Depression with sea of thieves

  • I just wanted to post here I've been playing see you at these for a long time and I found out about this website and I wanted to go ahead and post here I'm not good with punctuation but I guess a couple things I just wanted to get off my chest was I know I suck at the game and I'm always going to get killed because no matter what I try to do it seems like players are always right there they know how to blast you off of a cannon they know how to sink you very quick and I just can't get good at it even though I don't give up I guess the other thing that bothers me is when Sea thieves players attack you and then they start talking bad about you and your family in real life I guess because they want to talk smack I just kind of hurts my feelings when people do that but I guess what bothers me the most is my dad just recently had a heart attack and you know when somebody talks bad about him it kind of makes me sad because I don't know how much longer I have with him but I tried to escape into the world to see a thieves and sometimes I get lucky and I'm able to do voyages and sometimes I'm lucky that I can actually sell a few chest but then there's those times when the world events come and I try to do the ashen Lords and people will come and attack you even if they don't need the skull of flames or whatever or the winds skull they attack you anyways just because they enjoy being a bully some people like to be trolls even if you don't even have any treasure people will attack you just to attack you and it just gets tiring like that I mean I get it it's a PVP game but people could be nice once in awhile but I just hope one day I can learn how to battle really well even do solo on a sloop I do have a friend but when he's not on I usually try to do solo I don't know I guess I just have to take a chance every time I play because I feel like I'll never be good at it sorry for writing so much but thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts

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  • @reaperakac-j As a non-native-english person, this is hard to read without punctuations...but well, I did it 😜

    Anyway, when other crews start talking bad, record it and send it to the support
    Getting sunk while at an event...that's the game and completely legit, deal with it...doesn't matter if the other crew doesn't need the stuff, but it's money to steal, that's what this game is the horizon, park the ship out of sight, try to flee or sail away early if you think another ship is coming for you

  • @reaperakac-j Ahoy matey!

    For me, I find Sea of Thieves does help in this area... It's a great escape. I'm no PvP expert myself, but I do find I can just spend hours endlessly sailing, digging, sword swinging, gun firing... You get the picture!

    May I suggest finding yourself a good crew via one of our Discord LFC channels or here on the forums under the Find a Crew section?

    And in the meantime, have you tried Safer Seas? It's a good way to find your sea legs!

  • I can just offer what I would do in your shoes based off this post.

    A few things to start off:

    You don't suck at the game. It's an adventure game, "bad" at the game is an illusion that is put out there by people that want status. Nobody is bad at adventure if they are trying to adventure.

    You're human, you have feelings and emotions and frustrations just like everyone else. Everyone goes through personal struggles and everyone is in a situation where they gotta figure out a manageable way to navigate their way through that.

    You are capable and you are worth the effort. You're going through a tough personal time but you will navigate through it and it's worth the effort, you are worth the effort that it takes no matter where you end up adventuring. Here, another game, a different hobby, a different environment.


    Navigating through struggle will add warmth to the peace found in appreciation. Appreciation will maintain longevity in this journey, in this adventure. Everything you do has significance if you allow it to become an important part of your outlook while adventuring.

    You will have good days, fortunate experiences, lucky outcomes. These are possible today because you got through yesterday, these are possible tomorrow because of your perseverance today. You are not bad at the game, you are not bad at adventuring. You have strengths and purpose and you're gonna be alright.


    People are gonna say and do mean things sometimes, that's got nothing to do with you. It doesn't define you, it doesn't make you less, it might hurt, you're human. Your victory as a person is formed from your treatment of others and yourself. If you are kind to those around you, supportive, encouraging, patient, thoughtful, it will build something that others cannot destroy. It will allow you to fight without causing harm.

    In the end

    You are just as important as anyone here. Skill, status, title, whatever, it doesn't matter. The environment only thrives when people choose to spend time here, that includes you.

    If losing stings, if harsh words hurt, it's alright, people get to feel how they feel about things, then it's time to get up, dust off, go again. You're worth the effort every time you try, you're never bad when you're trying. Trying takes grit, outcome doesn't take a dang thing away from people with grit. You're already doing awesome, just might not feel like it right now.

  • @reaperakac-j as unfortunate as it is, if safer seas does not mesh with your desires and high seas causes too much emotional distress for you to enjoy, you may want to take a break from the game. It's okay for a game to be a bad fit for you and it's okay to not be the best at a game and end up sunk.

    Games are meant to be fun and if they aren't bringing joy, just take a break and step back to get a different perspective.

  • Id definitely recommend finding a good crew via lfg or discord servers. The game is very different with a good crew to playing solo and is how the game was originally designed.

    If it's trash talk, if you are in Xbox start an Xbox party and sit in it alone if needs be. You can't hear in game communication that way, so if there is trash talk you can't hear it.

    But mostly just make sure you are finding something in the game which brings joy, if there is nothing take a break and play something different. There are a whole range of "cosy" games which I find are great when I'm down and need a break

  • If you play on console, turn on console/controller preferred.

  • Ty your very kind and your words inspire me to fight harder I appreciate your kind words


  • Thank you all for your inspiring words and yeah I just need to grind harder cuz I do enjoy this game I don't want to play another pirate game and try to find some kind of inner peace in those I enjoy this game and I appreciate everybody with the advice and the kind words and I'm just going to grind harder thank you all

  • @reaperakac-j said in Depression with sea of thieves:

    Ty your very kind and your words inspire me to fight harder I appreciate your kind words


    The best version of yourself that you'll ever be is when you adventure with confidence built on your individuality. You never have to compare to anyone, there are no expectations or obligations to compete with the individuality or performance of another. There is room for everyone to be themselves. You have a story to tell through your effort and actions and expression. It is an awesome story that will get better with time.

    You can tell a lot about a person by how they communicate and I think you have a whole lot to offer the servers you share with others. If people pick on you to the point that it's keeping you down you're always welcome to message me for some encouragement.

  • @reaperakac-j if what people say gets to you Id recommend muting other crews if you're on pc you can set it to and individual keybind if you're on xbox you will have to do it manually.

    If PvP is what you want to avoid / improve at much I'd recommend Safer Seas or watching some content creators for guides.

    Here are some YouTubers I'd recommend for PvP related guides.
    -Massive Sponge

    Hope this helps and if something gets too much remember to take a break

  • There is a lot of nuance to pvp in this game and plenty to learn, but i honestly believe everyone can learn! I got into the game well after metas were established, but now i can hold my own against most people for the most part!

    The 2 best things that helped me were self imposed challenges to not turn in until i sunk some one else with a full hoard, and thinking about where things went wrong in a fight. I can remember just about every major mistake i made my self in a battle that caused me to sink, and knowing what i did wrong helped me figure out what to change to avoid sinking for that reason again.

    That all said, the game has one of the highest skill ceilings i have seen for not having any upgrades to be bought. Some times when you sink it is just because the other crew knows what to do a little bit better, or has a little faster reaction time or is a little calmer under stress. But everyone starts somewhere and has to learn, so even the best players probably struggled just as much against some one!

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