The ferry of the damned serves no purpose.

  • Seriously. Whats the point of it? I get to sit at a loading screen to sit at the black loading screen?

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  • It's got to be simply applied for the sake of immersive flavor.

    They are simply teleporting you to a location "below the sea" then teleporting you back - the run back is what requires more loading.

    Were I to have it my way - death would simply force you to go invis... perhaps lock you nearby on the ship (elsewhere but nearby) force you to be unable to interact with the world or move around freely... and then phase you into solidarity after and you'd likely need load much less if at all.

  • I have posted about this myself.
    Two major complaints of the game stem directly from the ferry teleportation.

    1. spawn killing, placing your character's physical body back on board the ship well before you have any visual or control over it.
    2. varying times required to re-spawn. This is because of hardware but could be avoided by having an over-all time on the ferry as opposed to having a specified time before the door opens then it starts to load you back into the game.

    The ferry does not need to be any more than a short cut scene, even a still picture. Sure it won't be as much fun but neither is repeatedly getting spawn killed or the fact that people who have died after you are being spawned before you.

    Sitting here staring at a black screen for up to two minutes isn't what I call immersion.

  • @admiral-rrrsole said in The ferry of the d****d serves no purpose.:

    I have posted about this myself.
    Two major complaints of the game stem directly from the ferry teleportation.

    1. spawn killing, placing your character's physical body back on board the ship well before you have any visual or control over it.
    2. varying times required to re-spawn. This is because of hardware but could be avoided by having an over-all time on the ferry as opposed to having a specified time before the door opens then it starts to load you back into the game.

    The ferry does not need to be any more than a short cut scene, even a still picture. Sure it won't be as much fun but neither is repeatedly getting spawn killed or the fact that people who have died after you are being spawned before you.

    Sitting here staring at a black screen for up to two minutes isn't what I call immersion.

    The ferry is a great place for a 5 person band though

  • To make it easier for Rare's barrel of monkeys.
    Death itself could be replaced with an unconscious state of being for a given period and your lifeless body simply stays there.
    Where, just like sleeping in-game, you can see around your immediate self via the 360 view camera angles which are already in game.
    The only indication to spawn killers is when you jump back onto your feet which can be entirely up to you after the given time period.
    When the immediate area looks clear, jump back to life.

    Job done. :o)

  • @admiral-rrrsole Nope.

    1. you shouldn't see what your opponent does while you're dead.
    2. no spawning on enemy ships.
  • See, i dont mind dying. In fact, i could care less about it. But literally being unable to do anything except listen to your boat sink.

  • Tbh I love the ferry...It's where I get to meet pirates I killed and vice versa and have a chat with them, because while we're fighting there is not time to talk.

    EDIT: Haven't happened to me that I would get spawn killed...In most cases if others tried to spawn camp me it was them who got killed in the end, no problems there (for me)

  • @crimsonraziel said in The ferry of the d****d serves no purpose.:

    @admiral-rrrsole Nope.

    1. you shouldn't see what your opponent does while you're dead.
    2. no spawning on enemy ships.
    1. Okay, fair enough. I was a bit hesitant in suggesting that. To be fair, there shouldn't be a spectator mode in any game.
    2. who said anything about spawning on enemy ships? How much grog have you drank in the past hour of my absence? You know it can be checked by keg weight. lol :o)
  • Punishment for being dead.

  • Okay, how about this?

    When you die you are teleported to your own ship's brig.
    You cease to be harmed further or die again during your time in the brig.
    If your vessel is deemed to be sunk / sinking beyond salvage, you are teleported to a new / replacement vessel at an island as it already stands in the game.

    After the set time (death period) you, the deceased, may unlock and exit the brig. This will be made evident with an "open brig" caption and the "use" key or button (like climbing the ladder) when looking at the lock.

    In the event that your vessel is deemed sunk / sinking beyond salvage, after you have re-spawned (either attempting to swim to the surface or just staying in the brig) you are teleported to a new vessel at an island as it already stands in the game.

    This will...

    1. do away with the need to manually scuttle.
    2. prevent spawn killing.
    3. balance re-spawn times for everybody regardless of hardware specs between high-end PCs, Xbox consoles and low-end PCs.
  • @admiral-rrrsole said in The ferry of the d****d serves no purpose.:

    In the event that your vessel is deemed sunk / sinking beyond salvage, after you have re-spawned (either attempting to swim to the surface or just staying in the brig) you are teleported to a new vessel at an island as it already stands in the game.

    I personally don't like this idea, because even if I get sunk I am still able to sink the enemy and at least delay their escape with my / their booty. With what you're suggesting that wouldn't be possible. ;7

  • @howdoishoot926
    There's several poins actually:

    1. Lore
    The ferry of the damned is the reason why your pirate can return to the world of the living time and time again. Without this ship all souls would be lost after dying, but the captain of the ferry will guide lost souls back to the realm of the living. Apart from seeing the ship and walking around on it you also get to see other unfortunate ones.

    2. It prevents you from seeing what's happing while you're dead
    When you're dead you don't know what happens on your ship, it keeps you on your toes and keeps up the tension. Died on your ship while going towards some rocks? Pirates on your ship? Ship damaged and sinking? Are people taking your treasures? It's this kind of uncertainty that gives the death away from your ship consquence.

    3. Respawn timer for balance
    Apart from not seeing your ship, it's also a balancing mechanism to stay dead for a certain amount of time before you can return. This time is the time from spawning onto the ship until the door opens for you (or longer if you prefer). This isn't unreal tournament where you can instantly respawn, that would totally break the balance in the game.

    Sure the ship might be replaced by a loading screen with a timer or even a cutscene but you'll end up in a loading screen to return back in the game anyway. So I'd rather spent that time in the ferry where you at least can see if the other pirates that were close to you died as well.

    Both of your points have nothing to do with the ferry specifically though. You'll always have to load back into the game even if you implement a cutscene or still picture.

    1. Spawnkilling
      Whenever you show a loading screen your character has to load into the game, they already make you spawn at different spots on the ship to mitigate it. You could say they could add limited invulnerability but that could easily give you an unfair advantage over the people on the ship though.
    2. Varying times to respawn
      This is something I would like to see be equal for everyone, however I've already seen them improve this quite a lot. I'm not entirely sure if they're there yet though. I play on both the Xbox and PC and in the earlier versions of the game the difference was really night and day. Now the Xbox actually loads in just as fast or almost as fast as my PC. The 2 minutes you sketch here is really unrealistic even on my normal Xbox One.

    Your suggestion of giving you a 360 view camera while you're waiting to spawn in would kind of take away the point of being dead. You would be able to see everything while you just wait to spawn in and even communicate with your teammates about what's going on. It would remove the uncertainty and totally break the game's balance.

    I think the ferry is fine as it is, but I agree that they should tweak the loading times so the overall time from dying to being alive is the same for everyone.

  • @admiral-rrrsole sagte in The ferry of the d****d serves no purpose.:

    1. who said anything about spawning on enemy ships? How much grog have you drank in the past hour of my absence? You know it can be checked by keg weight. lol :o)

    You talked about triggering the respawn yourself when the immediate area is clear, which only makes sense if you spawn right there. If I kill you on or near my ship you should absolutely not respawn there.

  • @darkg25 This is only in the event of being killed, an alternative to the ferry. Therefore you are not any worse off than being on the ferry.

  • @admiral-rrrsole said in The ferry of the d****d serves no purpose.:

    @darkg25 This is only in the event of being killed, an alternative to the ferry. Therefore you are not any worse off than being on the ferry.

    Ahh, yea true that. :)

  • @admiral-rrrsole said in The ferry of the d****d serves no purpose.:

    To make it easier for Rare's barrel of monkeys.
    Death itself could be replaced with an unconscious state of being for a given period and your lifeless body simply stays there.
    Where, just like sleeping in-game, you can see around your immediate self via the 360 view camera angles which are already in game.
    The only indication to spawn killers is when you jump back onto your feet which can be entirely up to you after the given time period.
    When the immediate area looks clear, jump back to life.

    Job done. :o)

    Great idea! So if I get killed doing a skull fort I can sit there and watch until the captain comes out before popping back in! This wouldn't cause any problems at all.

    I think this thread is only referring to dying while on board your own ship. Which I understand the gripes of unnecessary loading. I don't pretend to understand how the game loads what, but I am pretty sure the ferry does actually serve a purpose due to your ship being a moving respawn.

  • @fishst1ck Your reply to my post has some merit, I should not have included the "cut scene"although I was just thinking out loud.

    Don't for a minute think that spawning back on your ship always gives you random spawn locations. I have repeatedly spawn in the same spot of a sloop many times in a row (right next to the map table) and last night I kept re-spawning on the stern of the galleon time and time again. There might be various spawn locations but the random use of them does NOT always work.
    Even if it did, what's to prevent a 4 man crew from camping each location?

    1. Lore, who cares? The "cut scene" could be a simple texture or a black screen and countdown timer which wouldn't require reloading the map again.
    2. What difference does it make when you can hear them shooting or slashing you or the sound of your ship filling with water?
    3. No, the time is the given time on the ferry plus an untold and uncontrolled variation of loading time. How is this fair?

    There is obviously enough concerns about this topic as you couldn't count how many times I have read complaints about PC players re-spawning faster than Xbox players.
    The fact is true for high-end PCs but I have a low-end PC which gives me an even longer re-spawn time than the average Xbox or PC player.

  • @crimsonraziel Sorry, I didn't think of being killed on an enemy ship. My bad.
    I'm usually the victim, not the aggressor. :o)

    I actually stated this in my post...

    When you die you are teleported to your own ship's brig.

    So I can't see how you were confused.

    Edit 2: Sorry I quoted the above edit from the wrong post. My apologies.

  • @howdoishoot926 to give uou something cool to lookat and an idea of how many others are on your server during respawn time, so your not just staring at a call of duty counter. W*f is wrong with you. Calm down its actually pretty awesome.

  • @admiral-rrrsole lol i dont understand how yall are getting spawn killed. They cant kill you nor tell where on the ship you will show up untill your fully back in the game. Try using internet, not cellular wefi, or whatever. Plug it into the wall. Gosh. Also alot of times youll spawn in right behind the enemy. Yay

  • @twiztedkarrtoon Maybe that's the way it is meant to be but unfortunately it's not always the case.
    Any other night: On a galleon I always spawn below deck (bottom level), at the very front of the hull. On sloops I usually spawn on the raised deck next to the capstan.

    I am on PC and have internet via cable to the router which is plugged into the respective wall connections. Australian "NBN" (National Broadband Network) infrastructure by the Australian government. Not as good as my previous cable internet but not as bad as most other internet provider options.

    My American crew mate also complained of being spawn killed during the same time of our game session. He actually had plenty of server related issues dropping frame rate from an average of 70-90 most nights but down to 2 FPS last night.

  • @admiral-rrrsole said in The ferry of the d****d serves no purpose.:

    Okay, how about this?

    When you die you are teleported to your own ship's brig.
    You cease to be harmed further or die again during your time in the brig.
    If your vessel is deemed to be sunk / sinking beyond salvage, you are teleported to a new / replacement vessel at an island as it already stands in the game.

    After the set time (death period) you, the deceased, may unlock and exit the brig. This will be made evident with an "open brig" caption and the "use" key or button (like climbing the ladder) when looking at the lock.

    In the event that your vessel is deemed sunk / sinking beyond salvage, after you have re-spawned (either attempting to swim to the surface or just staying in the brig) you are teleported to a new vessel at an island as it already stands in the game.

    This will...

    1. do away with the need to manually scuttle.
    2. prevent spawn killing.
    3. balance re-spawn times for everybody regardless of hardware specs between high-end PCs, Xbox consoles and low-end PCs.

    I don't personally even see an issue with spawn killing, This is one of the only games where I say it has its purpose and is needed. I spawn kill constantly. I do this because If I put in hard work to put holes in your hull AND boarded you AND killed you I'm not about to let you move around respawn and kill me and repair. I will murder that pirate the second he loads in to avoid that. It's unfortunate but necessary.

  • @twiztedkarrtoon said in The ferry of the d****d serves no purpose.:

    @admiral-rrrsole lol i dont understand how yall are getting spawn killed. They cant kill you nor tell where on the ship you will show up untill your fully back in the game. Try using internet, not cellular wefi, or whatever. Plug it into the wall. Gosh. Also alot of times youll spawn in right behind the enemy. Yay

    It's called Wi-Fi and any self respecting person that games will not use that. Also, You need to keep in mind not everyone who games is Murican and on a different continent then you, I have an Aussie friend I play with and when we do hes at the mercy of the American servers so he will have latency issues. Not everyone can be on a level playing field when they are a world apart.

  • @howdoishoot926 said in The ferry of the d****d serves no purpose.:

    Seriously. Whats the point of it? I get to sit at a loading screen to sit at the black loading screen?

    There is a system needed while the game preps to put you back into the world. They built the Lore behind this in their comics and Tales book. Gives you an understanding of how it is you were killed but are now able to come back.

  • The only real issue I have is the respawn. Your character loads in before you can see anything.(yes based on respawn distance back to the ship) but I think you should not have your pirate physically appear until you can view the lower deck of the ship. Plus not a fan of spawning in at the lower deck on a ship staring at barrels.

  • @admiral-rrrsole sagte in The ferry of the d****d serves no purpose.:

    @crimsonraziel Sorry, I didn't think of being killed on an enemy ship. My bad.
    I'm usually the victim, not the aggressor. :o)

    I actually stated this in my post...

    When you die you are teleported to your own ship's brig.

    So I can't see how you were confused.

    Stop trying to take me for a fool. Your first comment that mentions the brig was posted after my first comment and an hour later than the other post of yours that I was responding to. As chance would have it, it overlapped with my second post.

    Maybe I'm still drunk, so please show me the passage about the brig. I quoted the posts for you, so you don't need to scroll around and end up confused too.

    @admiral-rrrsole sagte in The ferry of the d****d serves no purpose.:

    I have posted about this myself.
    Two major complaints of the game stem directly from the ferry teleportation.

    1. spawn killing, placing your character's physical body back on board the ship well before you have any visual or control over it.
    2. varying times required to re-spawn. This is because of hardware but could be avoided by having an over-all time on the ferry as opposed to having a specified time before the door opens then it starts to load you back into the game.

    The ferry does not need to be any more than a short cut scene, even a still picture. Sure it won't be as much fun but neither is repeatedly getting spawn killed or the fact that people who have died after you are being spawned before you.

    Sitting here staring at a black screen for up to two minutes isn't what I call immersion.

    @admiral-rrrsole sagte in The ferry of the d****d serves no purpose.:

    To make it easier for Rare's barrel of monkeys.
    Death itself could be replaced with an unconscious state of being for a given period and your lifeless body simply stays there.
    Where, just like sleeping in-game, you can see around your immediate self via the 360 view camera angles which are already in game.
    The only indication to spawn killers is when you jump back onto your feet which can be entirely up to you after the given time period.
    When the immediate area looks clear, jump back to life.

    Job done. :o)

    @admiral-rrrsole sagte in The ferry of the d****d serves no purpose.:

    @crimsonraziel said in The ferry of the d****d serves no purpose.:

    @admiral-rrrsole Nope.

    1. you shouldn't see what your opponent does while you're dead.
    2. no spawning on enemy ships.
    1. Okay, fair enough. I was a bit hesitant in suggesting that. To be fair, there shouldn't be a spectator mode in any game.
    2. who said anything about spawning on enemy ships? How much grog have you drank in the past hour of my absence? You know it can be checked by keg weight. lol :o)
  • @admiral-rrrsole Yeah especially when PC loading times are faster than Xbox, making it a complete advantage for PC. On top of the advantage they already have (mouse and space bar) being able to aim better, move, and jump faster. Really unfair if you ask me.

  • @howdoishoot926 it gets whoever I killed out of my face. That's the point.

    Same.reason I always prefered Battlefield Death mechanics over Call of Duty.

    If I I shouldn't have to deal with you again for at least 30 seconds to a minute.

    Plus it gives me time to sink your ship and takes away time for you to fix it!

  • @howdoishoot926 said in The ferry of the d****d serves no purpose.:

    Seriously. Whats the point of it? I get to sit at a loading screen to sit at the black loading screen?

    If you don't like it stop going there :)

  • @ve111a not talking about wifi, im talking about all the peoe that use mobile internet, from cellular service, mifi, wefi, hotspots. They shouldnt be allowed to connect to play. Not only do they ruin their own experiences but ours as well. Also those that use satellite. It is what it is.

  • @twiztedkarrtoon said in The ferry of the d****d serves no purpose.:

    @ve111a not talking about wifi, im talking about all the peoe that use mobile internet, from cellular service, mifi, wefi, hotspots. They shouldnt be allowed to connect to play. Not only do they ruin their own experiences but ours as well. Also those that use satellite. It is what it is.

    Sometimes thats all they have available. I work for an ISP and a lot customers can be rural and have no access to DSL or Cable so wireless AP is all they can do. Can't fault people for where they live.

  • I love the ferry of the damned, ive met a few cool people in there and I don't feel like it needs to be changed. Maybe give xbox players a shorter respawn time if loading times are really that big of an issue but other than that, i think its great as is.

  • @ve111a your right but the game servers shouldnt allow multiplayer gamming with people that do that, fault or not it messes up the whole gaming comunity. If nothing else they should only be able to play with each other

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