Red Sea changes...

  • My take on the PVP aspect is that it's expected to get attacked when you're doing a world event, but half of my PVP interactions have been from murderhobos, usually a galley, traveling across the map attacking literally every ship they see even if it's a fresh spawn at an outpost.

    Denying them loot is always justified but it's better just to leave the server altogether when they show up

  • @gosva5434 said in Red Sea changes...:

    I think it creates an unhealthy playstyle. In Sea of Thieves player interaction is what makes the game unique and fun and no matter how much people try to deny it if there wasn't any pvp selling loot or completing events, commendations etc. would not feel as rewarding since pve is kinda easy tbh. Completing 50 FotD in an alliance server is not the same achievement as completing it in a normal server. Going to the shores of gold and just waiting till i give up provides no interaction of this kind at all, and if people really think that i am sad that i didn't get 100k worth of loot they are completely wrong. I wouldn't care if he just run or drive by sold everything. That would have been a nice chase and i would have accepted defeat. However using something that is imo an exploit ( yeah i know people do not agree and that is ok but that is what i believe) just to go to the red sea and not come out till i leave the borders is honestly not that fun for anyone i think. That person would have waited 5 hours if i didn't have other things to do and i would have wasted 5 hours of my time. Getting away by managing your sails, anchor turns, going into the fog or storm etc. is a much better story to tell for both partys. Again if i had time to wait he wouldn't have sold and would not get any loot so it would be a lose-lose situation and that is why i think it ruins the experience. Had he fought me and sunk me or just run somewhere else besides the red sea, burying the loot etc. would 100% been more fun for both of us. I have been chased and sunk multiple times and i can tell you that if found doing those things way more fun than if i waited at the red sea.

    They did those things and you couldn't keep up so now you're whining about it because you can't be bothered with TT...

    Take the hint and back off. Wait for their guard to drop. You obviously weren't going to out sail them otherwise they would have never made it to Tribute Peak.

  • @pithyrumble
    I don't know why you are being so offended by me just saying my opinion. Also let me give you a hint people you chase can manage sails too...

  • To avoid this issue, you can simply just go to Morrow's, grab the tall tale, get to the checkpoint of where you go into the shroud, and keep it for anytime someone runs!

  • @valor-omega
    Yeah, for now it seems this is the most valid option. I just thought it was an interesting topic for discussion in general and wanted to see what people thought. Seems it is regarded as a valid strat so i need to get my tall tale game in check. Personally i could live without it but it seems others disagree so it is what it is.

  • I also don't believe this (running to the Shores of Gold to avoid having loot stolen) happens frequently anyways. Most people aren't savvy enough to sail to the Shores of Gold, and even if they did, they likely wouldn't have much loot to make it worthwhile. As others have stated, do PvP or sometimes I like to sneak up to the PvE'rs via rowboat or swimming and ambush them that way. Sailing toward them, only for them to give chase (Shores of gold or anywhere on the map frankly) is only going to be a waste of time, in my opinion.

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