Suggesstions (A few of them)

  • Hi,

    After coming back to play the Anniversary update me and my group of friends are really amazed at all the content added, and it has reinvigorated our enjoyment of the game.

    Due to this we are hoping to give our two cents in terms of the future and hopefully feeling like our ideas made the game we like that little bit more personal if any of them show up in game in the future.

    So thank you for reading the below and thanks for the Anniversary update :D


    Melee weapons:

    Rapier: + faster than cutlass, longer reach, more attacks in one combo, maybe 4 or 5 instead of cutlass' 3
    - Weaker damage, no block, no charge attack, does not stagger enemy

    Axe: +Highest melee damage
    - Slowest, one hit in the combo, can still be blocked by cutlass.

    Ranged weapons:

    Rifle W/O scope + faster than sniper, higher dmg than pistol, Balance of pistol and sniper
    - Less dmg than sniper,more bullet drop than sniper, slower than pistol, longer reload than pistol

    Blowgun + puts status effect on enemies
    - does almost no damage, low range similiar to blunderbuss
    (Could be varied to have a drunk blowgun, poison blowgun, sleep blowgun which requires 2 hits to not be too annoying, balancing is hard.)

    Immersion/little things to do:

    Play at blackjack tables with friends in taverns, or strangers, either way.

    Ambient wildlife, dolphins/turtles and the like, would feed into the cooking system really well. Perhaps dolphins if fed a fish will let the player hold on to them for a boost of speed underwater?

    maybe have some animals give 2 resources when killed, one for eating, one specifically for sale, chicken feathers, snake venom, shark teeth.

    Chickens, if fed, can lay eggs (one piece of fruit provides a few eggs. or more depending on the quality of fruit to make it worth it ofcourse) , constant source of food on long voyages if kept in chicken cage.

    Ambient birds of prey that just dive into the water, then come back out with a fish and fly away (Simulate an ecosystem without needing to actually make an ecosystem)

    Food being cooked bounces just a little in the pan to give it some animation to go alongside the crackling sound

    Being drunk makes you more resistant to pain... i've not tested if this is a thing, but if it isnt, yeah, this could be funny.


    Lures that you can put in the water that increase chance of higher level or make fish easier or some kind of positive fishing effect for all who fish near to said lure for its duration, improves co-operation and can be shown by some kind of subtle visual effect like chum in the water etc.

    Swamp area alot more land than base area to accomodate the swamps, less islands but bigger. Crocodiles could lay in wait in brush covered areas ready to pounce, piranhas could swarm injured players but not fully healed players, muddy water slows player movement massively. Giant frogs. Very poison filled area.

    Snow area. Polar bears make the land more dangerous than the sea in terms of enemies, icey water causes you to run out of oxygen quicker when under it, seal meat provides a heat buff to reduce any cold effects and allow icey water to be nullified when it comes to prior mentioned oxygen effects. Sea lions are the unique sea enemy, or orcas or maybe narwahls. Have to navigate ship through icey waters.

    Stormy area. This area could have very well defined North and south locations so the player has to use those two points to navigate. Giant Maelstrom whirlpool sits in centre of the area (Mother of all krakens home?) Weather is worse closer to centre. Have to navigate thick fog wall to get into area. Unique land enemy could be from fiction such as Naga/skeletal Naga, Unique Sea enemy could be deep sea creatures that have risen to surface due to the never ending storm Giant squid/Giant angler fish/Baby megalodon as they are safer in the stormy area from Humans, basically the size of a shark, but faster, angrier and much tougher and only in the maelstrom area. The megalodon baby would also give more background to the amount of megalodons players encounter.

    More challenging fish that play slightly differently, a sport fishing kind of fishing where the prior mentioned lure is all but neccessary and these fish are capable of unique abilities that require the player to react quickly to keep the line on them, E.G fish that intentionally slip under the boat or swim down and you have to not do anything to allow the line to let them do what they want until the fish surfaces again.

    Customizable interiors of ships, cooker cosmetics that kind of thing, storage barrels are probably best left to avoid confusion during gameplay

    Diving bell:

    Capacity of 2 for Diving bell

    Dungeon like areas that need diving bell to reach (Not actually dungeons ofcourse) could be abandoned mermaid towns

    Similiar to rowboat as in found in open world

    Can only have rowboat or diving bell

    Enemy Variety:

    Crab enemies that sit on ocean floor or on beaches, maybe both.

    Giant crab boss like the megalodon but on land see giant mudcrab from skyrim.

    Bounty hunt missions on NPCs? These could work kind of like the skeleton crew killing missions but with a more tracking focus, using the lantern to find footprints and journal entries to find out what island someone is hiding on, got the idea from the crackshot bounty hunter npc. Im not sure if human npc enemies are something that is actually wanted and if not then ignore this suggestion, lol.

    Been playing abandon ship, and thus thought of some kind of human enemy, similiar AI to skeletons ofcourse but just a different look and perhaps one or two different behaviors like dying quicker but attacking faster.

    Monkeys that stay at the top of trees making alot of noise when your near and throw coconuts at you, basically similiar to snake but without the bleed and easier to hear from a distance. (can hit the coconut with a melee weapon to return it to sender might be fun)

    Could add davy jones like enemies (Underwater fish zombie people that only prowl diving bell areas) quite resistant to all but head damage, not immune, just resistant.

    Quality of life:

    Little bait and tackle box for bait on the ship, say ontop of a shelf above cooker

    Option to set cosmetics for ship and player to favourite so when you open the customise menu you start on a favourites menu by default and can quickly equip your favourite look.

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  • The swamp area... I've been thinking about it lately! Sounds a very interesting place to sail around, and also dangerous...

    I can't wait to see the Crab boss hahaha... Still waiting it since the Devil's roar update trailer... Diving bell, with diving zones would be also very interesting!!

    Also new modes of fishing would be nice, I thought about having a box or like a little jail in which you can put the bait, then you can throw that jail with a rope (that jail will be attached to the ship) so it could be moving while the ship is moving, so after some time you can just take the box from the water and have some fish in there... and maybe if you use that box when you are anchored in the beach of an island you could catch some crabs after some minutes. This would be a way to get fishes and sea animals by itself, It would take time, but as long as you put some bait you will catch something...

    I read the whole post, and u have nice ideas here!! talking about new areas, I thought about one long ago that I exposed in another post. I will copy paste the explanation here:

    Imagine an expansion map where there is a place full of close mountains, fog and this place is like cursed with some of the most evil mermaids (the ones that even evil mermaids disgust) living there. The place would look like a spooky place surrounded by very sinuous paths between thoose sharped rocks and mountains, would totally look like a labyrinth of tall rocks, parcial fog. This place would have tons of underwater caves to explore, that would be totally laberynthic, with treasures that they have stolen to the pirates they sunk. When you enter that place you could hear the singing of the evil mermans and mermaids, but you can't see anyone, it would be like a nightmare!!

    So bassically it would be a laberynthic path of mountains and rocks that hide beneath another laberynthic tunnels of underwater caves with some places to breath...

    Spread the curse in the seas!!

  • all of these are amazing ideas, what else can i say. i hope the devs do this stuff. all of these things are things i have seen 100 people say, and its all stuff i have wanted since forever. hopefully one day it all gets added

    • No need for more weapons, as the ones we got are sorta broken.
    • Gambling is a weird thing.
    • Do you really wanna kill Dolphins? I like to see turtles or maybe just Crabs.
      *...and that pretty much all i got, everything else just little silly and over the top. But who knows.
  • @nukdar Ha ha,

    That would be pretty cool, the expansion map that is, close mountains and fog would present more reasons to go slow and have someone on the crows nest to see over the fog and identify mountains to avoid.

    Thanks for the positivity :D

  • @d4m0r3d

    As long as they keep adding new gameplay features and things to do, it'll all be good in the end :P

  • @burnbacon

    Yeah, in regards to weapons and stuff, balancing passes will always be neccessary, for me the only weapon issue is how quickly you can switch weapons, which has been promoting more quick scoping and shooting than swashbucking for sure.

    The gambling is of no consequence really, just blackjack or something to pass the time, not actually gambling anything, i mean unless you want to, i dunno, pirates could meet up and whoever wins gets the loot, just a silly idea to float around really :P.

    as for the killing dolphins and turtles, I more mean difficult fish that require more than just pull in the opposite direction, like if a fish swims underwater you do nothing to let the line go slack so it doesnt snap or if a fish jumps you have to yank the rod down to tire it out by it getting dizzy from the sudden change of momentum from jump to fall.

    As for the ideas being silly and over the top, Thats kind of sea of thieves as a whole, in the nicest way, like new enemy types and monkeys that throw coconuts from trees is all in keeping with the light hearted vibe of the gameplay, snakes poison you but can be soothed by music, skeletons panic and run away when hurt despite being dead already i mean hell the skeletons have wants and desires if you play the tall tales :P

    Genuinly, what would you like to see added content wise?

  • @spikeyspike

    I'd like to see some of my own regional ideas added, but I think I'd have to finish them first...

  • @ultmateragnarok

    What have you got so far?

  • @spikeyspike

    Some regions, one of open sea and sea creatures, one filled with skeleton activity, one with ice chunks drifting about that have tunnels carved through them, and one with constant cloud cover blocking the sun and causing a permanent fog. Past that, a lot of random smaller content updates, such as new ship customizations and new types of cursed cannonballs. The issue at this point is that I'm trying to partially map out the regions and some of the islands in them, but drawing and writing out all of the posts is taking a while.

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