Skeleton accuracy

  • Am I the only one who still thinks the skellys are still a little to accurate? w/ cannons and guns?

  • 22
  • @elexio
    I have to agree with you.
    I played at the weekend for the first time since they were nerfed and I noticed the difference. Following this weeks update, last night I was getting shot from great distance and through trees/shrubs. It felt like to me that the previous week nerf code was missing from this latest build.

    RARE can you check and confirm?

  • @freeradrx8 I was shot no joke twice in the face by a cannon while sailing next to an island instantly killing me. Also had issues with Skelly missions because of the kegs and skellys with guns. It's pretty hard doing it solo (I understand solo =hard period.) But now its even harder because of the spawn rate of the keg skellys. It's been rough lol

  • @elexio sagte in Skeleton accuracy:

    Am I the only one who still thinks the skellys are still a little to accurate? w/ cannons and guns?

    I agree with the pistol/blunderbuss skellies...but I like the way the cannon skellies shoot, keep it that way

  • I don't think pistol skellys are too accurate. Now it seems like they give away whether they'll hit or not by how they are aiming (some literally point at the ground lol). Body blocking, kiting, and backing off to heal up all still work well for me.

    My hope is that RARE doesn't balance this game around solo players. Maybe they can figure out the game to balance based on the crew size but that seems intensive, I dunno.

    I do miss the old skelly cannons though. It really made approaching islands intense and more strategic. They seem to miss all the time. I have to be standing still to get hit by a ball - it sounds like very bad luck + a dash of lack of attention on your part there.

  • It seems like after the Banjo-Kazooie update the Skeletons are more accurate with their shots (which was nerfed in a past update) and barrel supplies do not regenerate anymore (which was added with the Skele-boom update) Don't know if this is a bug, or an intended change.

  • @necromancer-v said in Skeleton accuracy:

    It seems like after the Banjo-Kazooie update the Skeletons are more accurate with their shots (which was nerfed in a past update) and barrel supplies do not regenerate anymore (which was added with the Skele-boom update) Don't know if this is a bug, or an intended change.

    I don't know about the skeleton accuracy being buffed, and I have to agree with @Gloog that I don't believe another nerf is in place yet, but it was posted in the patch notes that supplies no longer restock when below default level :)

  • @elexio

    Hmm, I suppose if you think of it like this - skellies have been dead a long time, fighting off those who come for their ill gotten gains buried on the islands, they've had plenty of time to perfect their firearm skills so they ought to have gotten a bit better at it.

    I like them as they are tbh, it requires some team tactics sometimes and the trip to the Ferry is fairly short.

    Conversely... they are dead, so perhaps they weren't that good to start with.....

  • @katttruewalker lol yea tactics like hiding behind rocks or walls... oh wait

  • @elexio you are correct. Cannon accuracy has been nerfed a tad except for sloops near skull forts you’ll still get peppered pretty good there. Guns were nerfed but this last update restored their god mode.

  • @elexio i agree. Kinda hard to enjoy the game when everytime you get near an island the cpu starts with a barrage of cannon balls that are insanely accurate

  • No. Stop trying to make this game something for 2 year olds.

  • The cannon aim has definitely been nerfed. Used to get bombarded 2 miles away with perfect accuracy. Now while it has been nerfed, it has not been set to "stormtrooper in eoisode iv" accuracy. Don't sail too close, otherwise you can't expect to never get hit. As far as pistol skellies, there has been some improvement in that they'll actually miss. Occasionally. Really rarely. A better fix would be changing the spawn rate so that 6 don't spawn simultaneously all wielding pistols.

  • @supriseautopsy said in Skeleton accuracy:

    The cannon aim has definitely been nerfed. Used to get bombarded 2 miles away with perfect accuracy. Now while it has been nerfed, it has not been set to "stormtrooper in eoisode iv" accuracy. Don't sail too close, otherwise you can't expect to never get hit. As far as pistol skellies, there has been some improvement in that they'll actually miss. Occasionally. Really rarely. A better fix would be changing the spawn rate so that 6 don't spawn simultaneously all wielding pistols.

    I don't know if it's lag on my end but I'll hide behind a rock and still get hit by pistol skeletons. Along with that, it is too bad our characters don't have more movement options. I would LOVE if the characters could bend down, go prone and climb. I know it wont happen but I find myself missing those abilities frequently.

  • @theothervillain as far as I know, this has been a "known issue" from 2 or 3 updates ago where skellies can shoot through some solid objects and the back of sloops' hulls. Guess they're still working on a fix? But like I said one pistol skelly by itself is a manageable pest, 6 spawning together is a real pain.

  • @elexio
    I was playing yesterday and was getting quite frustrated. With that being said, after the voyages were complete, I realized that I did enjoy the challenge of attempting to separate the Skull Captains; allowing me to fight them 1v1 instead of 1v4.

    I have always enjoyed the Barrel Skellies, they add such a new dimension to combat!

  • @elexio I concur... way to accurate. Even jumping around doesn't save your from being shot.

  • I do as well op, the cannon fire is def less than laser accurate like it used to be but I think pistols etc are still a bit too spot on.

  • I just started my first official voyage on the full version of the game. I played the closed and open beta's so I had an idea what I was in for. Got my first voyage and set off alone to find treasure on the Mermaid island. Sounded like a nice place to start. Apparently not. My ship was sunk before I could figure out where anything was to begin patching. I count that one as my own fault for not re-familiarizing myself with my little boat. Finally figure out where my boat spawned and tried parking way far out. Nope. Still not far enough. First ball hit below water level. Second shot landed as I was trying to raise anchor... threw me from the ship and by the time I got to the anchor mechanism again it was once again too late to save it. I swam ashore thinking I could just find the chest and move on since it was right on the beach. I was kidding myself again. First skeleton pops out of the ground. Sword drawn, I attack and... the skeleton didn't react. Instead it pulled a red barrel from its pocket and set it off. Respawning put me on my boat and I tried for the third time to reach the island. I anchored a three minute swin away, found the chest, swan five minutes back to my ride (used a rubberband and had a snack).

    That was not very fun to be honest. It was a chore. And for all my efforts? I'm now .0001% of the way to the cosmetic item I kinda want.

  • @elexio Yep, if they lowered the accuracy, it doesn’t show. They still feel like aimbots.

  • @katttruewalker I don’t mind them being good shots, but when it feels like they never miss, it’s a bit much. The gold ones track you perfectly even with water thrown on them - that just doesn’t seem right at all. And the shooting through the sides of the ship. It feels beyond supernaturally good aim... it feels like artificially good and robotic aim. Just needs a little more tweaking.

  • Still having this issue -_-

12 out of 22