How Pets May be Implemented (My Personal Synopsis)

  • @mrgrim67686 Me either. Totally hate it. I'm not a fan of MTX at all but I know that it's pretty much guaranteed for GaaS.

  • @mrgrim67686
    The only good thing about a new currency is that maybe you can find small quantities in the world.

  • @sgt-palooggoo I wouldn't mind if that was an option. So people can buy pets if they want them more easily but less fortunate players can also earn them through playing. The only issue with that is when a person saves up to buy something and then they release something new right after that they would have preferred instead.

  • I know a lot of people won't like this...but I think the pets should be accessories of the ship. More people in a crew, more animals on board.
    The game will be so stupid if EVERYONE is walking around with a cat/rat/parrot/dog following them. Just like, well, every MMO.

  • @fenderbendur
    Might have a point there professor.
    Rare should listen to that.

    @xcalypt0x said in How Pets Will be Implemented:

    @sgt-palooggoo I wouldn't mind if that was an option. So people can buy pets if they want them more easily but less fortunate players can also earn them through playing. The only issue with that is when a person saves up to buy something and then they release something new right after that they would have preferred instead.

    Well, that's dlc for ya.

  • @sgt-palooggoo They're always listening... * looks around*

  • This topic should be edited or removed even if you state "Please note that these are just my predictions on how Pets will be implemented."

    It's extremely misleading and not factual at all.

  • @tbone-ap he just needs to change the title to
    "How Will Pets be Implemented?"
    subtitle: "One Man's Opinion"

  • @fenderbendur Yeah, that would work... but will he?

    Seems like he intended to be misleading. I mean I read his disclaimer after I checked in the topic, but when I first saw the topic title I was like, "Oh awesome, pet news confirmed".


  • I'm not much of a fan of microtransactions either, but I've had to come to terms with the way the gaming industry operates nowadays. I don't mind seeing microtransactions in free games, like Warframe, but when I spend money on a game, I'd like to think I'm getting the whole package.

    To reiterate on something that some have mentioned already in this thread, the upcoming DLC isn't "free", it's more like "pre-paid". That being said, if Rare would like to offer smaller in-game items for a fee, then Ok. However, I don't think I'll be purchasing them.

    Given that the game is a Microsoft Studios title, I can see them adopting the Halo 5 microtransaction system where you can play the game and earn the points to get the item (i.e. the req pack in Halo 5) or, if you would rather have it now, then you could spend actual money to get the item. That way, both sides are happy and Rare gets a little extra money in their pocket if gamers choose the latter.

  • I am disapointed that pets won’t do anything beneficial. I figured my monkey could at least sail the ship more effectively then most of the randoms I meet!

  • @tbone-ap said in How Pets Will be Implemented:

    @fenderbendur Yeah, that would work... but will he?

    Seems like he intended to be misleading. I mean I read his disclaimer after I checked in the topic, but when I first saw the topic title I was like, "Oh awesome, pet news confirmed".


    I didn't make this to be misleading, but it seems it was.
    I'll change it.

  • @sgt-palooggoo Don't sweat it, Sarge. I think your post opened up a much needed discussion about pet mechanics and the eventual, albeit annoying, implementation of microtransactions.

  • @fenderbendur
    Thanks mate, I didn't think I'd shake up the bee hive as much I did here.
    It Seems Micro transaction are a very hot topic, good thing the discussions haven't been too Toxic.

  • but where's the parrot

  • Hey all- I'm going to let this thread slide because it has been edited enough to be clear, but I wanted to give a heads up that it was confusing enough for people to cause reports. Please be aware that in the rules we have a section about posting unreleased content (which this isn't, of course, but caused confusion for it) and impersonating Rare employees, Global Moderators, and Deckhands. I don't think the intention was to infringe on those, but it got a bit close!

    Please feel free to speculate, but be careful not to frame it as confirmed facts. : ) Thanks!

  • @kenji-salk
    Oh yeah, sorry about that.
    I underestimated people's perception of my post.
    I should've released that when you state something as fact people often believe it.
    I won't make that mistake again.
    Thanks for not taking it down.

  • MT's aren't the enemy people. It's a little silly for people to be yelling shame on Rare.

    -Shame on Rare for making more content and cosmetics for us?
    -Shame on Rare for adding pets?
    -Shame on Rare for adding items to a cash shop to fund future dlc and the cost to make assets?

    Assests take time to build and new pets will take a lot to code. They don't work for free.

    "BUT VE111A WE PAID 60$ IT'S TOO MUCH FOR WHAT IT IS!" You paid for content done not to be done, Even as its a GAaS there is still costs and still additional features. It's either the do what the budget allows and we only get the planned dlcs or we have a cash shop that a lot of fans can use and get what they want and support the devs thats a great thing. If you are against MT's the easiest thing to do is not use it. Same applies for everything if you don't like it don't do it. I for one am STOKED for MT's. I want all the cool stuff and will be buying a pet day one lol. Thanks Rare.

  • @ve111a

  • Yeah @Ve111a is right! When you don’t like MTX don’t use them, when somebody use this he has no advantage over you, nothing! It’s not that the Parrot can blind you or the monkey can steal supplies from your ship, nothing, nada, niente!! Only Cosmetic and the Fun to interact with them! When I’m not liking the Weary Barnacle Set I didnt spend my dubloons cause it’s only Cosmetic too like MTX, Easy?

  • @king-deka said in How Pets May be Implemented (My Personal Synopsis):

    Yeah @Ve111a is right! When you don’t like MTX don’t use them, when somebody use this he has no advantage over you, nothing! It’s not that the Parrot can blind you or the monkey can steal supplies from your ship, nothing, nada, niente!! Only Cosmetic and the Fun to interact with them! When I’m not liking the Weary Barnacle Set I didnt spend my dubloons cause it’s only Cosmetic too like MTX, Easy?

    The cuteness will overwhelm!

  • I want like a skeleton parrot as a pet

  • @becausescience1 said in How Pets May be Implemented (My Personal Synopsis):

    I want like a skeleton parrot as a pet

    Maybe the Skeletons will have pets too.
    One can hope!

  • @sgt-palooggoo I want a parrot... and a monkey.. mostly a monkey that can steal nanas off others...

    sigh as much as I hate microtransactions being added there isn't really much we can do about it unless everyone quits buying them... To me it's honestly a waste of money to spend real money on in-game currency just leave the game as is I will agree with certain things like map packs in games or DLC expansions but to me currency is a waste I think certain pets would be ok to purchase with the silver I find kind of odd you chose silver as microtransactions since gold is worth more than silver maybe pearls or black pearls I think the pets should still be accessible to those that choose not to spend money I know to this generations kids its normal and they really don't see a big deal because they didn't hear when this bull twinkies microtransactions began but they will if it's their money. I believe in supporting the devs but this way is just shady to me sorry

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