Third Time's a Charm

  • Hello everyone,

    in the past few days I had three unusual encounters in the Sea of Thieves. (You can skip to the third one.)

    1. First encounter was in the Adventure mode, I joined Open Crew and had two crewmates, one little kid and one guy who was constantly YELLING insults. We went to pick up the Reaper's Chest from a nearby shipwreck. We got the chest and I saw the "bad guy" picked it up and dropped it back into the water. So I picked the chest and hold it, but the "bad guy" told the kid to brig me, because that's ME who want to throw it into the water... Well, I got the doubloons anyway, reported him for his disgusting behavior in front of the kid and left.

    2. Second encounter was in The Arena. Open Crew again, this time with a guy, probably from some Spanish speaking country. He was swearing in Spanish too, but he also took our ship outside of the map on purpose and was laughing hysterically, yelling something about capitalism *facepalm*.

    3. The day after I joined Open Crew in The Arena again, Xbox players with Controllers only. As I was loading in the game, I heard some guy with heavy russian accent. Oh God, he was sooo funny. I thought that he must be some streamer or content creator, so I searched his gamertag on Google and I couldn't believe what I found. This guy even has his own tavern in the game!

      Some of you've probably already guessed it, it was the @Clumsy-George. Entertaining us (enemies including) for a few hours in a row without saying single rude word. Man, his stories about massive and strong Russian women... or about Gulag... :D

      I am really shy and I tend to not speak in the game, because of my bad English and my Eastern European accent, so I just occasionally make a sound or unmute when it's really needed (someone boarding us, etc.). But George took his "weakness" (if his accent is real) and turned it into his strenght.

      We didn't win a single match that day, but for me it was the most memorable night with Sea of Thieves.

      "Shomebody's shwimming, I tink."

    Thank you, George! Thanks goes to the rest of the crew too.

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  • @ondrejbakan
    Hello Mr Ondrej Bakan, thank you for this wonderful and uplifting post...i knew ,by your name , you had to be Eastern European. You wouldn't believe it but i'm shy too, in real life ,i don't dare to say 3 words to someone i have never seen...Therefore my world is quite small, Real Friends i can count on the fingers of one hand , in my own Country , which is Belgium by the way , i have one Friend , all the other Friends are located all over Brittania...

    So, as you can feel , i'm no Russian ...i have learned to make a Gift from my previous curse and try to bring with my accents some fun in our and the " enemy's" crew.

    Many years ago ,my own accent , became a curse for me , i played a lot of Call of Duty and Rainbow Six games. But since the release of Modern Warfare , people seemed suddenly to hate me...During months i was told to either shut up ,or was getting full buckets of verbal sludge over me...Nomatter what i said , the smallest peep from my throath was enough to trigger verbal hostilities...

    Then i made a mistake ,i still regret today , i took their advice and kept my mouth shut ,as they always told me...Years went by , playing Multiplayer games with Microphone without speaking...i could let all those voices rang in my head as echoes , and so i started to learn French, Southern USA, Scottish, Irisch and Russian accents...

    7 years later , a " certain" English Developer decided to make a game where succes would be granted could communicate with yer crew...Many Multiplayer games had fallen " silent" because of too much verbal hostilities...They took a big gamble as this game too can be altered in a Hell filled with Trolls.

    But this Forum and later the Alpha's gave me back hope , i started talking, first in my own accent and i spoke like a waterfall...Rare had given me a Gift not one could retrieve, i was utterly happy but came to realize that i could maybe get others out of their "shell"...

    So ,time went by , and i had met a certain Mr Bern Dimall, now known as @Dag-13eRniT . He has a Texan accent , and i mimicked him, not to ridiculize him but to try to learn more of this accent and then something Magical happened : He didn't mind, on the contrary , he encouraged it and so i was freed from another shackle...

    But...Can i do all this on my own? No, Sir , without Friends i'm still nothing ( * You're still nothing , even with Friends ...Moron - Ah and there we have the supporting critics from Sunshine. * Shut it , Captain Tearface , it stinks in here). And there my Great Friend Mr @J4dio comes in...With him at my side i can move Mountains ...That's the real power of Friendship. Friends make you stronger and...they don't even realize it.

    i am no Streamer , no content Creator , i fear i was born too late to jump on that train but ...i try to go for a higher cause...A smaller one in attendants but still something i have high up my Heart: Joy...

    Purely and undistilled Joy, for me but also for others...

    Mr Bakan, one of my Childhood dreams was to be a theatre actor , they could silence the crowd ,make them cry but also crawl from laughter ...In the early eighties , ( * When the Dinosaurs were walking the Earth...heheheh) there was a comical Duo: Gaston and Leo in Belgium. Two Great and Funny Gents , they had a show on television, one per year , not much hey? But what they did outhere is etched in every Belgian's Brain and the best part was when they were so funny that they couldn't hold their laugh anymore...

    In short they brought Joy amongst the people...THAT was my dream but a bad memory ( * Oi, don't blame it on me , Moron!) ,shy-and ugliness made i never realized that dream untill...Sea of Thieves ...Sea of Thieves is , when i have a good day , My Theatre...My goal is to bring Joy towards others ...Arena is sometimes so hostile , well, i try to turn it , sometimes i fail, sometimes i succeed...But i will tell you one thing...i'm an addict...No, Dear Moderator ,no need to block this post...i'm an Addict to mental Adrenaline...Improvising on the spot gives me a kick, in my own language , but ....making People smile in a language i totally not master accompanied with accents i learned from Television and listening to others for Years , that gives me such a rush in my head that i radiate Light in my dark attic...

    But that is also your part Mr Bakan, you laughed and unknowingly encouraged me to keep finding jokes in my wasteland that people would call peanut brain...The " Enemy " was also Great in accepting and encouraging me...

    Without ,all of you, including my Great Inspirator and sidekick Mr J4dio i would be nothing more than a maggot...But this is Sea of Thieves ,in here you rise far above yourself because others Accept you for who you are ...They may call me silly , crazy , daft those names are thriving me to push it further and as you have seen , i don't need shunning words, nor pick on a person and ridiculize him/her...

    All i want is have and share Fun...Sometimes it works , mostly it fails but if it works , then i'm a Steamroll train that is hard to stop...The adrenaline turns me into a Marathon Sprinter...

    So there you go Mr Bakan...i hope that you may realize that you don't have to be shy...In Sea of Thieves , an accent is NOT a Curse ...It is a Gift that you can use to make Sessions worth to remember...
    i hope that you realize that you too can do all this , much better than i can because i don't think you have a faulthy brain ( * Stop mocking me, Meanie - Hahahah, what is that tear ? Sunshine...Does the Truth hurt? hihihihi) like me...

    Go for it ...Sea of Thieves isn't about Levels , Beautiful Clothes or Achievements , It's all about having and sharing Fun with known or Unknown People...A Pirate can be just a Pirate but why not give him/her a Great Evening...

    i hope you and the other Pirates enjoyed it because i know i did...
    Thank you , all of you, because every Fun Evenings are a help for when the Inner Darkness tries to stop me again...

  • @clumsy-george Hey Georgy? That ole dog ul hunt! I'd write more but someone's (you) done watered my eyes up. To the original poster......... You're truly blessed to have adventured with Georgy! I laugh so much when we sail together and find his comedic outbursts to be near genius! All I am good at is recruiting killers and sinking other ships. It is far more fun to do when I hear Georgy sayin "We's gunna sink Ya's all! Oh boy yew gawt it comin now!"😂 I even try to mimic him mimicking me to no avail! 😂😂😂 I hope you run into many of the characters from the Alpha in your future voyages. There are so many great players from back then!
    If you look around the islands many of them have Easter eggs!
    Warning: Stay away from Cross! He's a great guy but your treasure will be floating in the water!😂

  • @OndrejBakan That's awesome! Everyone should play at least once with George, it's an amazing and very funny experience (I would pay for a comedy show of him at the Arena Tavern). To me, he's a keeper of the spirit of SoT.

  • @clumsy-george said in Third Time's a Charm:

    Hello Mr Ondrej Bakan, thank you for this wonderful and uplifting post...i knew ,by your name , you had to be Eastern European. You wouldn't believe it but i'm shy too, in real life ,i don't dare to say 3 words to someone i have never seen...Therefore my world is quite small, Real Friends i can count on the fingers of one hand , in my own Country , which is Belgium by the way , i have one Friend , all the other Friends are located all over Brittania...

    So, as you can feel , i'm no Russian ...i have learned to make a Gift from my previous curse and try to bring with my accents some fun in our and the " enemy's" crew.

    Many years ago ,my own accent , became a curse for me , i played a lot of Call of Duty and Rainbow Six games. But since the release of Modern Warfare , people seemed suddenly to hate me...During months i was told to either shut up ,or was getting full buckets of verbal sludge over me...Nomatter what i said , the smallest peep from my throath was enough to trigger verbal hostilities...

    Then i made a mistake ,i still regret today , i took their advice and kept my mouth shut ,as they always told me...Years went by , playing Multiplayer games with Microphone without speaking...i could let all those voices rang in my head as echoes , and so i started to learn French, Southern USA, Scottish, Irisch and Russian accents...

    7 years later , a " certain" English Developer decided to make a game where succes would be granted could communicate with yer crew...Many Multiplayer games had fallen " silent" because of too much verbal hostilities...They took a big gamble as this game too can be altered in a Hell filled with Trolls.

    But this Forum and later the Alpha's gave me back hope , i started talking, first in my own accent and i spoke like a waterfall...Rare had given me a Gift not one could retrieve, i was utterly happy but came to realize that i could maybe get others out of their "shell"...

    So ,time went by , and i had met a certain Mr Bern Dimall, now known as @Dag-13eRniT . He has a Texan accent , and i mimicked him, not to ridiculize him but to try to learn more of this accent and then something Magical happened : He didn't mind, on the contrary , he encouraged it and so i was freed from another shackle...

    But...Can i do all this on my own? No, Sir , without Friends i'm still nothing ( * You're still nothing , even with Friends ...Moron - Ah and there we have the supporting critics from Sunshine. * Shut it , Captain Tearface , it stinks in here). And there my Great Friend Mr @J4dio comes in...With him at my side i can move Mountains ...That's the real power of Friendship. Friends make you stronger and...they don't even realize it.

    i am no Streamer , no content Creator , i fear i was born too late to jump on that train but ...i try to go for a higher cause...A smaller one in attendants but still something i have high up my Heart: Joy...

    Purely and undistilled Joy, for me but also for others...

    Mr Bakan, one of my Childhood dreams was to be a theatre actor , they could silence the crowd ,make them cry but also crawl from laughter ...In the early eighties , ( * When the Dinosaurs were walking the Earth...heheheh) there was a comical Duo: Gaston and Leo in Belgium. Two Great and Funny Gents , they had a show on television, one per year , not much hey? But what they did outhere is etched in every Belgian's Brain and the best part was when they were so funny that they couldn't hold their laugh anymore...

    In short they brought Joy amongst the people...THAT was my dream but a bad memory ( * Oi, don't blame it on me , Moron!) ,shy-and ugliness made i never realized that dream untill...Sea of Thieves ...Sea of Thieves is , when i have a good day , My Theatre...My goal is to bring Joy towards others ...Arena is sometimes so hostile , well, i try to turn it , sometimes i fail, sometimes i succeed...But i will tell you one thing...i'm an addict...No, Dear Moderator ,no need to block this post...i'm an Addict to mental Adrenaline...Improvising on the spot gives me a kick, in my own language , but ....making People smile in a language i totally not master accompanied with accents i learned from Television and listening to others for Years , that gives me such a rush in my head that i radiate Light in my dark attic...

    But that is also your part Mr Bakan, you laughed and unknowingly encouraged me to keep finding jokes in my wasteland that people would call peanut brain...The " Enemy " was also Great in accepting and encouraging me...

    Without ,all of you, including my Great Inspirator and sidekick Mr J4dio i would be nothing more than a maggot...But this is Sea of Thieves ,in here you rise far above yourself because others Accept you for who you are ...They may call me silly , crazy , daft those names are thriving me to push it further and as you have seen , i don't need shunning words, nor pick on a person and ridiculize him/her...

    All i want is have and share Fun...Sometimes it works , mostly it fails but if it works , then i'm a Steamroll train that is hard to stop...The adrenaline turns me into a Marathon Sprinter...

    So there you go Mr Bakan...i hope that you may realize that you don't have to be shy...In Sea of Thieves , an accent is NOT a Curse ...It is a Gift that you can use to make Sessions worth to remember...
    i hope that you realize that you too can do all this , much better than i can because i don't think you have a faulthy brain ( * Stop mocking me, Meanie - Hahahah, what is that tear ? Sunshine...Does the Truth hurt? hihihihi) like me...

    Go for it ...Sea of Thieves isn't about Levels , Beautiful Clothes or Achievements , It's all about having and sharing Fun with known or Unknown People...A Pirate can be just a Pirate but why not give him/her a Great Evening...

    i hope you and the other Pirates enjoyed it because i know i did...
    Thank you , all of you, because every Fun Evenings are a help for when the Inner Darkness tries to stop me again...

    aye mate I still think that your the most funny guy I've met as well

  • @jetorchidee97 said in Third Time's a Charm:

    @OndrejBakan That's awesome! Everyone should play at least once with George, it's an amazing and very funny experience (I would pay for a comedy show of him at the Arena Tavern). To me, he's a keeper of the spirit of SoT.


  • @ondrejbakan he's a very good guy our mate @Clumsy-George

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