When will non-pvp players get some QoL win condition in pvp?

  • @wolfmanbush said in When will non-pvp players get some QoL win condition in pvp?:

    @coffeelight5545 said in When will non-pvp players get some QoL win condition in pvp?:

    In short, PvE will keep the game alive without PvP. Why do you think there are so many PvE updates and only 1 major PvP update?

    Because pve updates are pvp updates in reality

    new content is new interest and more activity in theory

    pvers produce for reward, pvpers hunt that new production for reward, and those that play both engage in both

    For example season 9

    Ideally pvers and pve/pvpers will produce and pvpers will invest in defense Hg while hunting a server. If this happens this way season 9 will do alright for pve, pvp and those that do both.

    Ideally the appeal for pve in season 9 will be the qol improvements and world event tinkering which not only will make the experience of pve more enjoyable but the losses less severe, in theory. Higher production means higher activity for pvpers and now with defense HG they have an option to improve their sessions, in theory.

    Wow, everything about this post is wrong!

    Tell me, the update that introduced Tall Tales in this game. How does that benefit PvP? How do the monthly Adventures help PvP? The answer is they don’t. They give actively to PvE players and have no loot whatsoever to steal.

    The new voyages we get also don’t benefit PvP because there is no way to identify where they are on the map. The final chapter of the Legend of the Veil is technically the only voyage that tells other crews where you are.

    The Reaper Bones faction was meant to be a PvP faction but now it’s a PvE grinding faction that accepts all loot. I can’t tell you how many times I have encountered a Reaper Bones emissary that fled as soon as they saw me.

    In truth, this hourglass mode benefits PvE more than PvP. It removes players from the world. Did you know when you dive you’re still technically in the same server? That’s one less ship to attack players who don’t want to be disturbed.

  • @coffeelight5545 said in When will non-pvp players get some QoL win condition in pvp?:

    @wolfmanbush said in When will non-pvp players get some QoL win condition in pvp?:

    @coffeelight5545 said in When will non-pvp players get some QoL win condition in pvp?:

    In short, PvE will keep the game alive without PvP. Why do you think there are so many PvE updates and only 1 major PvP update?

    Because pve updates are pvp updates in reality

    new content is new interest and more activity in theory

    pvers produce for reward, pvpers hunt that new production for reward, and those that play both engage in both

    For example season 9

    Ideally pvers and pve/pvpers will produce and pvpers will invest in defense Hg while hunting a server. If this happens this way season 9 will do alright for pve, pvp and those that do both.

    Ideally the appeal for pve in season 9 will be the qol improvements and world event tinkering which not only will make the experience of pve more enjoyable but the losses less severe, in theory. Higher production means higher activity for pvpers and now with defense HG they have an option to improve their sessions, in theory.

    Wow, everything about this post is wrong!

    Tell me, the update that introduced Tall Tales in this game. How does that benefit PvP? How do the monthly Adventures help PvP? The answer is they don’t. They give actively to PvE players and have no loot whatsoever to steal.

    The new voyages we get also don’t benefit PvP because there is no way to identify where they are on the map. The final chapter of the Legend of the Veil is technically the only voyage that tells other crews where you are.

    The Reaper Bones faction was meant to be a PvP faction but now it’s a PvE grinding faction that accepts all loot. I can’t tell you how many times I have encountered a Reaper Bones emissary that fled as soon as they saw me.

    In truth, this hourglass mode benefits PvE more than PvP. It removes players from the world. Did you know when you dive you’re still technically in the same server? That’s one less ship to attack players who don’t want to be disturbed.

    Driving up interest in playing SoT even if temporarily leads to encounters that aren't just tall tale related or adventure tale related. Any content that generates interest is trying to get people hooked on the game so they branch out into other parts of the game, specifically production in exchange for reward.

    Reapers was high risk high reward with a pvp factor but not a pvp faction. Higher stakes gameplay. Something that people with more experience can latch onto. Ultimately reapers was actually designed as a pve/pvp faction and did work out that way even though the environment became imbalanced around it.

  • @wolfmanbush said in When will non-pvp players get some QoL win condition in pvp?:

    @vakrisone said in When will non-pvp players get some QoL win condition in pvp?:

    @arch-ideall said in When will non-pvp players get some QoL win condition in pvp?:

    Red Sea being changed in favor of attackers means that non-pvp player lost another tool that helped them protect their loot. Not just by sinking it, which was more of fake draw, but also by creating pressure for attackers that the loot had been at risk of being denied, which with some luck could had been used to gain distance to escape. This tool is gone so the survivability rate of attacked players has yet again decreased.

    My question is, when will we get some QoL changes that would go in the opposite direction to improve the survivability of defending crews?

    Red sea-ing didn't protect your loot. It literally puts loot out of the map so that no one can get it. It's the definition of an "if I can't have it then no one can." negative attitude.

    It has no impact on the survivability rate of attacked players. The survivability of players is largely down to skill and getting lucky with the hit-reg roulette wheel.

    It didn't kill the loot it made it annoying to get

    It made it impossible to get in a number of ways. You've played this game long enough to know that.

    which is no different than when people hide loot during a chase, let it sink somewhere, put it in a spot that is hard to grab or not possible to grab/harpoon

    They just served a party the win condition in a specific scenario, that's all it was

    It is interference, it is picking a winner that did not earn what they are being given, and devs are free to make that decision it's their game, but that is what the decision is. It's not something else.

    This is all some very fine whataboutism and straw man argumentation but at the end of it all the devs themselves would disagree with you on your definition of "it was no different than .... ".

  • @jolly-ol-yep said in When will non-pvp players get some QoL win condition in pvp?:

    @goldsmen a dit dans When will non-pvp players get some QoL win condition in pvp? :

    Red sea running was never a tool to protect their loot. What are you talking about? Taking your loot and trying to sail it to a place that you think NO ONE can get it, is not a way of protecting your loot, its poor sportsman ship with the same logic as some one being in a bad position in chess, and just flipping the table so the other person cant win.


    I walk into a bar. I have a drink with friends. Bullies come and threaten us. Big baddies, 3 times our size (think XP and time spent playing).
    We run away.

    And we're the bad sportsman here ?

    C'mon. Stop with that narrative. Chasers that would chase you into Red Sea if you're not a grade 5 emissary or have an Athena on board or very valuable loot were BULLIES. I don't treat with bullies, unless they come for my friends I avoid and ignore them.

    Nothing to do with chess. Lol.

    Sweet Cheesus lad, it's a video game about pirates stealing treasure and sinking ships...

    It's not bullying to shoot pixels at the other funny pixel pirates.

  • @coffeelight5545 said in When will non-pvp players get some QoL win condition in pvp?:

    Tell me, the update that introduced Tall Tales in this game. How does that benefit PvP? How do the monthly Adventures help PvP? The answer is they don’t. They give actively to PvE players and have no loot whatsoever to steal.

    No one plays the Tall Tales. They stopped making them because the effort was high for something that either didn't get played or had no replayability. It's a prime example of what happens to PvE content when players have finished it; it gets dropped. A few of the adventures have been designed to draw players together, so they do occasionally attempt to cater to the games strengths even if the adventures haven't been all that great story wise.

    The new voyages we get also don’t benefit PvP because there is no way to identify where they are on the map. The final chapter of the Legend of the Veil is technically the only voyage that tells other crews where you are.

    You don't need to identify the voyages exactly. Anything that gets ships out sailing around and collecting loot is feeding into the concept of the game, which involves the potential for PvP. The voyages that identify you are just higher chance of drawing someone in.

  • @d3adst1ck

    The tall tales may have been scrapped but they have been replaced with Adventures which is essentially a tall tale. The adventures are PvE content that have no potential for PvP to profit. The only way the PvP community benefits from the adventures is if their intention is to troll others by interrupting the adventures for the PvE community.

    You are right where you said that the PvE community will loose interest if there is no new content. That’s why Rare is constantly adding new content. However, I disagree with the people who claim that this game can’t survive without PvP.

    PvP does add an element to this game but there are many games that thrive without PvP. The new Hogwarts Legacy game is the perfect example. It’s a story driven sandbox game without any PvP whatsoever. If Rare did the same thing, yes they would loose the PvP community but the game would still survive as long as new content was added.

  • @coffeelight5545 said in When will non-pvp players get some QoL win condition in pvp?:


    The tall tales may have been scrapped but they have been replaced with Adventures which is essentially a tall tale. The adventures are PvE content that have no potential for PvP to profit. The only way the PvP community benefits from the adventures is if their intention is to troll others by interrupting the adventures for the PvE community.

    There was an entire adventure based around completing forts and fighting other players for control of the forts. Lost Sands pit players on different teams against each other. The Shrouded Deep dropped a bunch of loot at the end after forcing multiple crews together. Not every adventure is PvP focused, but they do try to weave it in there if it makes sense.

    You are right where you said that the PvE community will loose interest if there is no new content. That’s why Rare is constantly adding new content. However, I disagree with the people who claim that this game can’t survive without PvP.

    PvP does add an element to this game but there are many games that thrive without PvP. The new Hogwarts Legacy game is the perfect example. It’s a story driven sandbox game without any PvP whatsoever. If Rare did the same thing, yes they would loose the PvP community but the game would still survive as long as new content was added.

    You can't be serious using a single player game less than a month old as an example of longevity?

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