Summary of X018 Sea of Thieves Panel 11th November

  • Complete waste of resources and funds for the game. Could have used that money on the Sea of thieves portion of the game and not the sea of fortnite and player unknown seas portion. Good job of messing this one up rare!

  • The more information I get about this update, the more disappointed I am in it.

  • @death-pilot37

  • Not been one for a Safe Zone in game but happy if it's a separate instance, like the Tower in Destiny. This idea isn't new and has been kicking around for as long as I can remember; here you'd be able socialise, play tavern games, form crews, etc...
    When you're ready to set sail you & your crew would just leave the area/tavern and be placed in a random server to begin your voyage. I think the Sea Dog Tavern is a step in this direction and will be interesting to see how it pans out.
    Also interested to see what new things are planned for the adventure mode. I've had many great pirate adventure so far but I'm yet to have that true Goonies experience filled with testing puzzle & treacherous traps!

  • @tartansnake I like the idea of the tavern as a bookend to arena. It reminds me of the early alpha days where testing would often end up in the taverns with lots of crews drinking and sharing tales. But my experience of lobby's in other games focused on pvp is normally that it's a place to exit as quickly as possible so I am not convinced this will work.

    I do like the idea of a safe kicking off point for both modes as it might help bring people together more without the constant grief.

  • @tartansnake a social area, where people can practice their social skills seems like a no brainer for a game that has such an emphasis on social gameplay. I agree 100%.

    Not sure about Arena, not because I don't think it'll be fun, more because if I want to play a competitive PvP arena there are already some very good options out there. I'll have to wait and see for myself how the SoT PvP arena stacks up against some of the other big hitters. It has potential to be the best of the lot, but it might end up feeling less fresh than Adventure mode did when it launched. I just hope that it doesn't result in more empty servers in Adventure mode, but I suppose if Arena gets more people playing then it can really only be good for the game overall right?

  • @boxcar-squidy out of curiosity what other “competitive pvp option” are you referring to? Similar to Sea of Thieves take on a competitive pvp option. Sincere question

  • @redeyesith sagte in Summary of X018 Sea of Thieves Panel 11th November:

    The more information I get about this update, the more disappointed I am in it.

    The more information I get about this update, the more hyped I am in it.

  • @king-deka said in Summary of X018 Sea of Thieves Panel 11th November:

    @redeyesith sagte in Summary of X018 Sea of Thieves Panel 11th November:

    The more information I get about this update, the more disappointed I am in it.

    The more information I get about this update, the more hyped I am in it.

    Happy for you, doesn't change my opinion though.

  • @redeyesith sagte in Summary of X018 Sea of Thieves Panel 11th November:

    @king-deka said in Summary of X018 Sea of Thieves Panel 11th November:

    @redeyesith sagte in Summary of X018 Sea of Thieves Panel 11th November:

    The more information I get about this update, the more disappointed I am in it.

    The more information I get about this update, the more hyped I am in it.

    Happy for you, doesn't change my opinion though.

    Yeah it’s ok mate, everybody has his own opinions:) my opinion is I’m hyped for every content update and every little Bilge Rat Adventure!

  • @betsill ill stop posting when I feel like it.

  • Instead of choosing between the two modes in the lobby, the Arena should be a place on the main map where the ships (and their crews) would go to earn their rewards in a PVP-focused area. This is perhaps the solution not to split the audience, and not to make the game in yet another of the battleroyale games. I think the idea is not a battleroyale, but looking at it seems to be.

    This Arena could perhaps focus on betting, games like dice or cards, the competition of those who manage to walk further drunk in a straight line would also be fun.

    I think I'm dreaming (or drinking) too much.

  • @targasbr That's pretty much what I've been feeling since it was announced as well.

    I really don't like the idea, on any level, of seperate game modes for Sea of Thieves, and it really kinda kills me a little that the developers have gone this route, instead of working out a way to incorporate the Arena into the main game. Even the concept of shared treasure maps could be worked in as a new, more perilous PvP focused sort of voyage. The Arena could be located any number of places, giving players a Hub and area to engage in PvP with more focus.

    It's been a few days, but I still feel incredibly disheartened by this news.

  • some people complaining about splitting the playerbase a solution could be: make the adventure mode a lot more valuable for reputation then the arena mode and next upcoming fun modes.let us start the arena mode from the maingame,maybe the tavern or the table on the vessel

  • Think about it: Since the servers are max 6 ships, you dont want to split those 6 ships across two game modes. If you are playing Arena, you want 6 ships to kick it off. Otherwise its not a competition. If its Adventure mode, then the PvP crews would have even less people to hunt.

    I dont see how this would really effect gameplay. Some people will play Arena from time to time, and others Adventure. It should not feel different to the people playing. The game modes would get even distributed among the servers.

    I hold no judgement on Arena until I get a chance to try it. It does not sound like my personal preference, but I also like having choices for different moods I am in. If a particular mode is not your thing, then how does it really effect you by not playing it? You need to understand that the reasoning behind the extra mode is get attendance up, not split it up.

    And lastly, Rare has already addressed the question of resources for the Arena mode. So stop saying it is wasting resources for the Adventure mode.

  • Please, developers of the Sea of Thieves, I need to know if it will exist an observer mode for those PVPs.

    It is really very very important to me.

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