Problems With Xbox Console Companion

  • I've just let these problems sit for a while and I wanted to see if anyone else has had these same issues and/or has any fixes for them (I'm thinking I should probably uninstall and reinstall it, perhaps).

    It constantly says I have 1 New Message, but there is no new message and no unread message. It's just been stuck with 1 notification for me, for many months, lol.

    Sometimes, a new message does not come through to me. I will see a pop-up from my windows notification, but when I check the console companion app, that new message is not there. I've found that the new message will NOT appear until that person sends another message! (Maybe, also, if I send a message - I don't think I've tried that - usually because I don't know what was said in their message, lol)

    The program has a blank white image for its task bar icon. Blank white, that is, besides its "1" for the mysterious, invisible new message, lol.

    I thin that covers the important, strange, problems I have with it (besides the usual that everyone else deals with when searching, joining, and adding friends).

    Anyone else ever have these specific issues? Anyone have any suggestions?

    EDITED TO ADD: Going to my account through the website does not solve any of these issues. The mysterious 1 message remains mysterious and unseen - and the invisible messages, that I know were sent, remain invisible.

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  • Your message is more than likely a message from Xbox live. Select mail and scroll down to messages from Xbox live and take a look.

  • @needsmokes
    I appreciate your reply, but - nope. It's not that. I've gone through it numerous times. And selected my messages from xbox live. Like I've said there are zero unread messages there. Yeah, it's weird.
    Even though I knew this wasn't the issue, I still went and checked again, just to make sure.

  • I know that behaviour. Often it is just a note from the system, not a message by a user. You may have a look at the small bell in the upper right corner.

  • @goedecke-michel
    Sadly not. :D
    It's specifically a message notification.

    Ah well. I was curious if these issues were common enough that others would have the same thing going on with mine. It's time for me to nuke it and see if the problems persist, hehe.

    Oh! And I suspect (complete guess here) that my one message notification is a message from someone that I never got to see and is invisible to me. It's been a few months now too, lol, so I wonder who it might be.
    Like I said, I have messages that I cannot see, but I know are there, because I saw them in my windows notification (and the messages will appear if another message is sent between us).
    I have no idea why mine is so buggy (more so than usual, apparently).

  • @electricknights If you search for 'Apps and Features', scroll down to the Xbox Companion app, click it then click Advanced Options and scroll down there should be an option to 'Reset'.

    Give that a whirl.

  • @triheadedmonkey
    Funny thing. I just reset it and the task bar icon is still all white. I wonder what the heck is causing that.
    Messages are currently loading. We'll see how that turns out.

    EDIT: Actually, the blank taskbar icons seems to be a Windows 10 problem. Looking into it now. :D
    I realized, I had a few other programs that were doing the same (all of them are windows/microsoft apps too, I think).

    One problem at a time, lol.

  • Resetting the app fixed the invisible messages (at least, all current ones).
    The 1 message notification was an invisible reply from someone dating August 2018, lol. Despite checking through my messages before - that one wouldn't appear, so, it wouldn't count it as read!! (Until I reset the app and went through my message history again - and, voila, it was there)

    I'm curious if some new messages will continue to be invisible now or not.

    Really crazy and I'm surprised no one else seems to be having these issues.

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