opt out crossplay and it confuses me that they havent even tried aim assist, someone said they tried aim assist early access but it was a problem cause it would always target skellies, but from what they described it sounded like auto aim, i dont think you need auto aim, just aim assist. plus its not like they cant prioritise players over skellies for aim assist. anyways it baffles me that they would jump that step and straight up decide to cut out crossplay, something that makes player interactions so interesting and fun imo. plus im sure people would like aim assist that sometimes aims at skellies anyways. most player fights happen on boats away from skellies.

  • @d4m0r3d said in Xbox vs pc:

    @pho3n1x-down where on earth is recent players, i havent been able to find it, spent hours looking for it lol. and how does that tell you that people are pc players?

    Recent players will show a PC symbol by their name. I've had this for 9 months now but also I am a tester for the new dashboard and other things on Xbox so I do get some things earlier than most.

  • @inboundbomb i swear i used to have this and dont have it anymore. cause i remember doing it in the past, but lately i havent been able to find it

  • @biggreendayfan Ahoy matey!

    So sorry to have to do this but...

    As this topic has already been thoroughly discussed in its current state I have locked this thread. If you would like to look into this topic you can see one of the other threads that were opened about this subject. Please do not create new threads for subjects that have been covered in other threads so recently.

    Some popular threads on this topic:

    As a side note, we do know this is still actively being investigated by Rare as a feature and I am sure they are learning a lot from the data after implementing opt-out on the Arena side of the game.


    See you on the seas!

xbox one
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